Unlock Science Gold in Civ 7: The Morse Code Quiz

In the era of the Modern Age, players of Civilization VII can research Radio Technology. If they choose to pursue this, there’s a possibility they’ll get a mysterious transmission coded in Morse. To respond, they’ll have to pick from two pre-set messages that are also written in Morse code. The challenge lies in deciphering the transmission and the responses themselves.

People who aren’t acquainted with dots and dashes might struggle to respond appropriately to this transmission, which could lead to unwanted consequences later on. Responding correctly to the Morse code message in Civ 7 will yield a substantial reward, but making a mistake will result in severe penalties for players of Civilization VII.

How to Respond to the Morse Code Message in Civ 7

After decoding the Morse code, here’s what players should consider: Selecting the initial option will eventually net them +900 Science (roughly after ten moves). On the other hand, opting for the second choice could result in a -50% reduction of Science over the next three turns. Given these alternatives, most players should find making a decision quite straightforward.

What Do the Morse Code Messages Mean in Civ 7?

The first communication sent to players is a Morse code sequence “-.-. –.- -.. . .- ….- .-. -.-“, which translates to “CQDEA4RK”. In Morse code, “CQ” stands for “call” or “calling”, “DE” means “from” or “this is”, and “K” signifies “over”. The sequence “A4R” is probably the identification of the other operator or their transmission location. Thus, the message can be interpreted as “This is A4R calling. Over“.

– “GA” could be either a friendly greeting like “good afternoon” or an instruction like “go ahead”.
– “OM” is a term often used in radio communication, referring to any male operator as an “old man”.
– “HW” stands for “how do you copy?”. This part of the message checks if the recipient is successfully receiving and understanding the transmitted message.

I have decoded the Morse code and found that it reads “QAG5J”. As a fan, I can understand that “QAG” is a code given to pilots instructing them to arrange their flight path to fly over a specific location at an unspecified time. The “5J” likely represents the location they should fly over, but no time has been provided in this message. Since the syntax is incorrect and we don’t know the other operator, it seems that this is not a complete or clear instruction for the pilots to follow.

Morse Code Translation Meaning
-.-. –.- -.. . .- ….- .-. -.- (Initial Transmission) CQDEA4RK This is A4R calling. Over.
Player Chooses Response #1
–. .- — — …. .– ..–.. (Player) GAOMHW? Go ahead, old man. How do you copy?
–. .- -.. .-. — — ..- .-. ….. —-. —-. (Operator) GADROMUR599 Good afternoon dear old man, you are perfectly readable, have an extremely strong signal, and a perfect tone.
Player Chooses Response #2
–.- .- –. ….. .— (Player) QAG5J Arrange your flight to fly over 5J.
-. .. .-.. .-.. .. -.. … -.- (Operator) NILLIDSK Nothing heard. Poor operator. End of transmission.

If the players opt for the initial response, the character will respond with “Good afternoon, old friend! You’re crystal clear, your signal is robust, and your tone is just right.” However, if they select the second choice, he’ll counter with “No signal detected. Seems like a faulty operator. Transmission terminated.”

In such a scenario, players will incur a 50% reduction in their Science gain for the next three turns, which could significantly hinder those striving for a Science victory.


Q: How Should You Respond to the Morse Code Transmission in Civ 7?

Choosing the first response will reward players with +900 Science. Choosing the second response will lead to players being punished with -50% Science for three turns. As such, players should definitely choose the first response (–. .- — — …. .– ..–..).

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2025-02-12 20:45