Vinland Saga: Every Main Character’s Age & Height

Vinland Saga: Every Main Character's Age & Height

Key Takeaways

  • Vinland Saga‘s second season is a radical shift from the first, with intense character developments.
  • Updated character statistics for main Vinland Saga characters from season one reveal age and height variations.
  • Key characters like Einar, Thorgil, Snake, and others play pivotal roles in the story’s progression in season two.

As a historian delving into the lives of these extraordinary characters from Vinland Saga, I must say that each one of them is as intriguing as the next. Helga, the kind-hearted mother, who raised Thorfinn with love and care, despite the harsh realities of their world. Her influence on her son’s life was profound, shaping him into a man who yearned for peace amidst chaos.

Vinland Saga is one of the highly praised anime series, which had its anime adaptation as far back as 2019. Viewers found it exceptionally appealing, so it’s no surprise that a second season was eventually greenlit for this popular show.

As a passionate gamer diving headfirst into the captivating world of Vinland Saga, I can’t help but be blown away by the mesmerizing ensemble of characters that graced the screens during its first season. To cater to our ever-growing curiosity about these unforgettable personalities, we’ve compiled a comprehensive character guide featuring the main players, complete with their respective ages and heights. Enjoy getting to know them even better!

It’s quite probable that the popular series, Vinland Saga, will come back for a third season at some point. The intense second season had a significant impact on various characters and established their future roles. Key characters from Vinland Saga are expected to return in the upcoming seasons; however, it’s crucial to catch up with what transpired with them as the Farm arc concluded.

Vinland Saga Statistics Chart

This diagram displays the heights and ages of the primary characters in the anime “Vinland Saga.” If the height or age for any character is missing, it will be noted as ‘unknown.’ The data presented here comes from the first season of the show.

CharacterAgeHeightUpdates In Season 2
Thorfinn18153 cm19-22 years old and 155cm tall.
Askeladd44170 cmN/A
Thors39180 cmN/A
Thorkell50230 cmDoes Not Appear In The Arc
Canute18170 cm19 years old.
Bjorn38/39180 cmN/A
Ragnar45175 cmN/A
Helga44/45150 cmDoes not appear in the arc
Ylva27170 cmDoes not appear in the arc
Floki35 (During his first appearance)170 cmDoes not appear in the arc
Einar20184 cmDebut arc
Thorgil24176 cmDebut arc
Snake34172 cmDebut arc
Ketil44175 cmDebut arc
Sverkel68145 cmDebut arc

15 Einar

Thorfinn’s Close Friend

Vinland Saga: Every Main Character's Age & Height

In the storyline of Ketil Farm, Einar plays a significant role. Following his acquisition by Ketil, Einar found himself laboring on the farm. Shortly afterwards, he encountered Thorfinn, another farm worker, and their friendship blossomed.

Einar’s character is akin to Thorfinn’s from the first season. He is prone to emotional outbursts, which quite often land him in trouble. In the upcoming season, Einar has an important role to play, so fans should keep an eye on him.

Present Condition: Similar to Thorfinn, Einar regained his liberty once Ketil’s farm was secured. Rather than embarking on a solo journey, Einar opted to accompany Thorfinn on his travels instead.

14 Thorgil

Ketil’s Elder Son

Vinland Saga: Every Main Character's Age & Height

Thorgil, the eldest child of Ketil, harbors a strong passion for battles. Unlike other family members, Thorgil exhibits an unusually aggressive nature. As his hunger for combat intensified, he chose to serve Canute. It goes without saying that Ketil was relieved when Thorgil departed due to his unpredictable behavior.

Upon returning to the farm, it wasn’t long before Thorgil revealed his genuine nature, which, as a rough and unrefined character, doesn’t contribute significantly to the narrative, thus making him somewhat one-dimensional in the story.

Present Condition: After his unsuccessful assassination attempt on King Canute, Thorgil seems to have vanished from the scene, and it appears that he won’t be reappearing in the narrative for quite some time, perhaps an entire season.

13 Snake

Incharge Of Protecting The Farm

Vinland Saga: Every Main Character's Age & Height

On Ketil’s farm, it was Snake who took up the role as head of the security team. Ever since then, he has remained a steadfast servant to Ketil, ensuring the safety of the farm from any potential threats. His combat skills are impressive, and they have been recognized by Thorfinn. Interestingly, despite being employed by Ketil, Snake appears to share a stronger bond with Sverkel.

In numerous instances, Snake was observed assisting the elderly man with a variety of tasks. After spending so much time together, they’ve developed a strong bond akin to that between a father and son, making their relationship heartwarming to observe.

As a devoted viewer, I can’t help but sing praises for Snake, a standout character from season two who truly shone. His strength was undeniable, yet he never misused it to trample on the less powerful. Instead, he carried himself with grace and dignity, making him an unforgettable figure in the series.

12 Ketil

Owner Of The Farm

Vinland Saga: Every Main Character's Age & Height

In the second season of “Vinland Saga,” Ketil takes on the role of the primary adversary. Despite his aged appearance, he possesses a considerable amount of power. Typically, Ketil is perceived as a benevolent figure, granting his slaves an opportunity to clear their debts through labor.

Yet, there’s another facet to Ketil that stands out. His behaviors during the storyline consistently create obstacles for Thorfinn and Einar in achieving their objectives.

Present Condition: Following a close call, Ketil underwent a significant transformation. He is no longer the haughty individual he once was.


11 Sverkel

Ketil’s Father

Vinland Saga: Every Main Character's Age & Height

Sverkel, now advanced in years, is not only the father of Ketil but also the granddad to Olmar and Thorgil. Despite his seniority, Sverkel puts in an astonishing amount of work. He resides independently in a modest dwelling, rather than with his son.

Sverkel stays occupied with farming duties and various tasks, yet he finds himself needing assistance at times. Although Sverkel may not be a seasoned, rugged warrior, he offers Thorfinn priceless guidance.

Present Situation: Even though he’s quite advanced in years, Sverkel turned out to be a priceless asset during season two. He played a crucial role in assisting Thorfinn in making his departure.

10 Thorfinn

The Main Protagonist Of The Story

Vinland Saga: Every Main Character's Age & Height

In this story, the central character is Thorfinn. He’s the child of Thors and Helga. From a young age, he dreamt of emulating his dad. However, tragedy struck when Thorfinn’s father was murdered by Askeladd. This event marked a turning point in Thorfinn’s life, as he vowed to seek revenge. To become stronger, though, he chose to join Askeladd’s group on their journey.

In a surprising turn of events, Thor’s band was caught off guard by Askeladd’s forces. But it didn’t take long for Thor to gain the upper hand. Regrettably, Askeladd wasn’t playing fair, and he seized Thorfinn as a hostage, which enabled his men to slay Thor. Afterward, Askeladd put Thorfinn through perilous tasks, making him formidable. By the finale of the first season, Thorfinn had wounded Thorkell in combat. In the forthcoming season, we can expect Thorfinn to be a significant player once more.

Present Condition: Thorfinn has now broken free, following his heroic act of safeguarding Ketil’s homestead from ruin. Moreover, he found closure with his past, enabling him to progress and embark on his journey seeking tranquility in a location untouched by conflict.

9 Ragnar

Prince Canute’s Caretaker And Guardian

Vinland Saga: Every Main Character's Age & Height

Ragnar functioned as Canute’s faithful guardian, staying by his side throughout the prince’s life. Ragnar shielded Canute from numerous attempts on his life, ensuring his safety at all costs. Over time, their bond grew so strong that Ragnar came to regard Canute as a son of his own. Upon Ragnar’s passing, the news deeply affected Canute, leaving an indelible mark on him and shaping him into a different person.

Present State: Ragnar made the ultimate sacrifice for Canute, a moment that would be etched into his memory eternally, significantly transforming the young prince.

8 Thors

Father Of Thorfinn And Ylva

Vinland Saga: Every Main Character's Age & Height

Without a doubt, Thor from the initial season of Vinland Saga is unquestionably one of its strongest characters. He gained the title, “The Troll of Jom,” due to his incredible physical prowess that was renowned among all warriors. His name was widely recognized, and he swiftly attained notoriety. However, a transformation occurred within him one day. Consequently, he orchestrated his own demise and departed for Iceland along with his loved ones under the guise of death.

For many years, the scheme remained effective until Floki uncovered it, compelling Thors to align with the Vikings. However, it didn’t take long before it was exposed that Floki had orchestrated the deception, aiming to eliminate Thors from the picture.

Current Status: Thors had no part to play in the second season of the anime.

7 Askeladd

The Main Antagonist Of Season One

Vinland Saga: Every Main Character's Age & Height

In the initial season of “Vinland Saga,” Askeladd stood out as a captivating figure. He orchestrated the demise of Thors, and subsequently manipulated Thorfinn for his own ends. Despite his villainous deeds, Askeladd was an engaging character who successfully garnered the affection of viewers.

His widespread appeal primarily stems from his unique character. He possesses an ideal blend of intellect and quick thinking, making it evident that his most valuable trait is his sharp mind. In no time, he could devise strategies to navigate even the most challenging predicaments.

Current Status: Despite being dead, Askeladd made multiple cameos in the second season, mainly as the voice inside Thorfinn’s head. He played a solid role and helped fans understand Thorfinn’s inner struggle better.

6 Thorkell

Arguably The Strongest Man Alive

Vinland Saga: Every Main Character's Age & Height

Thorkell is an exceptionally strong individual, with his sole loss being inflicted by Thors. This single instance of defeat instilled deep respect within him for Thors. Standing tall among men, Thorkell harbors an unquenchable desire for battle.

If Thorkell doesn’t engage in combat for a prolonged period, he grows agitated or uneasy. Contrary to his intimidating persona, Thorkell is not malicious; instead, he targets only soldiers and skilled warriors.

Present State: Thorkell switched his loyalty after losing to Askeladd and Thorfinn. He decided to support Canute, thereby boosting the prince’s position. In the second season of the anime, Thorkell had a minor presence, though there were no major events associated with him.

5 Canute

Leader Of The Vikings

Vinland Saga: Every Main Character's Age & Height

Prince Canute is King Sweyn’s son. Initially in the series, Canute seemed very timid and required constant protection. However, after Ragnar was killed by Askeladd, there was a significant change in Canute’s character.

Over time, Canute transformed into a cunning individual, employing his intellect to outsmart his adversaries. Ultimately, he successfully removed all challenges to his standing, placing him at the forefront as a strong contender for the title of the next King of Denmark.

Current Situation: Following his extraordinary growth in the first season, it was only natural that Canute would have a significant role in the next one. After dodging multiple assassination attempts using his cunning, he ascended to the throne. Interestingly, both Canute and Thorfinn’s roles have been redefined. While Thorfinn is no longer fueled by his thirst for vengeance, he instead seeks to abandon his old ways and embark on a new journey. Conversely, Canute has shown a ruthless side to him now.


4 Helga

Mother Of Thorfinn And Ylva

Vinland Saga: Every Main Character's Age & Height

Helga served as Thorfinn’s mother. At one point, she was wed to Thors while he was still among the Jomsvikings. However, after Thors underwent a change of feelings, they departed for Iceland, where they enjoyed tranquility – that is, until Floki discovered their whereabouts.

In the initial season, Helga wasn’t given a significant part, yet it’s crucial to recall that she played an essential role in raising both Ylva and Thorfinn alongside Thors.

As a gamer, I find myself deeply connected to the character of Thorfinn. Helga, his mother, was a beacon of kindness in his life, leaving an indelible positive impact. She abhorred violence and seemed tireless in her efforts to keep her son from succumbing to the allure of action. The length of her absence has left many viewers yearning for the day when mother and son can finally reunite in season three.

3 Ylva

Thorfinn’s Elder Sister

Vinland Saga: Every Main Character's Age & Height

In this story, Ylva emerges as the daughter of Thors and Helga. Following the departure of Thors and Thorfinn from Iceland, it fell upon Ylva to manage their farm and care for her mother. Unlike her mother, Ylva possesses a spirited nature and isn’t hesitant when faced with confronting others. She is not only gifted but also adept at hunting, fishing, and various other tasks. These qualities proved invaluable during the times when Thors and Thorfinn were away, helping both mother and daughter to persevere.

Present Condition: Since her brother is yet to return, Ylva’s duties have significantly multiplied. Nevertheless, she has admirably managed the situation during his absence. It’s hoped that Ylva gets a larger role in the third season of Vinland Saga.

2 Floki

Leader Of The Jomsvikings

Vinland Saga: Every Main Character's Age & Height

Among the characters in the series, Floki is often deeply disliked due to his role in the deaths of Thorir and the events that led Thorfinn onto a vengeful path. Holding a high rank within King Sweyn’s military, Floki consistently exploited his authority to its maximum potential.

Floki stands out with his exceptional talent for strategizing, which ultimately led to Thor’s demise. Furthermore, he demonstrates no mercy towards those who challenge him, swiftly eliminating them when necessary.

Present State: Floki wasn’t significantly impacted by King Sweyn’s passing as his authority remained intact. However, the new development is that he now has to pledge allegiance to Canute.

1 Bjorn

Askeladd’s Ally

Vinland Saga: Every Main Character's Age & Height

Bjorn held a special bond with Askeladd, serving him faithfully for numerous years. Yet, despite his unwavering loyalty, Bjorn knew very little about Askeladd because he despised all things Viking.

Bjorn’s combat abilities were impressive enough to keep him as Askeladd’s second-in-command for a long period of time.

Current Status: Since Bjorn perished during the first season, he wasn’t seen in any of the following ones. However, given his behavior, it’s challenging to express sympathy towards him.

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2024-09-12 03:55