Unveiling the Most Infuriating Gimmick Bosses in Dark Souls History!


  • Executioner’s Chariot can be made easier by raising a gate in Dark Souls 2.
  • Defeat Yhorm The Giant in Dark Souls 3 by using the Storm Ruler weapon.
  • High Lord Wolnir in Dark Souls 3 requires avoiding darkness and smashing bangles.

The Dark Souls series offers an array of challenging, epic battles against bosses that test players to the utmost. They eagerly face these formidable obstacles, using all their acquired knowledge to stay alive just barely.

In some instances within the Dark Souls trilogy, bosses incorporate tricks that require players to bypass them to defeat these opponents. These tricky battles can often be frustrating, but the puzzle-like encounters in Dark Souls prove surprisingly captivating, given their inherent challenges.

6. Executioner’s Chariot

A Boss That Can Be Made Easier By Raising A Gate

Appears In Dark Souls 2
Health 4,140
Souls 19,000
Location Undead Purgatory
Drops Executioner’s Chariot Soul

In a different phrasing, Dark Souls 2 might be criticized for having too many boss battles, but it’s hard to argue that these struggles aren’t enjoyable when tackled. This is particularly true in the battle against the Executioner’s Chariot, a formidable foe who initially appears intimidating until players learn how to handle this boss effectively.

Initially, it is advisable for players to eliminate the necromancers who are animating skeletons in this boss encounter prior to triggering an event that causes a chariot to collide with a gate and dismount its rider. Subsequently, the second stage of the battle transforms into a conventional boss fight where players need to anticipate their adversary’s signaled attacks and capitalize on the opportunities for inflicting damage that arise during those instances.

5. Yhorm The Giant

The Storm Ruler Is A Must To Defeat This Boss

Appears In Dark Souls 3
Health 27,822
Souls 36,000
Location Profaned Capital
Drops Soul of Yhorm the Giant, Cinders of a Lord

As a devoted fan, I’ve got to say that Dark Souls 3 really showed some nerve in transforming a skirmish with a Lord of Cinder into an epic boss battle! Yhorm the Giant might be sluggish, but his defense is rock-solid, and he can seem invincible if you’re not careful. The only way to take him down without a lengthy struggle seems to be by delving into the game’s lore and finding the right strategy to conquer this formidable adversary.

To defeat this boss quickly, players need to locate the Storm Ruler and employ its unique ability. If they’ve advanced with Siegward of Catarina’s quest, he’ll join forces with the Ashen One to help out as well.

4. High Lord Wolnir

Players Must Avoid The Darkness And Destroy The Boss’ Bangles To Defeat It

Appears In Dark Souls 3
Health 15,041
Souls 22,000
Location Catacombs of Carthus
Drops Soul of High Lord Wolnir

In a surprising twist, players encounter a seemingly formidable boss battle against High Lord Wolnir that turns out to be less challenging than anticipated. To conquer this foe successfully, gamers should grasp the mechanics of the battlefield when engaging with the boss. It’s crucial to remain in the light and avoid dwelling in darkness, as prolonged exposure can cause excessive damage leading to character death.

Players shatter their weapons to inflict harm, and it’s generally straightforward to manage the boss unless they get caught by his slow attacks. Despite appearing challenging for some, High Lord Wolnir turns out to be quite beatable if you can figure out his tricks.

3. Ceaseless Discharge

Players Can Run To The Start Of The Boss Arena To Trivialize This Encounter

Appears In Dark Souls
Health 4,200
Souls 20,000
Location Demon Ruins
Drops Humanity, Homeward Bone, Gold-Hemmed Black Armor

Stepping into the boss arena for the first time as a gamer, I found Ceaseless Discharge overwhelming with its monstrous form and relentless high-damage attacks that left me gasping for breath. But once I noticed the safe distance of the Fog Gate, I quickly devised an alternative strategy to outsmart this boss’ tricks.

In simpler terms, when all players retreat to the arena’s beginning, Ceaseless Discharge jumps towards them but fails to land properly, hanging by one arm instead. By repeatedly hitting this arm, they can weaken Ceaseless Discharge’s grip until he eventually falls and plummets down.

2. Ancient Wyvern

Players Must Land A Plunging Attack To Take Out This Boss For Good

Appears In Dark Souls 3
Health 7,873
Souls 70,000
Location Archdragon Peak
Drops Dragon Head Stone

Regardless of the boss being defeated rather quickly, fans find themselves captivated by the grandeur of the battle against the Ancient Wyvern in Dark Souls. It’s no secret that many fans have a fondness for dragons, and the challenging obstacle presented by this boss gives the impression that overcoming this menace seems nearly impossible, heightening the experience.

Once gamers spot the ladders seemingly hidden in the battlefield, they’ll realize they must ascend and attack from above the Ancient Wyvern. This will trigger a powerful dive that defeats this boss permanently. It’s an entertaining trick reminiscent of the move players are encouraged to use against the Asylum Demon and Taurus in Dark Souls.

1. Burnt Ivory King

Players Must Recruit Loyce Knights To Close The Portals That Spawn Endless Foes In This Battle

Appears In Dark Souls 2
Health 8,040
Souls 92,000
Location The Old Chaos
Drops Soul of the Ivory King

A noteworthy challenging boss battle that doesn’t compromise on difficulty awaits players who have at least three Loyce Knights in their company. Those who venture into this fight unprepared may face a tough time, as they will initially be overwhelmed by a series of Charred Loyce Knights. Following this, the Burnt Ivory King will emerge.

If players manage to discover and enlist the Loyce Knights beforehand, these knights will self-destruct to barricade the portals generating the Charred Loyce Knights. This prematurely triggers the boss battle, leading to a challenging and intense encounter that’ll test the mettle of Dark Souls 2 players.

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2025-03-10 03:46