Where Is the Gas Acceleration Converter in Star Wars Outlaws

Where Is the Gas Acceleration Converter in Star Wars Outlaws

As a seasoned Star Wars Outlaws player with countless hours logged in the galaxy, I can confidently say that acquiring the Gas Acceleration Converter is a true testament to my dedication and commitment. This elusive part, hidden within the Ashiga Clan’s inner circle, has been the ultimate challenge for me, pushing me to delve deeper into the underbelly of the universe and uncover secrets that would make even the most hardened bounty hunters blush.

In the game Star Wars Outlaws, the Gas Acceleration Converter is a vital component for upgrading Kay’s Blaster. This part is essential to achieve the Blaster’s maximum Rapid Configuration, but it can only be obtained from a unique vendor in the galaxy. To purchase it, you must attain a particular reputation standing with one of the game’s most infamous syndicates. If you require assistance on how to procure it, here’s all the information you need about the Gas Acceleration Converter in Star Wars Outlaws.

How to Get the Gas Acceleration Converter

LocationKimji City, Ashiga District, Viska (Armorer)
Price1,500 Credits
DescriptionParticle Accelerator Prototype used to upgrade the Blaster
PrerequisiteExcellent Reputation with the Ashiga Clan

To obtain the Gas Acceleration Converter, you’ll have to barter with Viska, who is known as the Armorer in the Ashiga District on Kimji. This Blaster Key Part that she offers is worth 1,500 Credits, but remember, you need to earn an “Excellent” standing with the Ashiga Clan first before you can complete the transaction.

If your standing with Viska is deemed as less than excellent, you’ll find yourself unable to converse or transact with her directly. Yet, there’s an option to secretly slip past the guards and visit her store located in the Ashiga District.

How to Increase Reputation with Ashiga to Excellent

Where Is the Gas Acceleration Converter in Star Wars Outlaws

To buy the Gas Acceleration Converter, it’s essential to have a distinguished standing among the Ashiga Clan. Here are some strategies to enhance your standing:

  • Sell Intel: Trade intel about other syndicates with Ashiga vendors to increase your reputation.
  • Complete Contracts: Seek out contract brokers and finish side quests that provide reputation points with the syndicate.
  • Watch for Random Events: Look for pop-up quests, particularly while traveling through space, as they can offer significant reputation rewards.

How the Gas Acceleration Converter Improves the Blaster

Where Is the Gas Acceleration Converter in Star Wars Outlaws

The Gas Acceleration Converter serves as an enhancement for your Blaster, boosting the speed of its plasma bolts. This function resembles the role of muzzle velocity add-ons on traditional firearms. Furthermore, it enables access to the third Rapid Configuration upgrade in your Blaster, reducing the time it takes to heat up.

Rapid Configuration 3 Requirements

  • Polycarbonate (20)
  • Actuating Module (10)
  • Gas Acceleration Converter

Is the Gas Acceleration Converter Worth It?

Where Is the Gas Acceleration Converter in Star Wars Outlaws

In the game Star Wars Outlaws, it’s generally not necessary to invest in Blaster upgrades like the Gas Acceleration Converter. You should consider buying it only if you have extra credits lying around. The improvement this upgrade brings to gameplay isn’t significant enough compared to its cost, especially if you haven’t built a strong reputation with the Ashiga Clan yet and still need to fulfill their tasks before acquiring the particle accelerator.

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2024-09-26 17:05