10 Games Where You’re Encouraged To Break Stuff

As Fred Durst from Limp Bizkit would put it, if this day continues on its current path, I might just lose my cool and smash something later on. Breaking stuff in the real world isn’t exactly polite, and it’s safe to say most folks aren’t too fond of it.

In the world of video games, social conventions often take a backseat. Regardless if you’re portraying a hero, villain, or simply another character, it’s not just your capacity, but your responsibility, to cause chaos. This translates into destroying objects and annoying others.

Games sometimes prompt unrestrained demolition by offering useful items or enhancements as rewards. On other occasions, they serve merely as a count of damages inflicted upon properties, satisfying the player’s whim without any specific purpose beyond that.

10. Psychonauts

“Fire is Pretty!”

In a simpler and more natural way, we could say: Ford, as described in Psychonauts, watches over the camp from his sanctuary because he wants to prevent the psychically-gifted children from hurting each other due to their frequent outbursts of aggression, which seems to be a common trait among them, as Raz’s behavior may suggest.

As a gamer, not only can I bully NPCs and foes, but I can also wreck just about any object within reach. Whether it’s a swift punch with my psychic fists, flinging it with Telekinesis, or igniting it with Pyrokinesis – destruction is always an option. Inside their minds, smashing things often results in finding useful items, such as arrowheads, and sometimes even crucial progression items like the book found in Boyd’s cemetery.

Occasionally, Raz might express his thoughts about the items he accidentally damages or the individuals he unintentionally irritates. His reflections can vary from a sense of remorse over breaking someone’s belongings to a hint of frustration that he can’t ignite everything around him.

9. Ghostbusters: The Video Game

The City Will Pay For It

People who have watched the original two Ghostbusters movies are aware that causing damage to property is a common aspect of their ghost-busting activities. It seems reasonable to assume that this is why, during the period between the events of Ghostbusters 2 and Ghostbusters: The Video Game, the city of New York decided to purchase an extremely extensive insurance policy.

According to Ray’s explanation at the hotel, any actions related to Ghostbusting and the resulting damages are covered under an extensive insurance policy that spans across the city. In simpler terms, if you cause damage during your Ghostbusting activities, the city will cover the cost, and a running total of the property destruction in dollars is maintained while you chase ghosts.

Destroying items without consequence might earn you some achievements, but there are no negative repercussions either. This freedom allows you to test your limits by damaging areas at your job sites as much as you desire, but be aware that minimally destroying only what’s necessary won’t provide much excitement.

8. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

It Slices, It Dices

In Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, the distinctive feature is the use of Raiden’s Blade Mode. When activated, this mode temporarily slows the world around him, enabling Raiden to swiftly and easily slice through anything directly in front of him with his HF Sword.

This tool is mainly utilized for combat purposes, whereby dismembering enemies into numerous small fragments boosts your battle points. Furthermore, it’s important to note that you can activate Blade Mode not only on various random items but also on solid metal obstacles, which may hinder your advancement and conceal hidden treasures as well.

With Raiden’s standard sword swipes, numerous objects can be sliced. However, activating Blade Mode adds a bit of excitement as you experiment with how finely you can chop items into pieces, until the slow-motion impact ends.

7. Half-Life 2

Smash It, Grab It, Chuck It

In the Half-Life video game series, physics plays a crucial role, and it’s particularly evident in Half-Life 2. Equipped with your reliable crowbar and the distinctive Gravity Gun, you have the power to shape and even disrupt the game world at will.

As a gamer, I often come across various items scattered around, such as crates. With a swift whack or two from my trusty crowbar, these crates can be broken open, revealing hidden treasures – sometimes even extra health or ammunition!

Remarkably, it’s worth noting that aside from their regular uses, these casual items can double as makeshift ammunition for your Gravity Gun. If something isn’t well-anchored, you can yank it out of the ground or wall and hurl it at a Zombie’s skull.

With the incredible hold of the Gravity Gun, items that usually prove too heavy to lift become effortless to grab. Scattered debris such as old TVs and water heaters in City 17 and beyond can deal lethal blows to most enemies if thrown.

6. Devil May Cry

Rorbs Around Every Corner

From the initial release of Devil May Cry, destroying objects has been an integral part of the gameplay. Since Dante often carries a large sword that’s nearly as big as he is, it makes sense for him to utilize it effectively.

It seems that almost any item you break open will reveal crimson orbs inside, suggesting they were somehow trapped within common household items like tables and chairs. As for how these objects became filled with what appears to be crystallized demonic blood, we can only speculate. Perhaps a demon once occupied one of these places long ago.

Regardless of the cause, it’s generally beneficial to shatter any items you come across, particularly during confrontations with bosses. If fortune favors you, smashed objects may instead reward you with Green Orbs that replenish your health. This is the sole method for Dante to recuperate, excluding the use of healing items, which diminishes your rank level.

5. Sly 2: Band Of Thieves

Everyone Loves A Good Ransacking

In almost every game from the Sly Cooper series, you’re subtly motivated to break anything that isn’t securely fastened. Destroying props such as chairs, tables, and signs frequently results in coins and health boosts, making it easier for you to carry out your thieving activities.

In the series, one humorous instance of mischief occurs in Sly 2: Band of Thieves, where Sly must collect pieces of a tuxedo to infiltrate Rajan’s extravagant party under pressure for time and patience. As a solution, Bentley proposes that Sly burglarize various guests’ rooms, his exact words being “let’s rummage through the place.

After Sly ensures the safety of a particular guest room, he proceeds to destroy various items inside, eventually coming across a piece of a tuxedo by accident. Guests who wished to protect their belongings from theft might have benefited from purchasing sturdier suitcases.

4. Whiplash

Death By Bankruptcy

As a mutant critter trapped in the nefarious labs of Genron Corporation, I’m itching for a chance to escape and give those mad scientists a taste of their own medicine, if you catch my drift.

In this game, each time you destroy things, rough up scientists, or cause trouble in general, money will be taken away from an accumulating total of $6 million. This $6 million represents Genron’s current market value, and it decreases as the company struggles to manage your disruptive actions.

While it’s not essential to reduce Genron’s funds to nothing to win the game, if you successfully deplete all of his assets before reaching the final stage, you’ll unveil an extra ending where Genron experiences total bankruptcy.

3. Tony Hawk’s Underground 2

World Destruction Tour

In Tony Hawk’s Underground 2, the main storyline revolves around Bam Margera’s “World Destruction Tour”. This tour is orchestrated by Bam himself, who devised a series of chaotic, Jackass-esque stunts for players to perform in various cities. These stunts help earn points. As you might guess, causing destruction and property damage are common options in this game.

Highlights from this global journey encompassed actions such as plastering stickers and spray-painting graffiti in various locations, defacing statues in Boston, bullying construction workers in Australia, unleashing an angry bull in Barcelona, and apparently resurrecting the dead in New Orleans. Remarkably, it’s astonishing that you manage to avoid imprisonment after all these incidents.

The final destination on the tour is the renowned skate park known as Skatopia, where Bam chooses to destroy it entirely by an excessive amount of fireworks, without any consequences following this act.

2. Red Faction

A Major Gameplay Element

In Red Faction, destroying the environment isn’t just an optional aspect of gameplay; it’s the core mechanic that defines the game. The fundamental design allows you to demolish anything and everything, and the tools at your disposal enable you to make full use of this destructive capability.

Almost anything around us, including structures, vehicles, and even the ground beneath our feet, has the potential to be damaged or destroyed. If you have access to destructive tools such as weapons and explosives, there’s hardly anything that wouldn’t allow for making a substantial opening or crater in it.

Did you know? The computer version of this game has an extra level named “Glass House,” which essentially serves as a demonstration of the GeoMod engine in action. It’s perfect if you’re looking for a spot where you can break things without any fear of getting shot at!

1. LEGO Marvel Super Heroes

Like Smashing Your Sibling’s Creations

It’s safe to say that almost everyone who has ever played with LEGO blocks at some point in their life has accidentally or otherwise demolished one of their creations. There’s an undeniable sense of excitement, if not a touch of darkness, in completely dismantling something that required effort and time to construct, whether it was your own work or that of your younger sibling.

In most LEGO games based on popular licenses or franchises, demolition becomes a common theme. Often, you’ll find yourself tearing down nearby LEGO structures and scenery to gather loose bricks, which can later be assembled into useful items or devices to advance through a level.

As a gamer, I’d say if we had to choose one game, it’d be LEGO Marvel Super Heroes for the endless ways its superhero roster lets you wreck things up. Hulk just loves smashing everything, while Iron Man showers stuff with missiles – either way, chaos ensues!

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2025-03-19 17:10