Unlock the Ultimate Mage: 7 Must-Have Spells in Skyrim!


  • Destruction spells like Thunderbolt can deal massive damage and stagger opponents, ideal for long-range attacks.
  • Defensive spells like Dragonhide provide resistance to physical damage, crucial in challenging battles.
  • Invisibility spell is great for sneaking and remaining undetected, perfect for thief builds.

The game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is highly versatile, offering an engaging narrative, numerous Non-Player Characters to engage with, and a multitude of choices when it comes to character builds. Instead of focusing solely on the popular Warrior build, which involves wielding melee weapons aggressively, some players might prefer to challenge themselves by selecting the Mage build instead.

For those who opt for the second option, they’ll swiftly understand that employing diverse spell types is crucial for evading formidable foes and launching attacks from afar. Here are some top-tier spells perfect for a Mage character in Skyrim.

7. Thunderbolt

A Powerful Electrical Discharge

Skill Level Expert (75)
Magicka Cost 343
How To Get It can be bought from Faralda when players reach Destruction level 65. It can also be found as random loot at higher levels in boss chests.

Thunderbolt, much like the powerful spell Lightning Bolt, requires a brief charging period before it can be employed effectively. Unlike its counterpart, however, Thunderbolt offers around 20% greater range and inflicts significantly more damage. This makes it an excellent choice for swiftly handling enemies situated at a distance.

When players pair the Impact talent with dual casting for this spell, along with the Augmented Shock perk or an Elixir of Destruction, Thunderbolt will always stun opponents, regardless of their level or race. Although the Magicka cost might be high, given that the spell can only be acquired after reaching level 75 in Destruction, players would typically possess a substantial Magicka reserve by then. For those eager to experiment with a mixed playstyle, following Thunderbolt with a weapon boasting a potent enchantment can inflict additional harm on opponents.

6. Fire Storm

A Mighty Spell With An Outstanding AoE

Skill Level Master (100)
Magicka Cost 846
How To Get The Dragonborn automatically learns this spell when they complete the quest “Destruction Ritual Spell”

Fire Storm is a potent spell that inflicts significant fire damage on nearby enemies, particularly when they’re close to the Dragonborn. The farther away the enemies are, the less harm they’ll sustain. Unlike the Blizzard spell, Fire Storm doesn’t cause any damage to the Dragonborn.

Just like a Thunderbolt needs time to gather its power before it’s unleashed, so does Fire Storm. Players should keep this in mind, as they may sustain damage from their foes while the flames are building up. For those seeking a more intricate gaming experience, experimenting with top-notch mods alongside Fire Storm could transform you into an unparalleled menace across the land.

5. Incinerate

A Much More Powerful Version Of Firebolt

Skill Level Expert (75)
Magicka Cost 298
How To Get It can be bought from Faralda at the College of Winterhold when the Dragonborn reaches Destruction level 75. Same case for Enthir, but the Tome is more expensive if purchased from him. It can also be found randomly in chests at higher levels.

Regarding high-tier Fire spells, you can certainly count Incinerate among the leading few. This potent spell inflicts 60 units of fire damage on its chosen target. In comparison to Firebolt, Incinerate is often seen as the stronger sibling due to their similar behavior, but with a significantly greater impact.

Using the Augmented Flames skill, players significantly boost the fire damage they inflict on opponents. Each level of this perk increases the damage by 25% up to a maximum of 90 points of fire damage per strike. When paired with a solid armor set and top-tier armor enhancements for the game, players can deliver massive blows while also taking less health damage in return.

4. Paralyze

Great For Incapacitating Enemies And Crowd Control

Skill Level Expert (75)
Magicka Cost 450
How To Get It can be purchased from Tolfdir at the College of Winterhold when the Dragonborn reaches Alteration level 70. The spell Tome can also be found randomly in chests at higher levels

Transitioning from Destruction magic to the domain of Alteration, you’ll find Paralyze, an effective tool for managing crowds. To acquire this spell, gamers must initially advance their Alteration skill to level 75. This can be quite a lengthy process without using mods and is typically achieved towards the latter stages of gameplay.

With this spell, those unable to resist will be left motionless for 10 seconds, but with the Stability perk from the Alteration Tree, this duration extends to a longer 15 seconds. This extra time provides an opportunity to manage other threats that remain active. When combined with an effective poison, Paralyze becomes a potent asset in skilled hands.

3. Dragonhide

A Defensive Spell That Can Give The Dragonborn An Edge In Battle

Skill Level Master (100)
Magicka Cost 837
How To Get Given to the Dragonborn by Tolfdir at the College of Winterhold after completing the quest “Alteration Ritual Spell”.

So far, the list has primarily covered offensive spells. Now let’s shift our attention to a potent and effective defensive counterpart – the Dragonhide spell. You’re most likely to encounter this spell in advanced stages of the game since it demands proficiency at Master level in Alteration.

When activated, the Dragonhide ability grants the user approximately 80% resistance to all physical attacks for a duration of 30 seconds. This could mean the difference between surviving a tough battle and meeting defeat. However, the drawback is that it requires a significant amount of Magicka (837) to cast. Usually, this spell isn’t available until the latter stages of the game, so by then, players should have enough Magicka reserves to handle it, unless they’ve been extensively grinding earlier levels.

2. Dead Thrall

Raises Dead Humanoid Beings Under Level 40

Skill Level Master (100)
Magicka Cost 618
How To Get It can be purchased from Phinis Gestor after completing the “Conjuration Ritual Spell” quest. In the Dragonborn add-on, the Tome for this Spell can also be found on a table in Apocrypha next to the Black Book.

In Skyrim, having followers can make tough battles easier, but who wouldn’t love a band of undead minions? That’s where the Dead Thrall spell becomes useful. By casting this spell, you can raise the corpses of humanoid beings below level 40 to fight alongside you permanently. These raised undead will keep fighting for the Dragonborn until they are killed, transformed, or banished.

To summon Dead Thrall, players must have attained a Conjuration skill level of 100 and prepare 618 units of Magicka. Despite this substantial investment, the added assistance provided by another set of hands makes it a trade that many find advantageous.

1. Invisibility

Great For Sneaking Around And Remaining Undetected

Skill Level Expert (75)
Magicka Cost 334
How To Get It can be purchased from Drevis Neloren at the College of Winterhold once the Dragonborn reaches Illusion level 75. It can also be found randomly in chests at higher levels and purchased from random vendors.

Last but not least, there’s the spell called Invisibility, a powerful tool that many players find invaluable during their gameplay. However, mastering this spell isn’t easy; it requires reaching an Illusion skill level of 75, a feat challenging as players often prioritize enhancing other branches, such as Destruction or Alteration.

Having the Invisibility spell is quite beneficial, especially for characters focusing on a Thief build. This is because activities like altering business records, brandishing weapons, ingesting items, or even feeding as a Vampire won’t disrupt the charm. When used with an immersion-enhancing mod, Invisibility can offer players a unique and engaging Skyrim gameplay experience.

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2025-03-09 08:39