Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

As an old-time adventurer who’s been through my fair share of quests and puzzles, I must say this book you’ve stumbled upon is quite the challenge! It’s filled with secrets and riddles that would make even the wisest sage scratch their head.

In The Plucky Squire, you won’t find an extensive variety of collectibles, but there are more than 50 captivating pieces of art called Art Scrolls that players can discover. These scrolls can be found concealed within trees, tucked away in hidden sections of levels, or even bought from a merchant.

One more item unique to the game that players might encounter are the elusive Glitchbirds, numbering just ten in total. These rare finds will lead players off the typical path, potentially extending their gaming session with the whimsical Plucky Squire, as they delve into every nook and cranny of this captivating game environment.

All Art Scroll Locations

Art Scroll 1

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

In my gaming adventure, I’ll come across the first Art Scroll not long after encountering Violet in the game. After taking a right turn to move into the next region, I’ll need to defeat any opposing forces that stand in my way. Once that’s done, gaze upward at the top of this area. You’ll spot a small lake there. To the left of this lake, hidden behind some bushes and a tree, is where you’ll find the elusive Art Scroll I’m after.

Art Scroll 2

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

After unlocking the gate marked “The gate creaked open,” you’ll come across a merchant named Martina. She offers a variety of upgrades for sale, as well as occasional Art Scrolls. Make sure to purchase any Art Scrolls she has available before proceeding further.

As I pen down these words, I’ve noticed a peculiar situation with this merchant. They don’t seem to offload all their goods after the game, which can be quite challenging for us players who want to complete our collections. To ensure I can afford everything in each chapter, I find it necessary to put in that extra bit of effort and grind a little more.

Art Scroll 3

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

In the second chapter, as the player progresses, they’ll encounter a zone filled with tumbling rocks. Following this rocky area, you’ll find a vast lake, and to its right, partially hidden among shrubs and foliage, there will be an Art Scroll.

Art Scroll 4

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

In Chapter 2, you’ll encounter Martina once more, but this won’t happen until after you assist the giant cat NPC with obtaining his biscuits and moving forward from your current location.

Art Scroll 5

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

As you make your way along the game’s path, eventually reaching an area at night, there will be a peculiar energy sensed around you. On the ground, you’ll notice the words “There was a strange electricity in the air” written mysteriously. Take a detour to the left and strike the tree to the side of the fallen tree. You’ll find the Art Scroll dropping from it.

Art Scroll ​​​​​​​6

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

As a gamer, I’ll run into Martina once more at a shattered bridge. Before I can move forward, she’ll make an appearance on my game screen, signaling it’s time for me to advance to the next chapter.

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Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

Keep advancing until you reach a spot filled with many book piles. To move forward to the next location, construct a bridge using the scattered documents first. However, prior to that, navigate towards the far-left corner of this area to discover a painting scroll nestled among some shrubs.

Art Scroll ​​​​​​​8

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

In Chapter 3, upon reaching Moonbeard’s residence, glance towards the upper-right side, and you’ll spot an Art Scroll hidden behind a tree.

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Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

Additionally, in Chapter 3, step away from the book and move towards the upper-left part of the desk. There, you’ll spot a diagonally positioned white bridge with black markings. After proceeding rightward along the path, you will discover the Art Scroll situated to the right of the wooden ruler.

Art Scroll 10

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

In Chapter 4, following the challenging riddle with the big bug, you’ll traverse a straightforward path that leads you close to Martina. Purchase an Art Scroll from her there.

Art Scroll 11

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

In the course of your exploration, you’ll come across a fascinating challenge that requires toggling between day and night. Over on the farthest left side of the vicinity, you’ll notice an isolated island. Interact with the most northerly tree on this island.

Art Scroll 12

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

Continue playing the game, and you’ll eventually encounter a cave. Exit the story at this point, and proceed towards the portal located at the summit of the second page. Take a rightward path, and you’ll stumble upon a secret compartment in the wall containing the Art Scroll.

Art Scroll 13

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

In your quest for a bow, you should put down the book first. After that, turn right and you’ll encounter Minibeard. To the right of Minibeard, there’s a movable block. If you pull it to the left, you can get the Art Scroll located on the opposite side.

Art Scroll 14

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

Continue your journey, and you’ll eventually come across a slanted black bridge with distinctive white zigzags. To the right of it, you’ll find the Art Scroll.

Art Scroll 15

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

Bought from Martina in Snail Town.

Art Scroll 16

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

You will need to go rescue Violet and Thrash after they have been kidnapped by a boss character. While heading east, you will see a single elderly snail. Hit the tree near the path you came from to get an Art Scroll.

Art Scroll 17

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

To advance in your current story, you need to find all the elusive pigs first. These pigs are essential for unlocking the next chapters of the Art Scrolls, so make sure they’re part of your journey. As you continue on your adventure, the next Art Scrolls will naturally reveal themselves to you.

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Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

By reaching Chapter 5, you’ll arrive in Artia. In the lower left residence of the city, you’ll discover a scroll dedicated to art.

Art Scroll 19

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

Bought from Martina in Artia.

Art Scroll 20

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

Flee from Artia, dash upward onto the table towards Minibeard. Turn right and stick to the upper wall to locate a circular ring of tape. Leap over this ring and continue rightward to discover a tube. The Art Scroll can be found within this tube.

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Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

Return to Minibeard, locate the incline beside the “Hey!” decal. Leap onto the Rubik’s Cube and hop over the paint containers. Disembark from the block adorned with googly eyes. Ascend the book that reads “Grant Pek” on its base, then turn right. You will discover the Art Scroll near some cards in this location.

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Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

As you make your way to see the queen, navigate towards the castle’s farthest right side where you can discover the Art Scroll hidden behind an object resembling a thumbtack, situated in that area.

Art Scroll 23

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

From here on, you’ve entered Chapter 6. A fresh gameplay feature allows for jumping to various locations across the map. Upon reaching the upper left corner, make sure to strike the tree standing beside the star to cause it to release an Artifact Scroll.

Art Scroll 24

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

You can purchase this Art Scroll from Martina, located to the left of an NPC requesting a Bunny Pass. To reach her, you’ll need to cross a zigzag bridge first.

Art Scroll 25

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

On the book, you’ll encounter a dark page featuring a portal at its uppermost point and stairs positioned towards the bottom-left corner. Instead of proceeding through the portal as usual, navigate to the bottom-right direction to discover an Art Scroll.

Art Scroll 26

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

You’ll locate a jetpack, followed by indicators with red arrows. Keep following these directions until you reach Minibeard. Climb onto the green blocks to the left of him, then ascend to the platform above them. Interact with the tree and gather the Art Scroll.

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Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

When you gather everything required for your task, you’ll then want to make your way to a designated gateway. But remember, just above this gateway lies a sphere or globe. Atop that globe is where you’ll find the Art Scroll.

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Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

You will be asked to light some birthday candles. Jump into the mug with the NPC requesting this to get the Art Scroll.

Art Scroll 29

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

Immediately following your meeting with Grozz, you’ll venture below ground. On the initial level, there will be footprints etched into the floor. Follow these tracks, and they’ll lead you through an art gallery known as the Art Scroll, keeping close to a pillar as your guide.

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Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

I acquired it from Martina towards the conclusion of the chapter. To the left, there’s a big gathering of party-loving Rock Bunnies.

Art Scroll 31

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

Bought from Martina in Chapter 7. Just follow the road and you will pass her.

Art Scroll 32

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

In this upcoming phase, Tumba joins your team. They’ll express the necessity of moving in a specific direction. After we proceed in that direction, engage the adversaries and search for a cue at the top-left corner. This cue will trigger Tumba to start digging, ultimately unearthing the Art Scroll.

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Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

While exploring, look for mosquitoes preserved in amber. One of these could lead you to step into a portal filled with sand and cacti. Continue on your path beyond the mosquito to locate the Art Scroll.

Art Scroll 34

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

On this dinosaur, you’ll be tasked with eliminating its foes. After completing the mission, a portal will materialize on the dinosaur. Prior to healing, make your way to the dinosaur’s feet to discover an Art Scroll.

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Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

Following the dinosaur, proceed along the path towards Minibeard. You’ll spot him near the diorama on the far-right side. That’s where you’ll discover an Artifact Scroll.

Art Scroll 36

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

To eliminate some tanks, you’ll have to employ the Bomb Stamp. Meanwhile, on the same page, there’s a destructible cube that will yield an Art Scroll upon destruction.

Art Scroll 37

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

Use the bomb stamp and some crates to reach the end of a cave. There is a hidden section just before leaving. If you do leave the cave, head back and go into this hidden section.

Art Scroll 38

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

Purchased something from Martina who resides on an island. Reach this island prior to utilizing a vehicle to clear the wall. Once you’ve cleared the wall, use the vehicle again and then head towards Martina.

Art Scroll 39

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

In Chapter 8, you’ll discover multiple fires depicted within the pages. Head towards the fire located furthest to the left, and you’ll stumble upon an Art Scroll hidden behind it.

Art Scroll 40

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

Found in the top right building at Artia.

Art Scroll 41

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

Exit the book via the portal on its bottom-left side, then walk all the way to the right end of the desk; there, you’ll encounter an Art Scroll.

Art Scroll 42

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

Keep advancing until you come across “Oh Dear, a total impasse” in Chapter 9. At that point, take the right route.

Art Scroll 43

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

As you search your desk for missing items, you’ll come across your Tilt Gauntlets. The Art Scroll is located to the right where these gauntlets were found.

Art Scroll 44

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

On your return journey to the book, you’ll encounter some yellow signs with red pointers. If you reach a sign directing you to the left, disregard it and proceed straight ahead instead. You’ll then discover an archway housing the Art Scroll.


Art Scroll 45

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

As a gamer, I’d say: Keep following the same markers until you spot a birthday card saying “You’re 10”. Then, hug the wall on the left side of that card and head downward. You’ll come across some trees perfect for chopping. Continue along this path, and eventually, you’ll reach the Art Scroll.

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Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

Break the statue of Humgrump with the “Broken” object you obtain from solving the Two Large Metal Crate riddle.

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Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

To the left of the phrase “This was really just too much,” you’ll find Martina, who sells this Art Scroll.

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Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

Players encounter a magical pipe imbued with metamagic, which can be switched between the pages of the book. To the left of the book, there’s a sizable black box-like structure. By placing the Bomb Stamp on this object while outside the book, they can make it explode (or disappear), revealing an Art Scroll that can then be collected upon reentry into the book.

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Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

This Art Scroll can be bought from Martina. Players will pass her through a linear corridor.

Art Scroll 50

Where To Find All Art Scrolls In The Plucky Squire

After learning about the backstory of Humgrump’s logo, navigate to the farthest right side and click on the second to last tree there to make the final Art Scroll fall.

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2024-09-20 16:14