Why FF7 Rebirth’s Late Game Side Quest Approach is a Double-Edged Sword

Why FF7 Rebirth's Late Game Side Quest Approach is a Double-Edged Sword

As a seasoned RPG enthusiast with countless hours spent exploring the vast worlds of these games, I find myself both enamored and overwhelmed by the side content in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. The attention to detail and dedication to fleshing out the supporting cast is commendable, and it’s a joy to see familiar faces like Kyrie and Beck’s Badasses make their return.

The additional quests in ‘Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth’ reflect its overall design philosophy. Richly filled with fresh minigames, character dialogues, and other elements, it expands upon its original material. Similar to many RPGs, it presents a wealth of content that raises the question of when enough becomes too much. As players strive to explore every aspect of ‘Rebirth’, the downsides of this strategy become evident. With a completionist mentality, the motivation to tackle quests and Chadley’s world intel keeps players engaged between main story events. However, scrutinizing ‘Rebirth’s side content reveals an intricate depth beneath its surface that seems endless.

As a gamer diving into Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, I find myself venturing back to the Corel region towards the game’s latter stages, where Cloud and his companions engage in the Gold Saucer’s coliseum tournament for story reasons. Alongside this main narrative, Rebirth expands its regions even more by offering additional side quests that strengthen Cloud’s party bonds before the memorable FF7 date scene.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth’s Side Content is Abundant, For Better and For Worse

Content at the Cost of Being Overwhelming

In the later stages of the game, Rebirth skillfully employs its diverse landscapes, even including the Meridian Sea for a swashbuckling treasure hunt with Red and revisiting other areas. While these quests contain some captivating story elements, they sometimes clash with the pace of the game. By the time these side quests emerge, you might have invested close to 100 hours in Rebirth, making additional completion feel more laborious than thrilling. The issue is further compounded by the “Ultimate Party Animal” side quest at the Gold Saucer, which requires replaying previously known minigames.

Ticking off Boxes in Rebirth

In “Rebirth,” the layout and design of its content and user interface is carefully planned and extremely engaging, sometimes excessively so when it comes to ticking off yet-to-be-completed tasks. Exploring all enemy types across every region, gathering information by pressuring and staggering enemies, as well as completing side quests can make the process feel daunting in light of “Rebirth’s” narrative. Once one task is completed, another seems to immediately pop up. Additional aspects such as fulfilling Chadley’s combat simulator requests, obtaining trophies for Johnny’s collection, and battling in the coliseum add to this sense of being overwhelmed, despite offering their own unique rewards.

Side Quests in the Larger Context of Rebirth’s Game Design

It’s evident that the side quests in Rebirth have been carefully planned to fit seamlessly into the game’s overall design. These quests not only enhance the banter between Cloud and his companions, particularly focusing on specific party members, but also strike a balance in terms of their duration. Most side quests are localized within the region they are accepted, often leading players to discover hidden or hard-to-reach areas that might remain overlooked without the context provided by these subplots. This is especially noticeable during the early and mid-game when regions are yet to be fully explored, but even some late-game quests and protorelic missions can lead players to uncover cache locations or rest stops they would otherwise miss.

Essentially, it’s the player who decides how much they invest in the game ‘Rebirth’, particularly for those who aim to complete every aspect. However, it’s important to note that most of their playtime will be spent on side activities rather than the main storyline. This isn’t necessarily a drawback; there are numerous heartfelt character moments and intricate world-building details tucked away in the smaller, more personal side quests. Additionally, supporting characters, fiend descriptions, and other elements contribute to this rich world-building. Nevertheless, the extensive amount of content to be finished in ‘Rebirth’ raises the question of whether the final installment of the remake trilogy will adopt a similar approach.

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2024-09-15 19:04