Unlock the Secrets to Catching Shiny Dynamax Raikou in Pokemon GO!

On March 15, 2025, Pokemon GO introduced the Shiny variant of Dynamax Raikou during the Dynamax Raikou Max Battle Weekend. Victors in these Max Battles may receive a Shiny Raikou capable of Dynamaxing, but defeating a Legendary Max Battle Boss is no small feat.

A Shiny version of the Dynamaxed Raikou is a highly sought-after prize by collectors and combat strategists in Pokemon GO. However, obtaining a legendary Shiny Pokemon like this isn’t common and requires some effort. To boost your chances, you’ll need to conquer multiple Dynamax Raikou Max Battles. But keep in mind that this endeavor demands a deep understanding of the game mechanics (meta-knowledge) and careful selection of counters. This guide will show you the optimal method for securing a Shiny Dynamax Raikou.

If you’re into collecting rare Pokemon or love battling in Pokemon GO, the Shiny version of Dynamaxed Raikou is a must-have! However, getting a shiny legendary like this isn’t easy and requires lots of gameplay. To increase your chances, you need to defeat Dynamax Raikou in Max Battles many times. But remember, it requires knowing the game well (meta-knowledge) and selecting the right counters. This guide explains the best way to get a Shiny Dynamax Raikou.

Pokemon GO: Get Shiny Dynamax Raikou By Winning Max Battles

To conquer an Epic Dynamax Battle, gather a squad of 2 to 4 teammates, each armed with formidable responses. Joining the fray necessitates accumulating 800 Max Energy Particles, but remember that they will only be depleted if you emerge victorious. To maximize your chances, familiarize yourself with Dynamax Raikou’s vulnerabilities and resistances to strategically choose strong countermeasures against it.

After successfully completing the Dynamax Raikou Max Raid Battle in Pokemon GO, there’s a possibility that a Shiny version of Raikou could appear close by. However, it’s important to note that a Shiny encounter isn’t guaranteed; yet, the more encounters you have with Raikou, the sooner you might reach the odds for encountering its Shiny form.

Only the Shiny Raikou you get by winning Dynamax Raikou Max Battle can Dynamax.

Dynamax Raikou Weaknesses Dynamax Raikou Resistances
Ground-type moves Electric-type moves
Flying-type moves
Steel-type moves

Pokemon GO: Best Dynamax Raikou Max Battle Attackers

Pokemon Attack
Dynamax Excadrill Mud Shot (Ground)
Gigantamax Venusaur Vine Whip (Grass)
Gigantamax Gengar Lick (Ghost)
Gigantamax Charizard Fire Spin (Fire)
Dynamax Rillaboom Razor Leaf (Grass)
Dynamax Greedent Mud Shot (Ground)

Pokemon GO: Best Dynamax Raikou Max Battle Defenders

Pokemon Attack
Dynamax Excadrill Mud Shot (Ground)
Gigantamax Venusaur Vine Whip (Grass)
Gigantamax Toxtricity Spark (Electric)
Dynamax Rillaboom Razor Leaf (Grass)
Dynamax Venusaur Vine Whip (Grass)
Dynamax Metagross Zen Headbutt (Psychic)

Pokemon GO: Best Dynamax Raikou Max Battle Healers

Pokemon Attack
Dynamax Excadrill Mud Shot (Ground)
Dynamax Greedent Tackle (Normal)
Dynamax Rillaboom Scratch (Normal)
Gigantamax Venusaur Vine Whip (Grass)
Dynamax Venusaur Vine Whip (Grass)
Dynamax Metagross Zen Headbutt (Psychic)

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2025-03-15 13:04