Wistoria: Wand and Sword – Every Main Characters Age & Height

Wistoria: Wand and Sword - Every Main Characters Age & Height


  • Wistoria: Wand and Sword is a familiar shounen fantasy anime with magic, swords, and intense action.
  • Will Serfort, a strong swordsman with no magical ability, faces challenges at the Regarden Magical Academy.
  • Characters like Elfaria, Colette, and Sion add depth to the story, with conflicts and relationships unfolding.

As a seasoned watcher of the captivating series “Wistoria Wand & Sword,” I must say that each character brings a unique flavor to the storyline. One such character who has piqued my interest is none other than the enigmatic Iris X. Stellamaris, our mysterious Watcher for the Magia Vander.

In the vast collection of contemporary fantasy anime lies the fresh addition titled “Wistoria: Wand and Sword“. This show, like many of its contemporaries in the genre, employs familiar themes such as a Magic School, Dungeons, Terrifying Beasts, and more. If you’re a fan of this style, you’ll likely find this new series comfortably reminiscent of your favorite shows.

The tale of “Wistoria: Wand and Sword” centers on Will Serfort, a pupil at the distinguished Regarden Magical Academy, who unfortunately lacks the ability to perform even the most basic magical spells. However, instead, he has honed his skills in swordsmanship, making him exceptionally skilled in combat. Herein lies the main cast of “Wistoria: Wand and Sword”, along with their age, physical attributes, and other pertinent details about them.

Wistoria: Wand and Sword Character Chart

Wistoria: Wand and Sword - Every Main Characters Age & Height

As I pen this text, the series “Wistoria: Wand and Sword” has just reached its fourth episode. Consequently, the details provided below are derived from episodes that have been aired, the show’s official website, and the original manga as well. For those eager to delve deeper into each character, feel free to peruse the information that follows.

Name Age Height
Will Serfort 16 168 cm (5’6″)
Elfaria Albis Serfort 16 163 cm (5’4″)
Colette Loire 15 164 cm (5’5″)
Sion Alster 16 171 cm (5’7″)
Rosti Naumann 16 170 cm (5’7″)
Julius Reinberg 16 174 cm (5’9″)
Lihanna Owenzaus N/A N/A
Wignall Lindor N/A N/A
Iris X. Stellamaris N/A 157 cm (5’2”)
Workner Norgram N/A N/A
Edward Serfence 26 175 cm (5’9’’)

11 Will Serfort

A Student at the Regarden Magical Academy

Wistoria: Wand and Sword - Every Main Characters Age & Height
  • Age: 16
  • Height: 168 cm (5’6″)
  • Race: Human

In the story of “Wistoria: Wand and Sword,” it is Serfort who takes center stage. Unlike most others, he isn’t gifted with magical abilities. However, he possesses an extraordinary physical condition that grants him strength and speed far surpassing those of ordinary individuals.

In the past, Will made a vow to his cherished childhood companion, Elfaria – a member of the present-day Magia Vander – that they would remain inseparable. This commitment is what keeps him resilient, pushing forward through endless trials and embarrassments he’s faced over the years.

10 Elfaria Albis Serfort

One of the Current Magia Vander

Wistoria: Wand and Sword - Every Main Characters Age & Height
  • Age: 16
  • Height: 163 cm (5’4″)
  • Race: Human

From a tender age, Elfaria crafted an unique Ice Magic incantation that earned her the title of the youngest Magia Vander ever. Over time, this remarkable talent has only grown, resulting in the creation of numerous original magic spells. Currently, Elfaria boasts 12 distinct magic spells, a record-breaking achievement for a young Magia Vander. This exceptional feat places her among the most, if not the most, accomplished Magia Vanders in history.

Amongst her fellow Magia Vander, Elfaria talks less than the others. She only speaks when it’s essential and prefers using that time to work on creating new magic instead of socializing with other Magia Vander. Moreover, despite being an expert in magic, what she yearns for most in this world is companionship with Will. Consequently, she doesn’t see the need to make connections with others.

9 Colette Loire

A Student at the Regarden Magical Academy

Wistoria: Wand and Sword - Every Main Characters Age & Height
  • Age: 15
  • Height: 164 cm (5’5″)
  • Race: Human

At the Regarden Magical Academy, where Colette Loire is a sixth-year student, she forges a tight bond with Will. Remarkably, she’s one of the few who befriends him. Moreover, she doesn’t shy away from defending Will against bullying by her peers. Frequently, they can be spotted engrossed in studies together within the library, which contributes to their exceptional academic performance.

Colette hails from a once distinguished family, who suffered a tragic past and as a result, have relinquished their nobility title and many privileges. This makes her feel awkward when mentioning her surname in public settings. Colette excels in Earth Magic, leaning more towards grandiose spells rather than intricate ones that need precise control. Additionally, it appears she harbors romantic feelings for Will.

8 Sion Alster

A Student at the Regarden Magical Academy

Wistoria: Wand and Sword - Every Main Characters Age & Height
  • Age: 16
  • Height: 171 cm (5’7″)
  • Race: Human

In a manner reminiscent of Colette, Sion Alster is among Will’s peers at Regarden Magical Academy. Interestingly, Sion is one of those who frequently teases and even torments Will. He harbors disdain towards Will because he finds it unfair that an apparently unskilled individual like Will can study at the most esteemed academy in the realm. In fact, Sion has been advocating for Will’s expulsion from the academy. However, a pivotal moment occurred when Will rescued Sion from a fearsome monster within the dungeon. Over time, this act of kindness seemed to melt Sion’s harsh exterior towards Will.

SIon is a skillful Fire Mage who excels in using advanced magic spells for attacks, effortlessly defeating lower-level enemies. However, he lacks hands-on combat experience – something that WILL has in abundance. In fact, if it weren’t for WILL’s intervention, SION might not be here today. This realization about WILL’s exceptional abilities only serves to annoy SION immensely.

7 Rosti Naumann

A Student at the Regarden Magical Academy

Wistoria: Wand and Sword - Every Main Characters Age & Height
  • Age: 16
  • Height: 170 cm (5’7″)
  • Race: Human

At Regarden, Rosti Naumann isn’t just a classmate; he shares living quarters with Will. This young man is considerate and keeps a keen eye on Will’s welfare. He enjoys preparing meals for Will and occasionally selects stylish garments for him since Will rarely takes notice of such things. Whenever Will overexerts himself during his routine dungeon exploration, Rosti becomes concerned.

In the significant part he plays in Will’s life, Rosti primarily crafts an array of enchanted devices for him. Given his profession as a magic engineer, Rosti excels at designing magical tools tailored to various needs. He takes great pleasure in fashioning diverse instruments to aid Will in his battles. One such invention surfaced in episode 3, a hand grenade that proved instrumental in defeating a colossal ice beast.

6 Julius Reinberg

A Student at the Regarden Magical Academy

Wistoria: Wand and Sword - Every Main Characters Age & Height
  • Age: 16
  • Height: 174 cm (5’9″)
  • Race: Human

At Regarden Magical Academy, a student can amass a maximum of 12,000 credits during their educational journey. To graduate, however, only 7,000 credits are required. Earning more than 10,000 credits, therefore, is a testament to extraordinary magical abilities and intellectual prowess far surpassing that of the average student. Among the academy’s students, Julius Reinberg is one of just three individuals who have accumulated over 10,000 credits, placing him in the top echelon of scholastic achievement at Regarden Magical Academy.

Of the three, Julius stands out as the most unpleasant character. He possesses an inflated sense of self-importance, is excessively self-centered, and often targets those he perceives as lesser than him, including Will. In numerous aspects, he mirrors Sion Alster in a negative light. However, it was primarily Julius who motivated Will to participate in the Grand Magic Festival, thus unveiling his hidden potential to the world.

5 Lihanna Owenzaus

A Student at the Regarden Magical Academy

Wistoria: Wand and Sword - Every Main Characters Age & Height
  • Age: Unknown
  • Height: Unknown
  • Race: Human

In much the same vein as Julius, Lihanna holds a prestigious position among the top three students at Regarden Academy, a status further elevated by her impressive 12000 credit count, making her one of the most exceptional students in the academy’s storied history. Known affectionately as ‘Miss Perfect,’ she excels in all aspects, demonstrating remarkable skills in academics, magic, and athletics – truly mastering each discipline with ease.

Lily is a girl who values action over words. She’s more focused on tangible outcomes than feelings and sentiments. Her perspective on life is practical, making decisions based solely on available facts. Not unlike other top-performing students at this enchanted academy, she too strives to reach the pinnacle of the wizarding world.

4 Wignall Lindor

A Student at the Regarden Magical Academy

Wistoria: Wand and Sword - Every Main Characters Age & Height
  • Age: Unknown
  • Height: Unknown
  • Race: Elf

In the realm of “Wistoria: Wand and Sword,” elves are highly esteemed for their nobility. They possess a unique talent in the art of magic, most notably illusion magic. Being one of the rare elves in the academic institution, Wignall garners much respect from his peers. Unsurprisingly, he swiftly ascends to become one of the top three outstanding students within the academy.

Wignall values his distinguished ancestry deeply and tends to connect with individuals he believes are equal or superior to him. Remarkably, beneath his composed exterior, Wignall exhibits cunning behavior and won’t think twice about exploiting others’ misfortunes for personal gain, a trait that appears to be common among the top three students as well.

3 Iris X. Stellamaris aka Iris Churchwill

A Watcher for the Magia Vander

Wistoria: Wand and Sword - Every Main Characters Age & Height
  • Age: Unknown
  • Height: 157 cm (5’2”)
  • Race: Human

In episode 3, for the first time, character Will encounters Iris, who is not as she appears. While exploring the dungeon in search of the Frost Walker, he introduces himself to her as Iris Churchill, a junior student from Regarden Magical Academy. However, unbeknownst to Will, this is merely an alias. In reality, Iris’s true identity is Iris X. Stellamaris, and she serves as a watcher for the present Magia Vender.

In her role as a Watcher, Iris’s primary duty involves identifying gifted individuals among the student body and suggesting them to Magia Vander for consideration. If these potential candidates are deemed worthy by Magia Vander, they will be admitted into their faction. At first, Iris was a bit uncertain about Will from Elfaria due to his inability to perform magic. However, once she witnessed him at work, Iris instantly admired him.

2 Workner Norgram

A Teacher at the Regarden Magical Academy

Wistoria: Wand and Sword - Every Main Characters Age & Height
  • Age: Unknown
  • Height: Unknown
  • Race: Human

At Regarden Academy, Workner serves as a teacher and has been looking after Will since his enrollment. Initially, only he and the headmaster were privy to the fact that Will possesses extraordinary strength exceeding that of most mages at the academy. In a direct fight, Will proves significantly stronger than his peers.

As a former college student who struggled to meet academic requirements due to my own limitations, I can empathize with Workner’s efforts to help Will earn additional academic credits. The desire to compensate for one’s shortcomings is a common drive among many students, and it takes a compassionate mentor like Workner to guide them towards productive avenues. However, in the case of sending Will into a dangerous dungeon every day, I believe there are safer alternatives that could help Will make up for his lack of magical ability without putting him at risk of injury.

1 Edward Serfence

A Teacher at the Regarden Magical Academy

Wistoria: Wand and Sword - Every Main Characters Age & Height
  • Age: 26
  • Height: 175 cm (5’9’’)
  • Race: Human

Similar to Workner, Edward serves as a teacher at Regarden Magical Academy, where he focuses primarily on Dark Magic. However, he possesses a broad understanding of various forms of magic as well. His mastery of magic places him among the most powerful mages within the academy, second only to the Magia Vander title. Unfortunately, Edward holds the belief that magic surpasses all else, including weapons like swords or melee tools. As a result, he tends to look down upon individuals who lack magical abilities, such as Will.

Edward takes it upon himself to urge the headmaster to dismiss Will, considering him nothing more than an unwanted disgrace at the esteemed Regarden Academy. Remarkably, Will manages to alter Edward’s perspective after landing a well-aimed strike on him. From that moment forward, Edward develops respect for Will’s skills and gradually acknowledges him as one of the academy’s most powerful students.

Based on my years of working in this field, I understand how frustrating it can be to lack complete information about a subject, especially when you’re eagerly waiting for more details. I’ve been there myself, and trust me, it’s not an easy wait. However, what we do have right now are the pieces of the puzzle that we can share with you. The rest, as they say, is still in progress. But fear not! As soon as new information regarding those characters becomes available, I promise to keep you updated promptly, so stay tuned for future updates and revelations.

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2024-08-03 11:04