Visions of Mana: Mantis Ant Boss Guide

Visions of Mana: Mantis Ant Boss Guide

As a seasoned gamer with countless hours spent navigating the pixelated landscapes of retro RPGs, I can confidently say that battling the Mantis Ant in Visions of Mana was a delightful challenge. This buggy behemoth offered a refreshing change from the usual grunt-slaying in the Aery Passage, and though it wasn’t particularly difficult on normal mode, it certainly tested my mettle when I decided to up the ante to Hard difficulty.

In the game “Visions of Mana,” the Mantis Ant serves as the initial significant boss, providing a unique twist to combat compared to battling swarms of lesser foes in the Aery Passage and initial zones.

As a gamer, I’ve found that taking on the Mantis Ant in Hard mode can be quite a test, especially when I haven’t fine-tuned Val and Careena’s builds or Elemental Plot to my advantage. It’s definitely not a walk in the park!

Best Party Composition For Mantis Ant Fight

Visions of Mana: Mantis Ant Boss Guide

Currently, Val is significantly more powerful than his counterpart in the game, capable of inflicting the most damage on the Mantis Ant. To make the best use of this strength, let’s transform Val into a Rune Knight by equipping him with the Wind Vessel. This transformation will advance his Elemental Plot to the third stage, granting him the Thunder Saber, a move that imbues his Zweihander with wind elemental damage. Given that the Mantis Ant is weak against wind attacks, this setup is ideal and offers the highest DPS potential for the party. Moreover, the third stage of Elemental Blade provides an additional 20% buff to Saber magic damage, making it even more effective.

Provide Careena with Tornado ability and adjust her AI to make repeated use of it, as this is the most effective way for her to contribute during this battle. Moreover, since the boss arena is abundant with mana potions, she will have ample supply of energy.

Should the party meet defeat, they’ll be instantly respawned at the nearest Meridian due to the game’s automatic save feature.

Mantis Ant Boss Moves

Visions of Mana: Mantis Ant Boss Guide
Move Description Strategy
Slash Swipe A simple slash that targets the area directly in front of the Mantis Ant. Make sure to remain either by the boss’s side or near its back to render this attack useless.
Poison Mist The Mantis Ant throws out a cloud of poison vapor in a large area in front of it. Inflicts the Poison status. Either dodge to the side or run behind him. Once it starts this attack, it is animation-locked. If inflicted, the poison status fades over time.
Golden Chakrams Throws three golden rings of light in an area in front of him. They return to his claws after a brief delay. The Chakrams only deal damage to characters that are in the air; they pass over anyone walking on the ground.
Jump Slam A large red circle appears in the arena to indicate that the Mantis Ant is about to jump and land there. Dodging the circle completely is not necessary. The boss only deals damage if he catches someone directly in the middle.
Rock Barrage The Mantis Ant stops and primes its abdomen (the bulbous tail at the end) and peppers the ground with a flurry of rocks that deal moderate damage. This is the boss’s most dangerous attack. Avoid this attack by running past the red circles as they appear.

How to Beat Mantis Ant

In his Rune Knight form, it’s Val who’ll be dishing out most of the damage to the Mantis Ant. This boss is particularly vulnerable to wind-based attacks, which Val can easily inflict with his Thunder Blade. Be sure to dodge all incoming attacks while keeping an eye on the boss’s attack patterns.

Keeping close and holding onto their legs can help dodge any potential blows, so always try to maintain a nearby position when feasible.

Visions of Mana: Mantis Ant Boss Guide

To inflict harm, focus on striking the Mantis Ant’s tail (the area with rock spikes). This is the most accessible part of his body and can sustain significant damage. Val’s wind skill requires 7 Mana Points and maintains its effect for quite some time. Ensure you renew this ability if its timer expires. In case you exhaust your mana, smash one of the purple potions located at the arena’s edge.

In this game, purple containers restore mana, green ones restore health, and blue ones replenish the Class Strike (CS) meter. To inflict heavy damage on the Mantis Ant, utilize your CS ability whenever it’s ready. Every blue pot restores 25% of the CS gauge, so you can fill up completely by using four pots.

The Mantis Ant is a level 7 boss. If you’re facing it while under-leveled, it will take a long time to die. Be patient and wait for the right opportunity to deal damage.

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2024-08-31 19:24