Using Input Macros Can Get You Banned In Destiny 2

Using Input Macros Can Get You Banned In Destiny 2


  • Input Macros now bannable in Destiny 2 to target automated farming tools. Bungie clarified no retroactive bans.
  • Checkpoint Bots not targeted for bans under new policy. Bungie responding to queries on Reddit.
  • Players debate usefulness of macros citing accessibility and game design flaws in light of policy changes.

As a seasoned Destiny 2 gamer with countless hours under my belt, I can’t help but feel a mix of emotions about Bungie’s recent decision to ban Input Macros. On one hand, I understand the need for fair play and preventing automated farming tools from ruining the fun for everyone else. However, on the other hand, I’ve found myself relying on macros for various reasons – from skipping through tedious sections in Raids to managing my inventory during grind sessions.

Bungie has recently modified their Policy on Restrictions and Bans to encompass the usage of Macros, which some gamers find less than appealing.

The team behind “Destiny 2” revealed on Reddit, in a detailed post, the specific activities that could lead to account suspension or ban under the recent updates.

Tools aimed at bypassing idle detection and facilitating automated farming seem to be the main focus. The post emphasizes “automated tasks for loot acquisition,” where loot refers to rewards such as experience points, materials, and special items like Exotic Class Items.

In these Exotic Items, the traits are randomly assigned, meaning you might strike lucky and find a desirable feature or end up with something less useful by chance. Luckily, you have the option to specifically hunt for premium weapons in the Onslaught mode, increasing your chances of acquiring high-quality gear.

It’s worth noting that the article subsequently discusses programmable controllers and adapter devices for keyboards and mice. These tools, when employed strategically, can provide significant upper hands in multiplayer gaming against players using standard controllers.

The announcement clearly indicates that no one will be penalized with bans or limitations based on past actions. Furthermore, it seems that the imposition of bans won’t happen immediately. Instead, those who violate the newly established rules will initially receive an in-game warning before any penalties are enforced.

Is Banning Input Macros A Positive Move?

Using Input Macros Can Get You Banned In Destiny 2

Discontinuing Input Macros might initially appear beneficial, however, there are valid justifications behind their application.

Frequent players of Destiny 2’s most challenging content, the Raids, might employ a Checkpoint Bot. These Raids are usually introduced with each expansion pack.

D2Checkpoint is well-known for hosting automated bots, offering a complimentary service to gamers. In selected stages of each Raid, players have the option to join Fireteams run by these bots. After joining, they can initiate their Raids from designated Checkpoints, rather than starting from the beginning.

Raiding activities prove to be far more challenging than Dungeon exploration, often consuming substantial amounts of time, making it a subject of keen interest for those enthusiasts immersed in such content.

Luckily, the Bungie Team has clarified that they do not intend to impose limitations or penalties on Checkpoint Bots under their latest policy.

Many Reddit users express dissatisfaction with the recent changes, arguing that certain gameplay decisions drive players towards using AFK macros. Some users find these policy adjustments puzzling and believe they are not essential.

Reddit user u/c14rk0 strongly criticizes the new policy, arguing that players don’t idle farm for enjoyment but rather as a way to bypass poorly designed aspects of the game, specifically pointing out the issue with the Exotic Class Items.

As a dedicated fan, it’s not just about the intricacies of Destiny 2 that captivate me. The human aspect is equally important, especially when considering players with diverse abilities. For many of these individuals, they utilize macros to handle tasks that others might find routine.

It requires careful management because casual gamers might unintentionally use these macros when they aren’t necessary. Although we can’t provide more details, Bungie emphasized the significance of game accessibility, and they have assured us that players utilizing macros for accessibility reasons will not face any consequences.

Time will tell if these are positive changes for the health of Destiny 2.

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2024-08-20 14:38