Unlock the Ultimate Start: Mind Over Magic Staff Guide

At the onset of attending a new school within the realm of “Mind Over Magic“, you will be granted the privilege to select two or three team members to assist you in setting up the establishment. You have the power to decide various aspects about your staff, such as their elemental affiliations, their specialties, and even their physical appearances.

To ensure a robust beginning to your educational journey in this enchanting game-world, it’s crucial to have a diverse collection of competencies and qualities in your teachers. This article aims to guide you on the key aspects to consider when evaluating the three individuals who will be shaping your academic experience.

All Starting Staff Stats in Mind Over Magic

In the game Mind Over Magic, when selecting your initial team of two or three members, you’ll have the ability to pick their specialties. You can opt for their elemental expertise, but the other attributes will be shuffled every time you press the randomize button. Here’s a breakdown of each aspect and what to keep an eye out for in your starting roster:

1. Elemental Affinity: This refers to the type of magic they specialize in, such as fire, water, earth, or air. Each element has its own strengths and weaknesses against others.

2. Skill Level: This determines how proficient a member is at casting spells and using their abilities. A higher skill level generally means more powerful effects.

3. Speed: The speed stat influences how quickly a character can move and cast spells during battles. Faster characters may have an advantage in certain situations.

4. Intelligence: High intelligence improves the effectiveness of a character’s spells, making them potentially more potent.

5. Defense: This attribute reduces the damage taken by attacks. Characters with stronger defenses can better withstand enemy assaults.

6. Health Points (HP): HP represents a character’s overall durability and maximum amount of damage they can sustain before fainting.

7. Lucky: A high luck stat increases the chance of beneficial events occurring, such as critical hits or evading enemy attacks.


In this educational game set in a school environment, there are seven distinct abilities or roles your characters can possess. Each role excels in specific areas such as fighting, cultivating plants, constructing buildings, and more. Here is an overview of what each ability specializes in:

1. Combat specialists – Excel in battles and defense.
2. Agriculturists – Skilled at growing and caring for plants.
3. Architects – Proficient in building and construction.
4. Engineers – Specialize in inventing and problem-solving.
5. Scientists – Experts in research and discovery.
6. Performers – Talented entertainers and communicators.
7. Healers – Skilled at healing and nurturing others.

  • Fire – Fire is perfect for things like hunting animals for food and parts, cooking, and destroying objects that are in the way of your building in this town building simulator.
  • Water – Water is a great element for healers. They are also best at cleaning and alchemy.
  • Dark – The element of Dark is excellent at warding, but it can also be used for something called quilting, which allows you to make undead creatures.
  • Nature – As you might expect, Nature is great for anything to do with plants. It’s perfect for harvesting, tending plants, and chopping down trees. They are also best at crafting wands.
  • Earth – Earth staff are the best builders. They are experts at construction, carving, mining, and repairing.
  • Lighting – Lighting staff will have the ability to charge spells and quicken researching.
  • Air – The staff with the Air element will be great for hauling away items to put them into storage. They are also good for painting and assembling items.

At the onset of your city-building adventure in this game, prioritize mining minerals, felling trees, and construction. As you embark on your Mind Over Magic odyssey, it’s crucial that your initial team comprises specialists in Lightning, Earth, and Nature. This will ensure a balanced start until additional staff can be summoned to assist you.

Best Race for Each Element

In this school-based construction game, every character or race type excels at something unique, and they each favor specific elements to maximize their racial bonuses. Below is a guide on how the elements align with different types of characters in the game:

1. Elves are proficient with air magic and favor wind element for optimal performance.
2. Dwarves have an affinity for earth magic, making them more effective with stone or rock-related elements.
3. Humans can adapt to various environments, but they excel when using fire magic.
4. Orcs are skilled in combat and benefit from the use of metal or iron elements.
5. Halflings are stealthy and nimble, making them ideal for water element-based tasks.
6. Gnomes have a knack for inventions and technology, so they thrive with electric or technological elements.

  • Human – Humans have the ability to occasionally not use mana when casting spells. This makes them insanely good when paired with the fire element.
  • Wolfkin – These speedy creatures can eat animals whole and will sleep almost anywhere. They are best as earth elementals since it gives them incredibly fast taunting. They are also good at lighting in the early game.
  • Vivified – Vivified are the weakest of all three starting races, but they have really high HP. They will also eat anything without penalty. They aren’t particularly good at any of the elements, but they aren’t particularly bad at any either. They are good early game as a meat shield in combat for your units with less HP.
  • Shattered – Shattered are not available at the beginning of the game as a main relic slot. They are glass cannons with low HP. They are best as dark or air. Nature Shattered make the best farming units.
  • Raven – Ravens are not available at the beginning of the game as a main relic slot. These are low Conviction units that are insanely powerful when fighting. They are great with air or dark and all the +Power Relics they can hold.

The Best Staff Composition in Mind Over Magic

Using the details provided, you have the potential to form an exceptional beginning team for the game Mind Over Magic. For now, the Ravens and Shattered factions won’t be accessible, but don’t worry – you can amass some potent collectors, constructors, and combatants as a solid foundation. Here is a suggested lineup to strive for when assigning your characters in this school-themed game:

Aim for this promising starting team configuration while distributing your characters!

  1. An Earth Wolfkin – This combination will make for a powerful builder that will sleep almost anywhere and eat almost anything you give them without complaining. The third relic slot can be anything; these are the only relic slot you can alter later on in the game.
  2. A Lighting Wolfkin – The humans will be good enough in combat early while giving you access to the lighting you will need to keep things charged, teach students, and more. The third relic slot can be anything; these are the only relic slots you can alter later on in the game.
  3. A Nature of any race – A nature character will help you to get your planting and harvesting in line early, helping you grow food, chop trees, and things like that. If you are playing on Relentless, you will only get two staff members, but you will get this third slot if you play on Relaxed or Standard. The third relic slot can be anything; these are the only relic slot you can alter later on in the game.

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2025-02-21 07:04