Unlock the Secrets to Catching Shiny Swampert & Mega Swampert in Pokémon GO!

Victors of Mega Swampert Raids in Pokemon GO have the chance to stumble upon a Shimmering Swampert. Once obtained, you can transform it into a Radiant Mega Swampert, but to secure these prizes, multiple Mega Swampert Raid victories are necessary first.

Successfully capturing a Shiny Mega Swampert in Pokemon GO necessitates deep understanding of strategies and wise choice of counterattackers. Mega Raids represent one of the toughest battles, calling for cooperation with fellow trainers. The right combination of counters can deal substantial damage to Mega Swampert. This guide will show you the optimal method for obtaining a Shiny Swampert and Shiny Mega Swampert.

Pokemon GO: Get Shiny Mega Swampert By Winning Mega Raids

In the world of Pokemon GO, Mega Swampert boasts an impressive stat distribution with 283 Attack, 218 Defense, and 225 Health points, making it a formidable offensive choice. This powerful creature’s maximum Combat Power (CP) can soar up to a staggering 4975 CP, particularly when it takes on the role of a Mega Raid Boss. To enhance your chances of success, it is advisable to steer clear of solo raids and instead collaborate with at least four fellow trainers to boost your odds of victory.

Before choosing the best raid counter for Mega Swampert, it’s crucial to examine its type-weaknesses and resistances. Focus on selecting creatures with strong moves that target these weaknesses. Additionally, consider monsters that can utilize Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB) moves against Mega Swampert. This will enhance the effectiveness of your chosen raid counters.

Mega Swampert’s type-weaknesses and resistances

Mega Swampert Weaknesses Mega Swampert Resistances
Grass-type moves Electric-type moves
Fire-type moves
Poison-type moves
Rock-type moves
Steel-type moves

Pokemon GO: Best Mega Swampert Raid Counters

Pokemon Fast Move Charged Move
Mega Sceptile Bullet Seed (Grass) Frenzy Plant (Grass) (Legacy)
Mega Venusaur Vine Whip (Grass) Frenzy Plant (Grass) (Legacy)
Kartana Razor Leaf (Grass) Leaf Blade (Grass)
Sky Forme Shaymin Magical Leaf (Grass) Grass Knot (Grass)
Zarude Vine Whip (Grass) Power Whip (Grass)
Shadow Tangrowth Vine Whip (Grass) Power Whip (Grass)
Shadow Venusaur Vine Whip (Grass) Frenzy Plant (Grass) (Legacy)
Shadow Torterra Razor Leaf (Grass) Frenzy Plant (Grass) (Legacy)
Shadow Sceptile Bullet Seed (Grass) Frenzy Plant (Grass) (Legacy)
Rillaboom Razor Leaf (Grass) Grass Knot (Grass)

In the thrilling world of Pokémon GO, triumphing over a Mega Swampert Raid guarantees a Swampert encounter. However, there’s no secret recipe to ensure a Shiny Swampert encounter. What I do is keep battling numerous Mega Swampert Raids using the recommended counters. The more Swamperts I meet, the better my chances of stumbling upon that elusive Shiny version!

How To Mega Evolve Shiny Swampert In Pokemon GO?

Once you’ve managed to find a Radiant Swampert in Pokemon GO, the next step is transforming it into a Luminous Mega Swampert through Mega Evolution. For the first transformation, you’ll need 200 Mega Energy. After that initial change, the energy requirement lessens to only 40 Mega Energy.

You can collect Mega Energy by winning Mega Swampert Raids.

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2025-03-21 17:54