Valorant: Every Sentinel Agent, Ranked

Valorant: Every Sentinel Agent, Ranked

Key Takeaways

  • Sentinel agents are crucial for strategic teams in Valorant, best for slow-playing and supporting.
  • New agents like Deadlock and Vyse have impacted the Sentinel meta, with Chamber experiencing significant nerfs.
  • Cypher has risen as the top Sentinel agent with impressive buffs to his abilities, offering great support for the team.

As a seasoned Valorant player with over 500 hours under my belt, I must say that the recent addition of agents like Vyse and Killjoy have truly revitalized the game.

Valorant is a dynamic game that consistently grows and transforms, with fresh agents joining the roster and additional maps being introduced. For both novice and veteran players, it’s crucial to monitor how each agent has adapted over time and determine if the updates and alterations are substantial enough to encourage them to experiment with a new main character.

Sentinel agents are those who tend to take a more tactical approach on the battlefield. Regardless of whether they specialize in healing or supporting their teammates, they’re not the type to rush headlong into battle with guns blazing. If you prefer a slower pace and enjoy providing support to your team, then a Sentinel agent could be an ideal addition to any strategic team that might suit your playstyle perfectly.

6 Deadlock

The Nanowire-Filled Force

Valorant: Every Sentinel Agent, Ranked
  • Originates From Norway
  • Added On June 27th, 2023

In many cases, the characters introduced in Valorant tend to be too powerful, requiring adjustments or weakening (nerfs) to make them more balanced within the game’s competitive landscape. For instance, Deadlock, when first introduced, seemed like a solid pick, but since then, her trap abilities have been toned down significantly, causing her to fall short of being a preferred choice in most Valorant team setups.

In essence, while Deadlock’s weaponry and powers aren’t inherently weak, they seem less effective when compared to Cypher and Killjoy’s trap abilities in the current game environment. The GravNet and Barrier Mesh abilities are often seen as too specific for most situations, making it difficult for Deadlock to have a significant impact on an enemy team during gameplay. Given that Sentinel-style agents are meant to provide strategic advantages, Deadlock’s performance hasn’t been substantial enough to influence long-term roster selections.

5 Chamber

The Tricky Sniper

Valorant: Every Sentinel Agent, Ranked
  • Originates From France
  • Added On November 16th, 2021

In terms of notable shifts in the current Valorant gameplay, a notable adjustment is the weakening of the Chamber character. Previously, despite not being highly favored among some players as a Sentinel, he held a significant role and was widely recognized as one of the top agents for professional play, up until the 5.12 patch drastically altered him more than any other agent has been changed since Valorant’s initial launch.

In simpler terms, the latest update to Chamber’s abilities has significantly altered his utility. Instead of possessing two teleportation skills across the map, he now only has one snap-back teleport within a specific distance. Additionally, the time it takes him to draw his weapon after a teleport has been extended, making his teleport abilities less effective in numerous scenarios. His weaponry isn’t as strong, and his overall abilities have been significantly weakened. Some players are even criticizing Riot Games for “killing” Chamber with this recent patch. Although changes were needed because Chamber was both the top Sentinel agent and an essential member of any team, reducing strategic diversity at higher levels, it seems that Riot Games may have overdone it, making Chamber nearly obsolete.

4 Sage

The Ultimate Healer

Valorant: Every Sentinel Agent, Ranked
  • Originates From China
  • Added In Beta

In the competitive world of Valorant, Sage is often viewed as a crucial element, much like a vital piece of a puzzle, within any strategic team composition at all levels. Even Skye, another character with healing abilities, doesn’t diminish the frequent necessity of having Sage on the team. What sets Sage apart is her ability to heal teammates or herself multiple times during a round, depending on its duration and her own longevity. Moreover, she can resurrect a fallen teammate with her ultimate ability, providing an immense advantage that can significantly alter the course of a round in her team’s favor.

Apart from her abilities, Sage has a protective barrier wall, which proves beneficial for her squad. This wall can seal off site entrances, offering them a sense of security or extending Sage’s survival time if she’s defending an area single-handedly and facing potential overpowering. Moreover, Sage’s slow orbs are useful in tight spots as they temporarily slow down enemies, giving her valuable moments to escape or call for reinforcements. Added to her healing factor, Sage is a comprehensive choice for the Sentinel role.

3 Vyse

The Metallic Mastermind

Valorant: Every Sentinel Agent, Ranked
  • Originates From Parts Unknown
  • Added On August 28th, 2024

It’s unexpected that Vyse, a relatively new agent, hasn’t quickly climbed to the top of the Sentinel Agent rankings in Valorant. Instead, this newly introduced metallic character has found itself positioned in the middle of the pack, without any adjustments necessary to balance its power level within the game – unlike numerous other new agents that have required balancing over time.

Vyse is constructed with liquid metal, which he uses to lay traps for opponents. His special skills mainly revolve around manipulating this material. His ultimate skill, Steel Garden, has the power to interfere with an enemy team’s main weapons, leading to a challenging and potentially devastating encounter when executed correctly. Vyse is highly valued by players, but he isn’t typically seen as overpowered within the Valorant gaming community.

2 Killjoy

A Whole Bag Of Dangerous Tricks

Valorant: Every Sentinel Agent, Ranked
  • Originates From Germany
  • Added On August 4th, 2020

Killjoy serves as a significant influence on her team’s gameplay strategies, more so than many other agents. She has the unique ability to alleviate concerns for her team from multiple aspects, utilizing tools like her turret and alarm bot. These combined features enable Killjoy to effectively defend a site single-handedly when necessary, and provide advance warning to her team if the enemy approaches in that direction.

In simpler games, opponents may find it challenging to identify the subtle indicators that could disrupt Killjoy’s defensive setup, allowing her turret to inflict significant damage unchecked and her swarm grenades to be deployed tactically for either securing a planted spike or supporting the alarm bot in slowing down an enemy attack. The seamless integration of her abilities makes mastering Killjoy relatively straightforward compared to other characters. However, some of her strategies become less effective when moving into advanced play and larger stages. Despite this limitation, Killjoy’s ultimate ability, named after herself, is one of the strongest in the game. Its use can send shockwaves through an enemy team, as it instantly clears a site, compelling enemies to forfeit round victories at crucial junctures, thereby dramatically altering the course of the game.

1 Cypher

The Ultimate Team Protector

Valorant: Every Sentinel Agent, Ranked
  • Originates From Morocco
  • Added In Beta

Although Killjoy was once considered the top Sentinel agent, she’s now outshone by Cypher, who has seen significant upgrades in his abilities lately. Despite Chamber being weakened by a recent nerf, Cypher is currently arguably the best among the Sentinels due to his improved performance in the game. The primary role of a Sentinel, beyond transporting themselves or healing teammates, has always been to safeguard their team’s flank and devise strategies for supporting team members effectively.

As a die-hard Valorant fan, I’ve got to say it: Cypher is currently dominating the game thanks to his skills being significantly boosted. His tripwires are like stealthy guards watching our backs as we push towards an objective or hold them off from key areas. The map is full of covert spots for these traps, making them a real game-changer. His camera is like a scout, giving us crucial intel on enemy positions. With so many secretive spots to place it, the information it gathers can mean the difference between victory and defeat. His cages are perfect for delaying and disorienting opponents, allowing our team to move in stealth and execute our strategies effectively. And his ultimate ability? It reveals all enemy locations on the map, providing us with priceless tactical insights that can swing battles in our favor.

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2024-09-13 04:53