Worst Choices That Will Lock You Out Of Until Dawn’s Best Ending

Worst Choices That Will Lock You Out Of Until Dawn's Best Ending

Key Takeaways

  • Choices in Until Dawn impact characters’ fates, with certain decisions leading to catastrophic results.
  • The game’s best ending requires all characters to survive, but some choices can lock others out of the ending.
  • Avoiding certain choices, like opening trap doors or shooting characters, is crucial for ensuring the best outcome in the game.

As a seasoned gamer with a knack for horror games, let me tell you, playing “Until Dawn” is a rollercoaster ride of emotions that keeps you on your toes! It’s not just about surviving the Wendigos, but also making split-second decisions that could mean life or death for the characters.

In the game Until Dawn, your choices truly matter because they can lead to disastrous outcomes. This interactive experience is based on a concept from science called chaos theory, which suggests that small decisions can significantly affect future events for the characters you control in the game.

In the game “Until Dawn“, achieving the most favorable outcome, where all characters survive, depends on making specific choices throughout earlier stages of the game. However, failing to make these right decisions can lead to certain characters’ demise, which could potentially prevent them from being part of the best ending. Here are some choices you should be careful not to make if you want everyone to live in “Until Dawn“.

9 Opening The Trap Door (As Ashley)

Opening The Door Will Result In A Wendigo Decapitating Ashley

Worst Choices That Will Lock You Out Of Until Dawn's Best Ending
  • Chapter 9

In Chapter 9, once Mike departs towards the Sanitorium, he leaves Sam, Chris (optional), Emily (optional), and Sam behind in a secure room hidden within the lodge’s basement. With Sam taking command, they contemplate pursuing Mike, leading them to utilize the sewage system as a conduit to the mines. Ashley hesitates and follows the sound of Jessica’s voice, eventually reaching a fork in the path where she must choose between investigating the mysterious call or reuniting with the group. To gather all the totems in Until Dawn, it is necessary for Ashley to explore the source of the voice.

Ashley doesn’t have to engage with the noisy trap door located in the big gap. Instead, she can easily stroll by it. Players are advised not to touch or open it as it serves no purpose; instead, it should be left untouched. On this path, thorough players should ensure they navigate around the bend to discover the totem waiting there, offering an opportunity for finding all the collectibles. If Ashley were to open the trap door, a Wendigo would leap out and behead her immediately.

8 Shooting Emily (As Mike)

Shooting Emily As Mike Gurantees Her Death

Worst Choices That Will Lock You Out Of Until Dawn's Best Ending
  • Chapter 8

In the game “Until Dawn,” it appears obvious that being quick to use deadly force might not be beneficial for survival. Yet, the game cunningly misleads players into thinking Emily is infected if she’s bitten by the Wendigo in Chapter 8. This decision can be tricky, as the outcome isn’t disclosed until later, which could make players believe that choosing to sacrifice one person for the good of many is the correct choice.

It’s not just unsettling to consider Mike firing at his ex-girlfriend; it’s also pointless since, as Ashley learns from the Stranger’s journal shortly thereafter, Wendigo bites are harmless. Therefore, sparing Emily means she could survive and live another day.

7 Killing Animals (As Anyone)

Several Characters Suffer Greatly If Animals Are Attacked

Worst Choices That Will Lock You Out Of Until Dawn's Best Ending
  • Chapters 1 and 6

It’s wrong to hunt or harm squirrels, deer, or other wildlife. The game “Until Dawn” cleverly creates tension to make quick time events seem crucial, but it also reminds us that sometimes, the best action is no action at all. When you see a squirrel eating, a bird grooming itself, or a group of deer approaching, it’s important not to cause them harm.

It’s important to understand that hurting nature isn’t something we should do in the future. For instance, if Jess throws a snowball at a bird, they might find themselves dangerously close to an falling icicle shortly after. Similarly, if Chris shoots a squirrel at the start, Sam may encounter trouble with a crow later on and won’t be able to hide effectively from the Psycho. Lastly, harming a deer as Matt will trigger an ambush that could cause him to lose his balance and possibly fall to his death (if the QTEs are not executed correctly).

6 Choosing To Shoot Ashley (As Chris)

Ashley Will Hesitate To Let Chris Inside During Chapter 8

Worst Choices That Will Lock You Out Of Until Dawn's Best Ending
  • Chapter 6

In Chapter 6, Chris and Ashley seemingly encounter one of Jigsaw’s deadly traps (it’s a trick), but in reality, neither of them are in any danger from the overhead saws. This is where the game gets challenging because the outcome doesn’t change based on Chris’ decision—both characters survive regardless. However, if Chris decides to shoot Ashley, their bond deteriorates completely, and she will never forgive him for it. In Chapter 8, Chris and an unnamed character explore a shed in search of Josh. Upon discovering that he is absent, the unnamed character is instantly slain by the Wendigo, leaving Chris with no choice but to retreat back to the lodge.

If Chris decides to resist the Wendigo’s attack successfully, Ashley will be there to open the door for him; however, if in Chapter 6 he had chosen to shoot Ashley, she would hesitate at the door long enough for the Wendigo to catch up and ultimately decapitate Chris.

5 Taking Too Long (As Mike)

Jessica Will Already Be Dead If Mike Takes The Slow Route

Worst Choices That Will Lock You Out Of Until Dawn's Best Ending
  • Chapter 4

After Jessica is abducted through the cabin window in Chapter 4, Mike grabs a rifle and gives chase after her. As he sprints through the woods during a snowstorm, he encounters multiple crossroads, where he must decide between the longer, safer route or the shorter, more perilous one. If Mike opts for the longer route, Jessica will likely have met with harm before he can reach her in time.

If Mike selects quicker paths, but misses any Quick Time Events (QTEs), it could lead to Jessica’s demise. It’s crucial to opt for the faster routes and keep a sharp eye out for any on-screen prompts to guarantee Jessica’s survival up until Chapter 10.

4 Abandoning Jess (As Matt)

Jessica Will Die Instantly If Matt Abandons Her

Worst Choices That Will Lock You Out Of Until Dawn's Best Ending
  • Chapter 10

If Jessica manages to finish Chapter 4, she’ll reappear in Chapter 10. At this point, she may encounter Matt (depending on the storyline), or she could be venturing into the mines on her own. Regardless of who she’s with, both Jessica and Matt will soon find themselves pursued by the Wendigo, leading to a brief chase scene. In this chase, Matt must decide whether to leave Jessica behind or hide together until the danger has passed.

In the game Until Dawn, some choices can be misleading, but not this one. If Matt decides to leave Jessica, she won’t make it through. However, if they choose to hide together, managing to follow the “Don’t Move” sequence will keep them both alive for the rest of the game.

3 Flicking The Switch Too Soon (As Sam)

Everyone Inside The Lodge Dies If Sam Runs To The Switch Too Soon

Worst Choices That Will Lock You Out Of Until Dawn's Best Ending
  • Chapter 10

In Chapter 10, when the group reaches their lodge, they’re chased by three fearsome creatures called Wendigos. This is where the game Until Dawn becomes particularly challenging because any characters who have managed to survive up until now can be eliminated in the final 10 minutes if the wrong decisions are made. The player takes control of Sam, navigating through the most tense moments as she keeps the Wendigos distracted, giving everyone else a chance to flee safely.

Sam has to accomplish multiple “Stand Still” series and decide whether to save Mike, Emily, or Ashley, or dash towards the switch once Mike smashes the light bulb. If Sam rushes towards the switch straight away, the lodge will catch fire, resulting in everyone’s demise within. It is crucial that all characters have left the lodge before Sam automatically dashes for the switch to prevent a disastrous outcome.

2 Failing To Find Hannah’s Journal (As Sam)

The Wendigo (Hannah) Will Kill Josh Instantly If Sam Doesn’t Find The Journal

Worst Choices That Will Lock You Out Of Until Dawn's Best Ending
  • Chapter 10

In Chapter 10, Mike and Sam embark on a quest to locate Josh and secure the cable car keys. At one point, they descend into an underground lake. Immediately after entering, Sam has the option to veer off to the left and ascend a small ledge to discover Hannah’s journal. Within this journal, Hannah details her gradual slide into insanity, culminating in cannibalism, which ultimately triggers the release of the Wendigo’s spirit.

If Sam discovers the journal, then Josh will identify the Wendigo as Hannah during an attack, consequently sparing his life because she recognizes him.

1 Failing Quick Time Events (QTEs)

Characters Can Meet An Untimely Demise If QTEs Are Missed

Worst Choices That Will Lock You Out Of Until Dawn's Best Ending
  • Chapters 4, 6, 8, 9, and 10

In the game Until Dawn, there’s a good amount of Quick Time Events (QTEs), many of which are quite challenging to miss, but some can appear suddenly. For instances like Matt dangling off a cliff or Emily sprinting on a conveyor belt, the game is quite forgiving with QTEs and offers several attempts to succeed. In these sections, it would take a conscious effort to cause everyone’s demise for the player to fail them.

In instances like Sam being chased by Psycho, a Quick Time Event (QTE) suddenly appears to thwart her from shining the flashlight and revealing her hiding place. If the QTE is not executed promptly, Sam gets caught. Given the swiftness of the QTE, it necessitates quick reflexes. Generally speaking, missing a QTE can lead to the character’s instant demise.

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2024-10-11 07:34