You Won’t Believe How Easy It Is To Complete The Probe-Fessional In Xenoblade Chronicles X

In the game titled Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition, there are several initial missions that some players might find challenging to finish. Given the intricacy of quests such as ‘The Probe-Fessional’, it’s no wonder if gamers experience a sense of confusion.

Rest assured, as this manual contains all essential details for carrying out The Probe-Fessional mission and a beginner’s guide on how to handle Probes within the world of Xenoblade Chronicles X.

Xenoblade Chronicles X How To Start The Probe-Fessional

In Xenoblade Chronicles X Definitive Edition, you’ll start a mission by conversing with Kirsty, who can be found at the BLADE Concourse, which is part of the Administrative District in New Los Angeles. After your chat, she will offer an initial quest that explains the process of deploying Probes.

In addition to its significance, this mission serves as a learning experience for players on various aspects of using Probes within Xenoblade Chronicles X. These include activating them at diverse sites, connecting them together, understanding the distinct types of Probes available, and crucially, boosting survey rates.

Once players have accepted the mission, they will need to do the following to complete Step 1:

  • Install a data probe at FN Site 114 in Primordia, then deploy a Mining Probe G1.
  • Install a data probe at FN Site 112 in Primordia, then deploy a Mining Probe G1.
  • Use the segment map to change the data probe in Primordia’s FN Site 116 to a Mining Probe G1.

Initially, players should head towards FN Site 112, located slightly east of NLA. Once you reach the designated spot, press and hold ‘A’ to install the probe. Next, focus your gaze towards FN Site 114 in the northern direction, follow the same procedure for installing a new probe, then replace these probes with a Mining Probe G1. To finish this step, players must consult the Segment Map.

As a space enthusiast, to navigate to the segment map, you should first hit ‘Y’, followed by pressing ‘R’ twice. This will transport you to the FrontierNav menu. In this menu, look for the Probe nodes that are marked on the map (they’ll show up as hexagonal icons once installed). To exchange data from these probes, press ‘A’. In the subsequent menu, choose the Mining Probe G1.

Players can employ Mining Probes to boost the quantity of Miranium mined at a node. Linking multiple Mining Probes of the same kind (G1, G2, etc.) enhances efficiency, shown as a percentage value. Each linked probe can raise efficiency by up to 80%, but remember that Miranium storage also has a maximum capacity. To expand this limit, connect a Storage Probe to the series of nodes. This action will expand the storage capacity.

Go Back To Kirsty To Start Step II Of The Probe-Fessional

Once these goals are met, players should return to the BLADE Concourse by teleporting and converse with Kristy once more. Regardless of their dialogue choice, they’ll receive a few points towards affinity, which could result in increased rapport with either Lin or Elma based on their selection.

The upcoming task involves setting up a Research Probe G1 at FN Site 117, which is a newly discovered location in Primordia. To get there, players can teleport to FN Site 116 in Primordia and move north from that point, close to the start of the Welcome Back Conner Mission. Keep an eye out for hostile creatures stronger than level 13, as the region is infested with them.

After reaching the specified location, engage with the node similarly to how players interacted with the earlier ones. Then, reopen the FrontierNav Menu to switch the probe to a Research Probe G1.

Players must visit a specific spot as their last task: the Rocky Cavern, located just north of where they triggered the FN Site 117 probe. On your map, you’ll find this place marked for easy identification. Once there, they are to examine the area and mark it on BLADE’s Pathfinders Division chart.

Journey across the vast open plains, being mindful to steer clear of any creatures whose levels exceed your party members (since there are numerous hostile level 28 and higher creatures lurking around, it would be safer to travel during daylight). Upon reaching the designated area, players will notice a tiny pond surrounded by rocks. Adjust the camera angle towards the rocky cliff overlooking the pond to reveal a narrow crack: the entrance to the hidden cave.

Step inside and delve deeper to accomplish the goal, yet remember not to venture too far in as there are formidable Level 38 natives residing within. A word of caution: these natives possess the power to obliterate an entire party instantaneously if you’re caught off guard (it looks like this Level 3 mission isn’t quite as beginner-friendly as it seems).

Players can utilize Research Probes to boost the credits earned via the FrontierNav system whenever a new Sightseeing Spot is discovered. The more connected Research Probes in the sequence, the higher the earnings. The effect of Research Probes can be intensified by adding Booster Probes or Duplicator Probes to the chain.

How To Complete The Probe-Fessional In Xenoblade Chronicles X

Once these two stages are successfully navigated, the objective of the game will be fully achieved. By then, players would have gained insights into Node Synergies, as well as understanding the unique resources, information, and additional perks that various Probes provide when activated.

Players need to make their way back to Kirsty to collect their incentives: 4,000 credits, 100 experience points, a Mining Probe G2, a Research Probe G2, and a Storage Probe.

How to Find Research Probes In Xenoblade Chronicles X

You’ll discover Research Probes scattered across your journey in multiple methods. Most frequently, you’ll receive additional ones as rewards for completing tasks or missions, like “The Probe-Fessional”. However, there are other avenues to gather more Probes during your adventure too.

  • From Field Treasure nodes (especially those that require Mechanical skill).
  • Listening To NPCs talks and tips.
  • Completing more missions for Kristie.

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2025-03-22 23:54