Unlock the Secret to Transforming Your Sims’ World: Master Changing Lot Types in The Sims 4!

In The Sims 4, just an open space and a dash of imagination is all it takes for players to construct their dream homes, eateries, or libraries, with the right lot type serving as the foundation. There are 13 distinct types of lots in the main game, but this number swells significantly after installing expansion packs, game packs, and stuff packs. Players have the option to download their preferred lot designs from the gallery or craft them from scratch.

Players of The Sims 4 may find it challenging to determine how to alter the property type once it has been chosen. Whether they aspire to transform their tranquil suburban residences into lively commercial establishments or revamp the neighborhood children’s playground into a popular party venue, grasping the process for changing lot types can significantly enhance gameplay experience. The following steps will guide you through effortlessly switching between various property types, enabling your Sims to prosper in diverse settings.

What Are Lot Types In The Sims 4?

The categorization of lots is based on their intended function. Once you assign a type to an open lot, it influences the sort of activities and social interactions that occur there. Additionally, it affects the kind of Sims who might frequent or inhabit the lot. Each lot has unique prerequisites for items in the build/buy mode. For instance, those with the Get to Work expansion pack have the ability to create their own retail store. Players can customize both the interior and exterior of their Sim’s store; however, they must include certain essentials – such as a cash register – to finish the setup.

Instead of lot characteristics and issues, these distinctly influence how a Sim engages with and perceives the lot. Upon initiating the traits panel for a new property, you’ll find a diverse array of choices that enrich and personalize each lot within the game. You can assign up to three traits to each lot, impacting Sims and the surrounding lot environment. For instance, the Party Place trait fosters an ideal setting for hosting successful gold-star parties in the game.

Alternative challenges in the game present hurdles that your Sim characters must conquer within their lots. For instance, the “off-the-grid” challenge prohibits electric and plumbing facilities on the lot, forcing you to utilize particular off-grid items available in the build/buy menu only.

How To Change Lot Types In The Sims 4

You can utilize lot types when constructing a new property or making changes later in Build/Buy mode. However, keep in mind that if Sims are already living on the lot, you cannot alter the lot type without moving them out or evicting them first. To modify the lot type, navigate to the lot from the world map and access build mode.

Next, click on the “Venue Info” button located in the top left corner of your screen, marked by a small white house icon with a lowercase ‘i’. This action will reveal the “Lot Info Panel”, providing details such as lot type, value, dimensions, required items, and number of bedrooms/bathrooms. From here, choose the preferred lot type using the drop-down menu.

All Lot Types In The Sims 4

In The Sims 4, you’ll find various kinds of lots distributed among numerous game packs. Here’s a rundown of all lot types present in The Sims 4, along with the packs where you can find them:

The Sims 4 features diverse lots that are spread across multiple game packs. Check out this list for details on the different lot types available in The Sims 4 and their respective pack sources:

Lot Type Pack
Residential Base Game
Arts Center City Living
Bar Base Game
Beach Island Living / My Wedding Stories
Cafe Get Together
Community Space Eco Lifestyle
Foxbury Commons Discover University
Generic Base Game
Gym Base Game
Karaoke Bar City Living
Library Base Game
Lounge Base Game
Museum Base Game
National Park Base Game
Nightclub Base Game
Onsen Bathhouse Snowy Escape
Park Base Game
Pool Base Game
Recreation Center Growing Together
Rental Base Game
Restaurant Dine Out
Retail Get To Work
Small Business Businesses & Hobbies
Spa Spa Day
Thrift and Bubble Tea Store High School Years
UBrite Commons Discover University
University Housing Discover University
Vet Clinic Cats & Dogs
Wedding Venue Base Game

Small Business Venue Lot Type In The Sims 4

Earlier, Sims couldn’t operate a business on the same location where they resided without using additional tools (mods). However, the arrival of the Businesses & Hobbies expansion package allows players to establish small businesses using the Small Business Venue lot type. Players can register these small businesses via the Owned Businesses Panel located in the lower right corner during live mode or through objects such as the Ticket Kiosk, Phone, or Computer. Each Sim can own and manage only one small business. They have the option to attach their small business to their home lot or choose a separate property with the small business lot type.

Once a small business is officially registered and its business type is determined, the proprietor can tailor the operations according to their preferences, oversee staff management, establish clientele requirements, and decide on pricing structures so as to mold their small business journey in line with their aspirations.

For a well-structured and private environment, users can categorize spaces as Residential, Public, or Employees Only. The designated colors for these areas are blue, pink, and yellow. You can find the room assignments in the Venue Info tab or by clicking on the Small Business icon. To label business zones, click on the Unit Outlines button while in build mode, then select a room on your lot. This categorization ensures smooth business operations and prevents customers from entering restricted areas.

In outdoor zones, these areas are typically open and accessible for visitors to explore. However, property owners might choose to install fences around private spots such as gardens to prevent unwanted intrusion or prying eyes from peeking into their personal affairs.

What Are Special Venues In The Sims 4?

In The Sims 4 game, you’ll discover numerous unique locations and secret realms that players can modify once they visit a lot, activate cheats, and input the command “bb.enablefreebuild“. It’s important to note that these special lot types cannot be altered or transferred to other lots. Here is a list of all the accessible Special Venues in The Sims 4:

(Note: I’ve tried to make it as natural and easy-to-read as possible, while maintaining the original meaning.)

Lot Type Pack
Acting Studio Get Famous
Ancient Ruins Get Together
Apartment City Living / Eco Lifestyle
Auditorium High School Years
Central Park City Living
Chalet Gardens Get Together
First Order Cargo Journey to Batuu
Forgotten Grotto Base Game
Hermit’s Hut Outdoor Retreat
High School High School Years
Hospital Get to Work
Island Bluff Get Together
Mount Komorebi Summit Snowy Escape
Oga’s Cantina Journey to Batuu
Omiscan Royal Baths Jungle Adventure
Penthouse City Living
Police Department Get to Work
Resistance Encampment Journey to Batuu
Science Lab Get to Work
Secret Lab Strangerville
Sixam Get to Work
Sylvian Glade Base Game
The Magic Realm Realm of Magic

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2025-03-12 03:29