Wistoria: Wand and Sword Episode 7 – Taking Down the Narcissistic Prince

Wistoria: Wand and Sword Episode 7 - Taking Down the Narcissistic Prince

Key Takeaways

  • Episode 7 features the best action sequences in the series so far, highlighting the duel between Julius and Will.
  • The fast-paced and dynamic movements enhance the intensity of the fight scenes in Wistoria.
  • Defeating Julius requires not only overpowering him in combat but also humiliating and shattering his pride.

As a seasoned writer and avid fan of Wistoria: Wand and Sword, I must say that the creators have truly outdone themselves with Episode 7. The way they delicately wove the characters’ personalities into their victories and defeats is nothing short of brilliant. It’s not just about the action; it’s about the emotion, the depth, and the intricate layers that make each fight scene a captivating spectacle.

A review should only focus on the actual work itself, and not venture into the ambiguous territory of could, should, and would. That being said, it’s hard to avoid thinking about how much better episode 6 of Wistoria: Wand and Sword could be if it had a much tighter drama and a robust story structure. After all, it has pretty much all the ingredients for an engaging episode.

Initially, the creators had planned for episode 6 to intensify anticipation for the final chapter of the Grand Magic Festival arc. Instead, they interspersed action scenes with numerous flashbacks, a move that significantly diminished viewer engagement and spoiled the overall viewing experience. What a missed chance. So here’s hoping that this episode delivers an engaging climax to wrap up this storyline effectively.

The Best Action Thus Far

Wistoria: Wand and Sword Episode 7 - Taking Down the Narcissistic Prince

In episode 7, we delve into the intense confrontation between Julius Reinber, an elite student at Regarden Magical Academy and renowned for his ice magic, and Will Serfort, a fellow student who’s struggled with casting spells despite six years at the academy. This is a clash between a prodigious mage and a swordsman boasting superhuman strength and agility. The ensuing battle yields one of the most thrilling action scenes in the series so far.

Fast-Pace and Dynamic Movements

In Wistoria’s case, action is where she truly shines. The reason this series’ actions stand out, and it’s evident in this particular episode, is due to swift and energetic movement sequences.

The team behind Wistoria: Wand and Sword, consisting of showrunners and animators, excel at creating action sequences that are briskly paced, utilizing characters’ movements, dialogue, dramatic camera angles, and vibrant special effects. This technique proves particularly effective due to Will being a character who is constantly in motion rather than standing still. Typically, his adversaries remain stationary instead. Since they are mages, it makes sense that they don’t have to move when their spells can do the work for them. The stark difference between the two contributes to the heightened feeling of speed within the combat scenes.

Beyond this, it’s important to note that Will’s movements are not just straightforward from point A to B on a flat surface. Instead, he skillfully employs the space around him for agile evasions, such as jumping to dodge attacks or even using the ceiling as a stepping stone to amplify his speed. To add to this, the camera angles used in these scenes are dynamic and creative, seamlessly transitioning between wide shots, extreme close-ups, and tracking shots that intensify the fight sequences even more. This blend of techniques is masterfully applied during the confrontation between Julius and Will.

The Arc of a Fight

A battle or conflict should contribute to the overall plot development and ideally, convey a narrative. It shouldn’t be a mere incident without significance to the storyline as a whole. This is why an effective fight typically follows a structure with a clear start, progression, and conclusion, forming what we call an “arc.” When skillfully crafted, it offers a satisfying experience for viewers, guiding them through the tale from start to finish. The battle in this episode exemplifies such a well-structured arc.

As a captivated spectator, I found myself on the edge of my seat as the battle commenced, with Will making a dramatic entrance and squaring off against Julius. The air crackled with tension as Julius, demonstrating his command over ice magic, launched an intense assault that left me wincing for Will. But just when it seemed like the odds were stacked against him, Will showcased his prowess in close-quarters combat, eventually outmaneuvering the novice mage. The atmosphere shifted from tense to electric as the crowd erupted in cheers.

From the instant Will confronts Julius, right up until he overpowers the arrogant prince, every scene unfolds smoothly and unforced. This seamless progression keeps us viewers on tenterhooks, completely captivated by the battle. What a thrilling battle it was!

How to Defeat a Character

Wistoria: Wand and Sword Episode 7 - Taking Down the Narcissistic Prince

In a fight between a hero and a villain, most people only care about who wins the battle. However, just like how the hero wins his fight matters, how a villain is defeated also matters. Both require careful consideration from the writers in order to do justice to the character and keep the audience immersed in the story. After all, different characters define winning and defeats differently.

Different Defeats for Different Characters

Wistoria: Wand and Sword Episode 7 - Taking Down the Narcissistic Prince

Different individuals might view success and failure in varying perspectives. For instance, one person might regard victory as continuing a battle while another might see it as retreating if it means saving those they care for. In Will’s case, escaping a fight is a triumph because he can protect his loved ones. To him, simply surviving is a win. Conversely, when Will rescues Shion, the powerful mage doesn’t view this act as a mere defeat but rather an affront – even though no harm has been inflicted upon him physically.

Crafting each victory and loss in accordance with the character’s unique traits significantly enriches every fight scene, transforming it from just an action-packed event into a deep, character-driven interplay that propels the narrative. This approach elevates battles beyond mere spectacles to meaningful encounters between characters.

What Defeat Means to Julius Reinberg

Wistoria: Wand and Sword Episode 7 - Taking Down the Narcissistic Prince

Speaking of Julius Reinberg for this episode, how does one defeat him? Unlike Wendall or Lihanna who are considered among the top three powerful students, defeating Julius isn’t about physical strength; it’s more about getting under his skin. The real challenge lies in humbling him, damaging his pride. A simple sparring session wouldn’t faze him, but if someone can make him feel defeated, he will remember and seek revenge the next time.

In their battle, Julius unveils a freshly-concocted charm he’s particularly proud of – an adaptation of Magia Vander’s iconic ice spell, Ars Weiss. As Elfie counters with her own magic, Will initially gets flustered and emotional, but quickly regains composure to take control. Although Will may physically overpower Julius, it is when Will discloses his knowledge about Ars Weiss that truly undermines Julius. To add insult to injury, Will further reveals that the spell Julius values so highly was actually invented by Elfie when she was only two years old.

To put it simply, if I were a fan, I’d say that to vanquish Julius, Will must accomplish two key tasks. Firstly, he should outmatch Julius in battle. Secondly, he needs to deliver a blow that not only humiliates but also shatters Julius’s self-esteem and pride. Given Julius’s arrogant and narcissistic nature, this is the most effective way to truly conquer him.

“I learned this spell two years ago? That makes me like a toddler in magic skills! I find that hard to believe!”

– Julius Reinberg, Episode 7

Episode 7 of “Wistoria: Wand and Sword” stands out as the most impressive episode so far, packed with thrilling action sequences that leave viewers breathless. It also delivers a substantial dose of drama, enhancing the excitement of the fighting scenes. This installment has set a high bar for future episodes, and fans are eagerly anticipating if they can match this level of quality.

Wistoria: Wand and Sword is available to stream on Crunchyroll.

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2024-08-30 19:34