Until Dawn Remake: Best Deaths

Until Dawn Remake: Best Deaths

Key Takeaways

  • Until Dawn remake by Ballistic Moon features over 30 gruesome deaths, with iconic scenes reimagined in stunning 4K.
  • Deaths in the game vary by creativity, gore, and undesirability, offering players unique and disturbing experiences.
  • Some deaths, like Emily’s run in with a grinder and Ashley’s eye gouging, are examples of ways that the characters can die.

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades of experience under my belt, I must say that Until Dawn is one of the most nerve-wracking and exhilarating horror games I’ve ever played. The sheer number of ways a character can meet their untimely demise in this game is truly astounding.

In a fresh take on Supermassive Games’ terrifying survival horror game “Until Dawn”, Ballistic Moon’s remake presents the game’s memorable death sequences in breathtaking 4K detail. This enhancement merely amplifies the horror and emotional impact these scenes deliver. The original game offers more than 30 unique deaths for the main characters, without counting any secondary characters. This means there are over 250 distinct ways the story could unfold or end.

In this revamped version of Ballistic Moon’s “Until Dawn,” I present a list of the most impressive deaths, evaluated based on their originality, gruesomeness, and the sheer terror of experiencing something similar.

1 Emily’s Death (Chapter 8)

Mike Shoots Emily Point-Blank

Until Dawn Remake: Best Deaths

In Chapter 8, during their escape from the mines, there’s a chance that Emily might get bitten by a Wendigo. If such an incident occurs, upon returning to the Washington lodge, Emily may face skepticism from Ashley, Sam, and Mike because they aren’t sure if Wendigo bites are contagious at this point, which could potentially transform Emily into a Wendigo herself. This uncertainty leads to stiff fear, causing Mike to brandish a gun towards Emily, asserting he must eliminate her to safeguard the group.

If Emily perishes here, the chilling sight of her slumped lifelessly with an open mouth is deeply unsettling. To add to the horror, Emily could be killed without justification, as Ashley learns that Wendigo bites are actually harmless. This knowledge can be kept secret or shared among the group.

2 Chris’ Death (Chapter 8)

Chris Gets Decapitated

Until Dawn Remake: Best Deaths

In Chapter 8, Chris finds himself perilously close to safety while being chased by the Wendigo. Yet, mere steps away from survival, Chris could still meet his end. It’s not due to any mistakes on his part; instead, he skillfully fights off the Wendigo with the Stranger’s shotgun. However, Chris’ life hangs in the balance when he arrives at the lodge. Whether Ashley grants him entry to save him or turns her back and lets him perish hinges solely on whether Chris attempted to shoot Ashley in Chapter 6.

If he chooses to act (in this situation), Ashley may grow resentful and step back from the door, coldly observing as the Wendigo pierces Chris’ neck with its sharp claws and beheads him brutally. On a positive note, if Chris meets his end in this manner, it awards the “Ashley Loses It” trophy.

3 Ashley’s Death (Chapter 9)

Ashley Gets Decapitated Too

Until Dawn Remake: Best Deaths

In Chapter 9, as Ashley, Sam, Emily (accompanied), and Chris (accompanied) traverse the sewers, Ashley ends up falling behind the group and decides to catch up later. As she moves forward, she hears Jess calling out for help, causing Ashley to consider whether to explore the source of the voice or rejoin her group. If Ashley opts to investigate, she leaps into a side passageway and discovers a trapdoor on the ground.

If Ashley opens the trapdoor, the Wendigo could leap out and violently tear her head off. In the Stranger’s guidebook (Chapter 8), it’s explained that Wendigos can imitate their victims’ voices, so perhaps Ashley should have given more thought to the details.

4 Matt’s Death (Chapter 10)

Matt’s Face Gets Bashed In

Until Dawn Remake: Best Deaths

If Jessica makes it through Chapter 10, she encounters Matt in the mines initially clashing with a shovel, perceiving him as dangerous. However, they eventually patch things up and decide to flee together. As they proceed, they become aware of a Wendigo chasing them, presenting them with two choices: either hide or attempt an escape. If Matt opts for running, Jessica meets an immediate end. If he chooses to hide but fails the Quick Time Event (QTE) to catch Jessica when she falters, they both perish.

If Matt misses any more Quick Time Events (QTEs), the Wendigo will brutally knock him to the ground, pounce on him, and repeatedly smash his face with its clenched fists. This scene is as unsettling as it seems, made even more chilling by the game’s graphic close-up of Matt’s horribly mutilated face – truly nightmarish imagery.

5 Josh’s Death (Chapter 10)

Josh’s Head Gets Crushed Like A Grape

Until Dawn Remake: Best Deaths

In Chapter 10, Sam and Mike locate Josh in a state of catatonia. Mike consents to guide Josh back on their original path. Yet, when they descend once more into the lake hidden within the caves, disaster strikes for Josh. The Wendigo unexpectedly attacks him, exerting intense pressure on his head until it collapses like a crushed grape.

If Sam locates Hannah’s diary ahead of time, Josh will identify Hannah (who is the Wendigo) based on her butterfly tattoo. In this case, Hannah would choose to save Josh, leading him further into the mine shafts instead.

6 Sam’s Death (Chapter 10)

The Wendigo Tears Up Sam’s Insides

Until Dawn Remake: Best Deaths

In the video game “Until Dawn“, Sam is among two characters who cannot perish until Chapter 10; the other being Mike. However, if Sam decides to remain idle for any of the prompts within the lodge or fails at the “Don’t Move” challenges, the Wendigo will sense her presence and violently snatch her by the face, lifting her effortlessly from the ground. In a gruesome manner, it will then thrust its entire arm through her abdomen, effectively impaling her.

Next, the Wendigo rudely throws Sam down onto the ground and swiftly departs, likely causing an immediate fatal injury.

7 Emily’s Death (Chapter 8)

Emily Has An Unfortunate Encounter With A Grinder

Until Dawn Remake: Best Deaths

In Chapter 8, Emily is making her way out of the mines, and she has two potential fates: either being instantly devoured by the Wendigo or meeting an alternative demise, such as the grinding machine. If Emily survives the initial peril, she can scramble onto a conveyor belt to gain momentum. The game presents an option for her to jump off, but this merely extends the chase without any significant consequence. However, if Emily continues on, players must successfully execute a Quick Time Event (QTE) to help her leap over the grinder safely.

In a nutshell, Until Dawn offers you a second chance if Emily slips up initially while navigating through a precarious situation. However, if you fail to react quickly during both Quick Time Events (QTEs), Emily will unfortunately fall into a grinder and meet her demise in a slow, gruesome fashion, eventually jamming the machinery with her remains.

8 Jessica’s Death (Chapter 4 & Chapter 10)

Jess Gets Her Jaw Ripped Off

Until Dawn Remake: Best Deaths

In the game “Until Dawn“, Jessica can meet an untimely death (apart from Hannah and Beth during the Prologue) if players don’t manage to reach her in time when playing as Mike. If Mike opts for the “slow but safe” paths or misses any of the quick-time events, Jessica will already be deceased by the time he arrives. When inside the mines, Mike encounters an elevator shaft where Jessica’s body, missing her lower jaw, lies at the bottom.

In Chapter 10, if Matt attempts to flee, misses the Quick Time Event (QTE) while concealing himself, or leaves Jessica behind, the Wendigo will swiftly attack her. Instead of gently touching her, it forcefully shoves its fingers into her throat and violently tears off her lower jaw.

9 Ashley / Emily’s Death (Chapter 10)

Emily/Ashley Get Their Eyes Gouged Out

Until Dawn Remake: Best Deaths

In the game Until Dawn, both Ashley and Emily meet an unusual demise. Should the Wendigo seize Emily in Chapter 8 before she gets to the conveyor belt, it will viciously grab her by the face and claw out her eyeballs with its razor-sharp talons. If Sam opts not to rescue Ashley in Chapter 10 (provided she manages to reach that point), this triggers a hidden death scene that mirrors Emily’s from Chapter 8.

Ashley experiences a moment of high tension as the Wendigo hovers its claws near her eyes, ready to strike, followed by a plunge into her eyes instead.

10 Matt’s Death (Chapter 6)

Matt Gets Impaled Through The Jaw With A Meat Hook

Until Dawn Remake: Best Deaths

When their attempt to reach the radio tower backfires, Matt and Emily find themselves trapped in a mine. With Emily clinging to the shattered remains of the tower, Matt faces a challenging decision: either rescue Emily or leap to safety himself. The desire to help Emily is strong, but in the game Until Dawn, such altruistic actions are swiftly penalized.

As a devoted fan, I want to share an intriguing aspect of the game “Until Dawn.” The story has two pivotal moments that require the player to choose the “Save Emily” option. However, if Matt decides to save her twice, things take an unexpected turn. In Chapter 6, if Emily doesn’t hand Matt a flare gun, a chilling sequence unfolds: Matt gets ambushed by the Wendigo, leading to a gruesome fate where he is impaled through his chin with a meat hook.

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2024-10-09 15:44