Metal Gear Events That Are Based on Real Life

Metal Gear Events That Are Based on Real Life

I’ve spent countless hours immersed in the intricately woven tales of the Metal Gear Solid series, and as someone who grew up with these narratives shaping my perspective on geopolitics and conflict, I can’t help but feel deeply connected to its characters and events.

The Metal Gear series is known for its intricate storyline, which can be confusing with numerous plot twists and retcons. However, it boasts an impressive level of detail that dedicated fans may not fully appreciate. For instance, the hovering platforms used by the Soviets in Metal Gear Solid 3 and the Arsenal Ship project referenced in Metal Gear Solid 2’s background are based on real-life projects.

In the games, actual figures from history contributed significantly, even if they weren’t often visible on the screen. Historical events served to advance the storyline or enrich characters’ backgrounds. Not just major conflicts like the World Wars and the Cuban Missile Crisis, but lesser-known incidents also shaped “Metal Gear”‘s past.

10 The Bykivnia Graves, Kurapaty Graves, & Katyn Forest Massacre

1937-1943, Soviet Union

Metal Gear Events That Are Based on Real Life

  • Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

In a less ornate way: Col. Volgin’s background in “MGS3,” being linked to the NKVD, makes it hard to ignore the connection to real historical atrocities, like Stalin’s purges where the NKVD targeted and eliminated perceived anti-communist threats for the USSR.

In Ukraine, the Bykivnia Graves serve as a reminder of the approximately 30,000 lives lost in the nearby woods during the same time frame. Similarly, in Belarus, the Kurapaty Graves mark the tragic end of over 250,000+ individuals between 1937 and 1941. Among these atrocities, one of the most notorious incidents is the Katyn Forest Massacre, during which the Nazis unearthed around 22,000 bodies from mass graves while advancing through Polish territory in 1943. The Metal Gear series briefly touches upon this dark history by implying that a young Volgin was influenced by his participation in these heinous acts.

9 The Kyshtym Disaster

1957, Soviet Union

Metal Gear Events That Are Based on Real Life
  • Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops

Prior to the Chernobyl catastrophe, the Kyshtym Disaster held the title as history’s most severe radioactive incident. The vicinity of Ozersk (currently known as Ozyorsk) had been adversely affected due to contamination from the Mayak plutonium factory. However, an explosion that occurred at the plant in 1957 spread radioactive materials throughout the city. Consequently, most residents were relocated within the following two years.

As a gamer, I can tell you that in Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops, the nuclear disaster left its mark on Elisa’s life in a unique way. While we were all trying to survive and recover after evacuating the contaminated area, Elisa’s story took an extraordinary turn. Her family’s harrowing experience exposed her to radiation, which later manifested as psychic abilities. But that was just the beginning.

8 Yukio Mishima’s Failed Coup D’Etat

1970, Japan

Metal Gear Events That Are Based on Real Life
  • Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

Known for penning “The Temple of the Golden Pavilion” and the “Sea of Fertility” quartet, as well as for holding right-wing views, Yukio Mishima is a renowned Japanese literary mastermind. However, his notoriety surpasses his literary accomplishments due to his unsuccessful attempt to seize power. In 1970, he seized the commandant of Camp Ichigaya in an effort to rally its troops. Instead, he was met with ridicule, leading him to take his own life through seppuku.

In the game “MGS: Peace Walker,” it’s mentioned that one soldier in the gathering was Kazuhira Miller. Already skeptical of the Japanese Self-Defense Force, Mishima’s comments about the troops losing their “samurai spirit” proved to be the tipping point for him. Disenchanted, he departed from the JSDF and became a mercenary. Two years later, he encountered Big Boss.

7 The Sandinistas

1961-Present, Nicaragua

Metal Gear Events That Are Based on Real Life
  • Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
  • Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes

The Sandinista National Liberation Front, commonly known as the Sandinistas, were a left-wing revolutionary group in Nicaragua. Inspired by Augusto C. Sandino’s resistance against US occupation in the 1930s, they aimed to overthrow the US-supported conservative Somoza regime. Amanda was part of this movement and led her fellow Sandinistas during their time hiding in the clandestine bases (PW). They faced persecution from the US Peace Sentinels but received covert support from the Soviet Union until they finally encountered their leader, Big Boss.

In historical facts and the storyline of MGS, Anastasio Somoza Debayle, the last president of the Somozas, was overthrown by the Sandinistas. During the subsequent years, they battled against the Iran-Contras, engaged in electoral manipulations, and executed suspected opponents. It’s unclear if Amanda was involved in those events.

6 Angolan Civil War

1975-2002, Angola (Southern Africa)

Metal Gear Events That Are Based on Real Life
  • Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

not all historical conflicts are characterized by uninterrupted hostility. Some involve a succession of smaller clashes, which are considered part of the same conflict due to brief and tense periods of peace in between. For instance, the Angolan Civil War (1974-2002) saw occasional truces, during which the MPLA and UNITA factions, who had previously fought side by side for Angola’s independence, held opposing views on how to govern the country post-liberation.

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, the MPLA government in Angola held Marxist-Leninist beliefs and received support from the Soviet Union and Cuba. Meanwhile, UNITA emerged as an anti-communist conservative group, receiving backing from the United States and Apartheid South Africa. It wasn’t until after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 that private military companies (PMCs) entered the scene in Angola’s civil war. However, the popular video game “Metal Gear Solid 5” depicts the presence of fictional PMCs supporting either side as early as 1984.

5 Soviet-Afghan War

1979-1989, Soviet Union & Afghanistan

Metal Gear Events That Are Based on Real Life
  • Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake
  • Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

Fans will recognize that “the Soviet-Afghan War” is where “MGS5” begins its story. The Soviets entered this conflict with the intention of supporting Afghanistan’s DRA government. However, their war against the Mujahideen rebels evolved into a prolonged struggle reminiscent of the Vietnam War for them. The Soviets invested over a decade in this battle to install a regime favorable to their interests. Unfortunately, they were ultimately defeated by guerrillas who intimately knew the terrain. In contrast to the Soviets, the Mujahideen received support from external forces, including the CIA, and Hollywood movies like “The Living Daylights” and “Rambo 3” boosted their cause.

Paraphrasing: The US would face consequences as some rebels could join forces with the Taliban and Al-Qaeda, making America an unwitting participant in its own War on Terror. Similarly, in Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain, Diamond Dogs’ missions support rebel activities against the Russians. Prior to these games’ launch, it was here that Revolver Ocelot acquired his ‘Shalashaska’ alias, while Holly White initiated her journalism career during the reporting of Metal Gear 2.

4 The Anfal Campaign

1988, Iraq

Metal Gear Events That Are Based on Real Life
  • Metal Gear Solid

Originating in Eastern Turkey, Northern Iraq, Western Iran, and certain regions of Syria, the Kurdish people have historically experienced conflict with their surrounding neighbors. Their relations with the Iraqi government remain strained, marked by disputes dating back to 1919. These disagreements stem from various sources, including demands for self-determination, humanitarian assistance, and control over shared resources.

The most infamous flare-up in the conflict was the Anfal Campaign. Saddam Hussein’s forces targeted Kurds with artillery and air strikes, followed by chemical gas attacks. It was said to be a counter-measure against rebel groups, but it was also meant to reduce the Kurdish population in order to ‘Arabize’ the area. It was this campaign where Sniper Wolf, a Kurd herself, lost her parents, and in the aftermath was rescued by ‘Saladin’ (Big Boss).

3 The First Liberian Civil War

1989-1997, Liberia

Metal Gear Events That Are Based on Real Life
  • Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

Big Boss’s actions of saving Sniper Wolf as a child may appear selfless. However, considering she became a formidable sniper and bothersome adversary, it seems he was acting prudently instead. In Metal Gear Solid 2, his primary objective involved cultivating an endless conflict by raising young soldiers to be the next wave of combatants. Solidus, his identical counterpart, took on a comparable role during the First Liberian Civil War, manipulating Raiden in the process.

I have studied the tragic history of Liberia’s civil war, a conflict that was born out of the oppressive rule of President Samuel Doe. As someone who has followed this conflict closely, I can tell you that it was a complex and brutal struggle for power among four rebel movements, each vying for control of the country.

2 Force 21 Trials

1997, United States

Metal Gear Events That Are Based on Real Life
  • Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

After being rescued from combat by an NGO, Raiden struggled to accept his past. This struggle didn’t go unnoticed by the Patriots. To recondition him for military service, they employed advanced technologies such as cerebral implants and nanomachines to erase his memories. They then subjected him to virtual missions from Metal Gear Solid and the Force 21 Trials. The latter refers to a real-life Linux communication platform focused on tactical IT implementation.

Using Raiden’s alias, FBCB2 or otherwise known as Force 21 Battle Command Brigade and Below, facilitated commanders with up-to-date virtual maps for real-time monitoring of their troops from both aerial and ground perspectives. Essentially, Raiden became an indispensable tool for military leaders by making himself easily traceable and open to receiving orders through a user-friendly computer system.

1 9/11 and the War on Terror

2001, United States

Metal Gear Events That Are Based on Real Life
  • Metal Gear Rising (officially)
  • Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (unofficially)

9/11 is unique, as it’s perhaps the only event (thus far) to affect MGS in both lore and real life. In lore, it set off a protracted campaign against Iraq and Afghanistan, mirroring what happened in the real world. This produced a pro-military mood that Metal Gear Rising’s Sundowner wanted to go back to. In real life, the disaster happened shortly before MGS2 was due to release in North America.

As someone who has spent countless hours immersed in the gaming world, I can’t help but feel a sense of intrigue and disappointment when it comes to the controversial ending of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. The game, released back in 2001, left an indelible mark on the industry with its gripping storyline and innovative gameplay. However, the finale took a dark turn when New York City was attacked by terrorists, and Konami decided to censor some parts of it.

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2024-07-19 03:35