With Overwatch 2 PvE Fading, It May Need a Page Out of Marvel Rivals Book

With Overwatch 2 PvE Fading, It May Need a Page Out of Marvel Rivals Book


  • Overwatch 2’s decision to focus on PvP over PvE missions disappoints lore enthusiasts.
  • Adopting Marvel Rivals‘ approach to incorporating lore in-game could revive scrapped story content.
  • Blizzard should consider integrating narrative elements into the battle pass.

As a longtime Overwatch enthusiast with countless hours spent dissecting every detail of the game’s lore, I find myself deeply disheartened by Blizzard’s decision to scrap PvE missions for PvP content. It’s like being given an intriguing mystery novel and then having someone tear out all the pages except for the character bios.

Recent seasons have seen considerable alterations for Overwatch 2, such as a revamp of its competitive mode, boosted tank abilities, modifications to heroes, and other updates. As Season 12 approaches, players are eagerly anticipating the new support character, Juno, but also speculating about the game’s future direction. Although Blizzard seems responsive to player feedback, as demonstrated by the 6v6 test in Season 13, there is still room for improvement to keep its audience engaged.

As a devoted Overwatch fan, I can’t help but feel let down by Blizzard’s choice to abandon the game’s PvE missions in favor of focusing on PvP content. With over five seasons passing since the Invasion storyline advanced, it’s no wonder that some of us have grown disillusioned due to the scarcity of narrative progression. However, I believe Blizzard could follow a strategy akin to Marvel Rivals to keep the story going with minimal fuss.

Overwatch 2’s PvE Missions May Be Lost, But Its Story Could Persist

Blizzard Devs Confirmed Story Elements That Never Made It To The Game

As a more polished, advanced successor to Overwatch, the subsequent version was touted with grand promises of Story Modes, Hero Missions, and Talent upgrades in skill trees. However, following an extended development phase that affected the original Overwatch’s quality, Blizzard’s announcement in March 2024 focusing on PvP instead of PvE came as a bitter disappointment. This revelation, combined with the fact that several studio employees, including Lead Narrative Designer Gavin Jurgens-Fyhrie, were among those let go in Blizzard’s initial round of layoffs at the start of the year, left the community feeling disillusioned and uncertain about the future of PvE.

On July 11, Jurgens-Fyhrie tweeted that certain parts of the storyline and plot for the project didn’t fully materialize as planned, but the overall tale was essentially finished or very close to being so. He shared his feelings by stating, “I’m really fond of the story we developed for this, and I hope it gets shared one day.” Interestingly, although some parts of Overwatch 2‘s narrative might not be realized at present, there could possibly be a method for Blizzard to potentially reuse or continue that narrative.

Marvel Rivals’ Narrative Format Might Be the Solution Blizzard Has Been Seeking

Due to the halt of Season 6 missions for Overwatch 2, several plot threads are left hanging. As fans clamor for insight into the Invasion storyline and the part played by Ramattra, the Omnic leader of Null Sector, it could be a lost chance if Blizzard fails to integrate these narrative elements somehow. Fortunately, NetEase Games’ third-person hero-shooter, Marvel Rivals, might provide an ideal resolution to this dilemma.

In its testing stage, NetEase offers various paths for players to explore the game’s storyline. For instance, Marvel Rivals features tales connected to each map that become apparent when joining a match, while Galacta in the battle pass provides additional lore as rewards. Moreover, there are tabs dedicated to storytelling within character profiles. On the other hand, Overwatch 2 only offers character histories in the Hero Gallery, lacking the interactive story elements and the progressive lore development found in Marvel Rivals.

In contrast to both Marvel Rivals and Overwatch 2 having rich backgrounds in comics, books, and films, these mediums may not always appeal to players who prioritize the gameplay experience. While Overwatch 2 offers ways to progress its narrative through missions and the Intel Database, a method as straightforward and impactful as Marvel Rivals might be to consider is integrating the story directly into the game itself.

As a dedicated fan of Blizzard’s games, I can’t help but feel let down by their choice to abandon the engaging PvE missions and instead focus on PvP content. For me, who deeply appreciates the game’s rich lore, this shift is quite disheartening.

While many Overwatch players might not delve into books like “Overwatch: Declassified – An Official History”, it’s a strategy that could progress the Invasion storyline without overwhelming the development team. To cater to the game’s lore-focused community, Blizzard could integrate narrative elements into the battle pass and unlockable hero stories, making the story more accessible to players.

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2024-08-06 00:05