The second installment of “Hades,” titled “Hades 2,” remains in early access, yet its captivating narrative has left many players hooked. Much like the original game, the sequel follows Melinoe, a descendant of Hades, as she embarks on a journey to rescue her kin from Chronos and aid Olympus in defeating the malevolent forces of the Titan of Time. In essence, “Hades 2” elevates its cherished roguelike elements while breathing new life into an ensemble of characters from Greek mythology.
In the sequel of “Hades 2“, the story unfolds following the events of the initial game. As a result, Melinoe crosses paths with several acquaintances, including Olympians, Chaos, Hades, and others. Yet, there are still numerous characters from the first installment who have yet to emerge in this continuation.
Hades Characters That Haven’t Shown Up in Hades 2’s Story
To recap, the primary storyline in “Hades 2” revolves around Melinoe’s mission to free her family from captivity, as Chronos seized control of the Underworld. In a past event, players witness numerous familiar faces entombed within compact, cubicle-like enclosures, signifying Chronos’s conquest of the House of Hades. So far, Melinoe has only encountered a few inhabitants of the House of Hades: Skelly and Hypnos, who reside safely in The Crossroads; Cerberus in the Fields of Mourning; and Hades himself, confined in Tartarus.
In the initial Hades game, the main character, Zagreus – older brother of Melinoe and son of Hades – is famous for his attempts to break free from the Underworld in search of his biological mother, Persephone. Although his part in the follow-up has yet to be revealed, many enthusiasts eagerly anticipate a potential collaboration between Zagreus and Melinoe in Hades 2.
As a gamer, I find myself often entwined with the mythical tapestry of the Greek underworld, and that includes the enigmatic figure of Nyx, the Primordial Goddess of Night. She’s not just any deity, she’s Zagreus’ adoptive mom and the creator of a whole host of Hades characters, such as Thanatos, Hypnos, and Nemesis. Though she didn’t make an appearance in Hades 2, her influence lingers, weaving its way through conversations with numerous characters, reminding us all that even the unseen can cast a long shadow.
Children of Nyx
- Charon
- Thanatos
- Hypnos
- Nemesis
- Moros
- Eris
In the story of Zagreus’ quest to leave the Underworld, the Queen of the Underworld plays a significant role. Following her return to the world above, Persephone led a secluded life, devoting herself to gardening. However, Zagreus manages to persuade her to resume her position as queen and restore harmony in the Underworld. As a result, he serves as the connection that brings Hades’ family back together on Mount Olympus. Shortly after the happenings of Hades, Persephone gives birth to her second child, Melinoe.
In the realm of mythology, Thanatos, often called the embodiment of Death, is a sibling to Hypnos and maintains a strong bond with Zagreus. Frequently observed collecting spirits in the Underworld, he also assists Zagreus in overcoming adversaries on specific stages. In the upcoming game, Hades 2, Melinoe acquires Thanatos’ scythe by employing the Moonstone Axe’s aspect of Thanatos.
In the game “Hades,” Meg is a key member of the Furies, tasked with doling out punishment to prisoners of Hades. Often recalled as the ultimate challenge in Tartarus, she stands as an obstacle for Zagreus, trying to hinder his advancement towards Asphodel. The narrative suggests that Zagreus once had a romantic relationship, and players can re-ignite the embers by pursuing a romance with Meg in the game.
In the House of Hades, the cherished Gorgon head is often spotted soaring about, diligently tidying up every nook and cranny. Additionally, Dusa, who harbors a deep affection for Zagreus, becomes romantically available to players once they have fully developed their relationship with her.
As a devoted admirer of mythology, I find myself captivated by the tale of Sisyphus, who, condemned to eternal labor in Tartarus, rolls an immense boulder tirelessly, yet maintains an unwavering optimism. The specifics of his fate following Chronos’ ascension are shrouded in mystery, but in “Hades 2”, players get a glimpse of this transformed rock, now blanketed in moss, when they traverse the domain of Hades himself.
Orpheus and Eurydice
In the initial stages of the game, both Orpheus and Eurydice are captives under Hades’ rule. However, Orpheus secures a position as a court musician within the palace, while Eurydice resides somewhere in Asphodel. Despite their tragic past depicted in the game Hades, Zagreus offers an opportunity for Orpheus and Eurydice to be reunited. Once they are together again, Orpheus can often be found socializing and performing music with Eurydice in her modest dwelling within Asphodel.
Achilles and Patroclus
In another context, the indivisible duo are Achilles and Patroclus, who may find each other again in the underworld of Hades. At first, Achilles is among Zagreus’ esteemed mentors, alongside Skelly. On the other hand, Patroclus is a valiant spirit dwelling in Elysium, frequently recalling his camaraderie with Achilles. Upon their reunion, Achilles goes to visit Patroclus in Elysium, where they joyfully recount their past lives as warriors.
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2025-01-30 23:27