World Record Trophy Hunter is Done Playing PlayStation Games

Key Takeaways

  • Hakoom, a record-holding trophy hunter, has quit PlayStation after being banned due to suspicious activity and controversy.
  • Sony banned Hakoom for obtaining trophies too rapidly and logging into numerous accounts.
  • Despite his account being restored, Hakoom has officially retired from trophy hunting and ended his partnership with Sony.

As a long-time trophy hunter myself and having witnessed the incredible feats of Hakoom, I must admit his departure from PlayStation comes as a bit of a shock. His record-breaking trophy collection has always been an inspiration to many in our community, including myself. The controversy surrounding his ban is unfortunate, and it’s sad to see such a dedicated player leave the platform under these circumstances.

Hakoom, who holds the Guinness World Record for an impressive collection of PlayStation trophies, has declared that he’s parting ways with Sony’s platform due to a recent dispute. Hakoom disclosed his decision in the midst of a controversy where his account was temporarily suspended. He claims that his PlayStation profile was hacked, leading to Sony detecting unusual activity and subsequently blocking his account.

Ever since gaming consoles started incorporating achievement and trophy systems in their platforms, gamers have been motivated to delve deeper into games and conquer developer-set challenges. A significant segment of the gaming community is actively involved in seeking and boasting about their PlayStation trophies, fostering a fierce rivalry to determine who has amassed the most. Despite some debate, such as questionable PlayStation trophies that are easy to attain or those automatically earned on PS5 if a player has already achieved platinum status on PS4, these achievements remain valid according to Sony and Guinness World Records.

Contrary to what some might assume about Hakoom, a trophy hunter who set a Guinness Gaming World Record in 2018 with 1,691 platinum trophies on PSN, his account was unexpectedly banned without an explanation this year on September 9. Despite attempts to reach out for clarification, he was contacted by a hacker offering bribes using his own data. Hakoom presented evidence of the hacking to Sony, but they dismissed it and instead cited unrelated reasons for the ban.

Record-Holding Trophy Hunter Explains Why Sony Banned Him

Sony alleges that Hakoom’s ban was because he earned Platinum trophies too swiftly, finished games with minimal playtime, managed over 200 accounts, and utilized 29 PlayStations. Hakoom countered by saying he quickly obtained Platinum trophies due to the auto-pop system and playing low-quality games whose Platinums can be earned in mere minutes. Regarding the multiple account logins, he clarified that he split digital game purchases with other users.

Despite this, some users have pointed out that Hakoom has recently logged into PlayStation Network, implying he might not have completely left the platform behind. In the video, he also accuses Sony of overlooking his data breach complaints and instead choosing to ban him, which could be a factor in his decision to distance himself from the brand.

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2024-11-14 21:43