Visions of Mana: Behind the Scenery 1 Quest Guide

Visions of Mana: Behind the Scenery 1 Quest Guide

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades of experience under my belt, I must say that the side quests in Visions of Mana are reminiscent of a pleasant stroll through memory lane. The game offers a charming, easy-going adventure that doesn’t require much brainpower, but every once in a while, it serves up a little challenge to keep things interesting.

In the game Visions of Mana, side missions are typically simple tasks like going to a place and killing or collecting items. The game isn’t particularly challenging and instead offers a comfortable journey rather than something complex. However, there are some quests that necessitate a bit more focus from the player.

In this adventure, titled “Behind the Scenery 1,” you embark on the initial mission of a series, where your task is to locate real-world counterparts of Darni’s masterpieces painted on canvas. Your guide in this quest is Traveler Fiona, who seeks the precise location near Longren, the Vale of Wind. To assist her, you enlist the help of Val.

Behind the Scenery 1 Puzzle Solution

Visions of Mana: Behind the Scenery 1 Quest Guide

Initially on their adventure, Fiona presents Val with an image of a scenic location boasting several cascading waterfalls, viewed from an elevated vantage point close to a towering oak tree. Val’s task involves pinpointing the specific spot where the artist might have positioned himself.

Visions of Mana: Behind the Scenery 1 Quest Guide

Players should head towards the southeastern region of Aery Passage. To help you navigate, locate ‘Behind the Scenery 1’ in your journal. Once activated, it will mark the destination on your map (the one displayed above).

There are two ways to reach this location:

  • From Longren Exit
  • From Charred Passage Exit

From Longren

Visions of Mana: Behind the Scenery 1 Quest Guide

Travel southward and locate the skinny path leading down to a valley situated at its base. Trigger the Meridian located centrally within this valley. Then, proceed eastwards. You’ll notice a winding road closely following the eastern cliffside, meandering around the valley. Follow this path up to its summit, where you’ll arrive near your quest marker. Subdue any adversaries in the vicinity and make your way to the cliff edge.

Visions of Mana: Behind the Scenery 1 Quest Guide

As you look around, you’ll spot an oak tree on your left side and waterfalls straight ahead. Near the cliff edge, a message saying “Appreciate the Scenery” will pop up. Engage with this prompt to bring forth Fiona and finish the mission successfully.

If there are hostile forces around, the prompt might not show up. To make it appear, you’ll need to eliminate all threats within the vicinity.

From Charred Passage

Visions of Mana: Behind the Scenery 1 Quest Guide

As a fan, I’d say: “Instead, depart westward from Longren exit and journey towards the Charred Passage. After that, follow the southern path along the narrow way to reach the Meridian, which is located at the lowest part of the map. Subsequently, navigate through the passage lying to the east, and you’ll find yourself atop the valley, a spot from where the photograph was captured.”

Once you finish “Behind the Scenery 1”, Fione will grant you 10 Gold Clovers as a reward. These Gold Clovers are essential for enhancing your Elemental Plot.

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2024-09-01 21:44