WoW Plunderstorm Event: New Rewards Are Here, But Only Once!


  • World of Warcraft players can earn unique rewards by collecting Plunder in the Plunderstorm battle royale game mode.
  • The new rewards are one-time redemptions per WoW account and can be traded for Warbound chests with random gear pieces.
  • The new rewards include Storm-Singed Plunder chests containing tokens exchangeable for gear items in Dornogal’s Forgegrounds.

On January 31, Blizzard disclosed that players engaged with Plunderstorm in World of Warcraft could secure fresh rewards just by joining the battle royale game mode and gathering Plunder. Yet, these rewards are a single-use claim for each World of Warcraft account, and they can only be exchanged for two varieties of Warbound chests, which contain random equipment items at random.

After achieving success during the 10.2.6 update in Dragonflight, Plunderstorm returned for another round on January 14, only a week following the conclusion of World of Warcraft’s 20th-anniversary event. Plunderstorm is a game mode featuring a pirate-themed battle royale, where up to 60 players engage in combat in the Arathi Basin. Players can queue as solo, duo, or trio groups. For this second season of Plunderstorm, World of Warcraft introduced the Plunderstore, allowing players to easily spend their earned Plunder on cosmetic rewards like weapons, mounts, and companion pets in-game.

Hey there fellow gamers! So, if you’ve been grinding it out in Plunderstorm’s second run and amassed a whopping 5,000 Plunder, Blizzard’s got some exciting news for us! As I was scrolling through the forums, I stumbled upon a post by community manager Kaivax. Seems like they’ve introduced a new reward for dedicated players like us who hit the 5K mark on January 31st around 1 PM Eastern time. This reward, a Storm-Singed Plunder chest, is heading our way!

But You’ll still get this sweet loot! However, keep in mind that each account can only redeem this once. The Storm-Singed Plunder chest contains two Keg-Leg’s Bronze Spoils and one Keg-Leg’s Silver Spoils – pretty neat, right?

To claim these tokens, you’ll need to chat up an Orcish NPC named Da’kesh Grimledger. He’s hanging out in Dornogal’s Forgegrounds, specifically in the southern half of The War Within’s main hub city. So, keep your eyes peeled and get ready to trade those tokens! Let’s see what other goodies we can get our hands on!

World of Warcraft Offers New, One-Time Plunderstorm Rewards

  • World of Warcraft will mail players who collect 5,000 Plunder a Storm-Singed Plunder chest.
  • This reward is only available on the retail version of World of Warcraft.
  • The Storm-Singed Plunder contains tokens that can be traded for Warbound chests containing random pieces of gear.
  • The reward is limited to one redemption per player account.

In this game, players have an option to exchange Keg-Leg’s Bronze Tokens for a Swabbie’s Loot Box, which yields a single Uncommon item when opened. Similarly, they can trade in Keg-Leg’s Silver Tokens for a Pirate’s Treasure chest, filled with a Heroic item level 610 gear piece from the ongoing raid, Nerub’ar Palace, found within The War Within expansion. Both loot boxes are bound to the account, allowing players to use them across any character on their World of Warcraft account. Moreover, players can accumulate the required 5,000 Plunder points swiftly by completing the daily Captain’s Orders quest in Plunderstorm, which grants 1,000 Plunder for accomplishing various tasks.

It’s uncertain if the rewards will stop being offered once the Plunderstorm event concludes, which means World of Warcraft enthusiasts might not have much time left to collect their latest prize. With Patch 11.1 currently under development on the public test servers, it remains a mystery what other surprises Blizzard has planned.

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2025-02-01 02:24