The Rarest N64 Games (& How Much They’re Worth)

The Rarest N64 Games (& How Much They're Worth)

Key Takeaways

  • The Nintendo 64 revolutionized gaming with iconic titles such as Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros, creating unforgettable couch co-op memories.
  • Rare N64 games like Starshot Space Circus Fever and Indiana Jones And The Infernal Machine are highly sought-after for their unique gameplay and stories.
  • From the cult classic Goemon’s Great Adventure to the elusive Nintendo 64 Test Cartridge, collecting rare N64 games can be a pricey but rewarding venture.

As someone who has been collecting rare video games for over three decades now, let me tell you that these two titles are truly something special. The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask Limited Edition Adventure Set is an exquisite piece of gaming history, especially if you’re a die-hard Zelda fan like myself. I remember when I first got my hands on this beauty back in 2000; it was like finding a long-lost treasure.

Reminiscing about the Nintendo 64 evokes a flood of nostalgia for numerous individuals. To many, the N64 symbolizes the peak era of local multiplayer gaming, where friends would gather around an old television screen, attempting to make the game cartridge function by blowing on it (a practice that didn’t actually help and could potentially damage it over time), snacking together and engaging in thrilling competitions, such as Mario Kart or Super Smash Bros.

Leaving nostalgia behind, it’s undeniable that the N64 boasted a wealth of remarkable titles, many of which left an indelible impact on the gaming world as a whole. Some of these games remain elusive and valuable today, making them some of the most expensive Nintendo 64 games in existence. These treasures are often cherished by collectors who have managed to acquire them.

Despite its limitations, it managed to achieve modest success on its own terms. It’s compelling enough to spark interest in collecting games for the console, ranging from its popular titles to lesser-known ones. However, be prepared to spend a significant amount as this updated list includes many of the N64’s scarcest games, along with revised prices and information for its initial releases.

All prices were taken from
and were accurate at the time of publication.

1 Starshot Space Circus Fever

Juggling Moneybags

The Rarest N64 Games (& How Much They're Worth)
Loose $100.23
Complete in Box $268.26
New $832

Starshot Space Circus Fever, despite its complex and challenging controls, gained immense popularity among players due to the eerie sensation experienced while playing. However, one aspect of criticism is its confusing ending, leading many to believe they had missed something or received a bad ending. Yet, in reality, the game only had a single conclusion, which ended the quirky platformer on a disappointing note – presumably setting up for a sequel that never materialized.

Ignoring other factors, this game remains a beloved cult favorite and one of the scarcest titles available on the console. The cost of original copies has peaked, with CIB versions decreasing by approximately $220 from their January 2024 high, but they still come at a premium for those seeking an authentic gaming experience. For budget-friendly options, you might consider the PAL version priced at around $22 without its case and manual, or the PC version which goes for roughly $11.

2 Indiana Jones And The Infernal Machine

It Belongs In A Museum

The Rarest N64 Games (& How Much They're Worth)
Loose $83
Complete in Box $288.52
New $292.86

As an ardent fan, I can’t help but sing praises for the groundbreaking 3D adventure, “Indiana Jones and The Infernal Machine”. This game isn’t just a fantastic addition to the gaming world, but it also stands as a cornerstone in the esteemed Indiana Jones series.

Despite not being as widely recognized as some other titles on the platform, this entry has carved out a unique spot in the affection of series fans and adventure enthusiasts alike. Its value has become increasingly significant as complete-in-box (CIB) prices have increased over time, ironically, while new copies have significantly decreased. Last month alone, their worth plummeted from $930 to £202.50, but they’ve started to regain value gradually.

3 Goemon’s Great Adventure

Stealing From The Rich

The Rarest N64 Games (& How Much They're Worth)
Loose $101.26
Complete in Box $299.31
New $1,315.85

The Mystical Ninja series, with its unusual features and challenging Japanese motifs, didn’t gain much traction in the Western world. Games like Legend of the Mystical Ninja for the SNES and Goemon’s Great Adventure for the N64 were hidden gems, but Goemon’s game delved even further underground. Despite this, it was one of the more approachable 2.5D platform games on the N64, suggesting that it deserved a wider audience.

Characters assume the character of the shaggy-haired ninja named Goemon, who navigates forests, mountains, and vibrant landscapes in a fictional depiction of Japan during the Edo Period. The cost of both used and complete-in-box (CIB) editions has only slightly decreased, while fresh copies are on the rise. Even the PAL version, titled “Mystical Ninja 2 Starring Goemon“, costs $92 for a loose copy. Only the Japanese edition offers affordability at $27.50.

4 Big Mountain 2000

Players Ski Downhill, Prices Climb Uphill

The Rarest N64 Games (& How Much They're Worth)
Loose $74.99
Complete in Box $335
New $1,000

In the realm of winter sports games, Big Mountain 2000 was a popular choice due to its user-friendly controls that were challenging to master, seamless gameplay, and graphics that were quite impressive for its era. It thrived alongside the snowboarding game trend, where players would ski down diverse slopes while juggling their energy levels and navigating any hurdles on the track.

The game owes its place among the rarest and most expensive Nintendo 64 games not because of its popularity, but because of how unlikely it is to find a complete copy online. This scarcity has led to the price climbing massively in recent years, as CIB prices peaked at the $700 mark at the start of the year. Their current price, $335, might be as cheap as they get. But anyone who’s still got a sealed copy will make a tidy profit at £1,000 and climbing.

5 Castlevania: Legacy Of Darkness

Casting A Pall Over Bank Accounts

The Rarest N64 Games (& How Much They're Worth)
Loose $141.25
Complete in Box $379
New $419.39

Compared to the grittier experience of Castlevania 64, I found myself drawn more towards Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness from a gameplay perspective due to its closer adherence to traditional franchise elements. However, it’s unfortunate that this game didn’t receive as much recognition as its N64 counterpart or the more renowned PlayStation titles like Symphony of the Night and Castlevania Chronicles in terms of quality.

Still, it offered the original Castlevania 64 campaign with C: LoD‘s improvements, and Cornell’s lycanthropic story did draw some hardcore fans to the title. Nonetheless, this prequel still wasn’t particularly well-received, it soon became one of the rarest N64 games, which explains why the cartridge alone has a pretty steep price. New copies were also going for $1,000+ before they dropped to $420 this month.

6 Daikatana

This Game Is About To Make Players Its ATM

The Rarest N64 Games (& How Much They're Worth)
Loose $92.44
Complete in Box $388.61
New $1,205

Despite receiving negative reviews from critics, Daikatana showcased distinctive environments and had a level design that was generally well-executed, albeit not quite meeting the expectations set by its pre-release publicity. However, even if it hadn’t faced development issues or its controversial marketing campaign featuring John Romero, its flawed gameplay would have led to its downfall.

1. PC users can enjoy the 1.3 patch update, which made the game play more in line with Romero and Ion Storm’s original vision. Unfortunately, the N64 version suffers from the original flaws, along with a slow frame rate, foggy visuals, and an awkward translation due to being developed by Kemco rather than Ion Storm. Despite these issues, its notoriety has led to it becoming a sought-after collector’s item, as its value has risen steadily over time.

7 Turok: Rage Wars (Gray Cartridge)

It’s The Same Old Game, But The Cartridge Is In A Different Color

The Rarest N64 Games (& How Much They're Worth)
Loose $599
Complete in Box $867.50
New $674.50

Initially introduced as a comic book character in the 1950s, Turok the Dinosaur Hunter experienced a revival when he became the protagonist of a series of first-person shooter games for the N64. The initial trilogy of these games was even remastered for contemporary machines, including the Nintendo Switch, with all except for “Turok: Rage Wars.” This game differed from “Turok 2: Seeds of Evil” in that it lacked a storyline but offered more multiplayer modes and features.

A standard black game cartridge is generally easy to find and costs around $15 for a standalone version. Yet, it had an issue that rendered the cooperative campaign unwinnable. In the past, fans had to mail these malfunctioning cartridges to Acclaim, who would then send back gray cartridges with the bug fixed. Due to the game’s relatively low popularity compared to its main installments, not many people took the trouble to do so, making the enhanced versions scarce and expensive.

8 Transformers: Beast Wars Transmetals

Transforming Into A Treasure Chest

The Rarest N64 Games (& How Much They're Worth)
Loose $107.20
Complete in Box $869.43
New $2,695

The Nintendo 64 wasn’t ideal for fighting games other than Super Smash Bros, but developers still took a shot at it. One such attempt was Transformers: Beast Wars Transmetals, which had an early Virtua Fighter feel with a Transformers theme. Characters from the Beast Wars TV series were selectable and players engaged in standard fighter battles, although the characters could transform between their Beast and Vehicle forms, incorporating elements similar to Bloody Roar by adding a twist to the combat.

As a long-time video game enthusiast with memories of playing games on various platforms since my childhood, I’ve always been fascinated by rare and unique titles that offer something different from the mainstream. One such game that has caught my attention is “Transformers: Beast Wars Transmetals” for the N64, a title I stumbled upon during a recent retro gaming binge.

9 Bomberman 64: The Second Attack!

Exploding In Price

The Rarest N64 Games (& How Much They're Worth)
Loose $216.96
Complete in Box $875.21
New $2,713

Typically, Bomberman offers an enjoyable experience among friends. However, Bomberman 64: The Second Attack, unlike many other N64 games, is quite elusive due to several reasons. For instance, it was criticized for its less than polished graphics and gameplay that didn’t deviate significantly from its predecessors, which negatively impacted its market performance. Additionally, Hudson Soft didn’t promote it much, so most people weren’t aware of its existence.

Ultimately, this game was launched towards the end of its console’s life span in 2000, only a year before the Gamecube’s introduction. This means that locating a physical version of the game can prove challenging, but they occasionally surface on platforms like eBay. If the price is under $875, it could either be an unboxed copy or the offer might be too good to pass up.

10 Worms Armageddon

A Tactical Offensive On N64 Owners

The Rarest N64 Games (& How Much They're Worth)
Loose $193.98
Complete in Box $1,017
New $3,156

Worms Armageddon marked the third installment of Team17’s captivating turn-based strategy game series, often regarded as the best due to its introduction of numerous innovative items and weapons such as the powerful Holy Hand Grenade. This game was launched across a wide range of platforms in 1999-2000, including PCs, PlayStations, Nintendo 64s, Dreamcast consoles, and even Game Boy Colors.

Due to its widespread availability, one might assume that the game “Worms Armageddon” would be inexpensive for purchase. However, this is not the case, except for the Nintendo 64 (N64) versions. Among all editions, only the N64 copies have collector’s items and new copies priced in four figures. Even loose cartridges are being sold at $193.98, approaching their old high of $220 from 2016. Considering how common other versions of the game are, these prices seem as absurd as a Concrete Donkey’s value.

11 Rat Attack! (PAL)

Scurrying For Coins

The Rarest N64 Games (& How Much They're Worth)
Loose $163.88
Complete in Box $1,602.53
New $4,327

In a time when many studios, including Nintendo, were focusing on more extravagant 3D games, Pure Entertainment opted for a more down-to-earth style in their presentation. The multiplayer game “Rat Attack!” puts players in the shoes of intelligent lab rats aiming to conquer the world. To do so, they must round up groups of rats using lassos as hordes of rats flood small rooms and scamper around frantically.

Although it may seem frivolous, the current asking prices for these items are far from trivial. US CIB duplicates fetch a price of $725.63, with new ones costing an additional $150. PAL copies, on the other hand, are even pricier, with loose versions selling for $100 more than their US counterparts at $164. Anyone in search of a CIB or sealed copy should brace themselves, as prices are almost astronomical. Potential buyers would be wise to start saving, and current owners should take good care of their copies until a suitable offer arrives.

12 Super Bowling

Striking Out In Sales

The Rarest N64 Games (& How Much They're Worth)
Loose $516.95
Complete in Box $1,867.79
New $5,790

As a gamer, I’ve come across this gem called Super Bowling, a game that’s not as well-known as some others out there. It was crafted by UFO Interactive Games, essentially revamping the 3D version of an equally obscure SNES title bearing the same name, offering a thrilling 10-pin bowling experience. Given its niche appeal and late release, it didn’t sell like hotcakes, making it quite rare now.

Initially, it wasn’t highly valued due to its affordability in the early 2010s. However, as we entered the 2020s, its value began to escalate significantly. Interestingly, during most of 2022, sealed versions were cheaper than complete-in-box (CIB) ones, selling for $1,080 compared to the CIB’s $2,550. Although that may not sound cheap, it represented less than half the price of a CIB version. Now, new copies are priced at roughly double that amount, around $6,000, and CIB ones at approximately $2,000.

13 F1 Racing Championship

Accelerating In Price

The Rarest N64 Games (& How Much They're Worth)
Loose $514.34
Complete in Box $2,079
New $6,445

In the late ’90s and early 2000s, I found myself immersed in the thrilling world of 3D racing games. The future was represented by speedsters like Wipeout, while Gran Turismo gave us a more realistic taste of the track. But it was F1 Racing Championship that really stole my heart, a game that graced every platform, from the original PlayStation to the soon-to-be-launched PlayStation 2. Interestingly enough, the North American Nintendo 64 versions of this game are the most sought after and costly ones, much like Worms Armageddon.

The reason for such a significant price difference might be because Formula 1 racing isn’t as popular in the U.S. compared to other regions, but the game’s other North American versions are more affordable. For instance, you can find a new PlayStation 1 copy for around $60 at most, whereas new Nintendo 64 cartridges cost over 100 times that amount, with a price tag of $6,445. Even if someone just wanted an unboxed version, they’d still have to pay $514, and this price seems to be increasing every month.

14 Stunt Racer 64

No Sign Of Crashing

The Rarest N64 Games (& How Much They're Worth)
Loose $319.75
Complete in Box $2,160.04
New $6,696

Stunt Racer 64 is still considered one of the scarcest games for that console, as its blend of retro-futuristic racing excitement couldn’t quite outpace the colossal dominance of Mario Kart 64. Moreover, it was only distributed in the United States through Blockbuster Video, making it not surprising that finding affordable copies of this game is a challenge.

Prices on this arcade racer have seen a slight decrease, making it more affordable for those looking to save money. Currently, a standard version costs approximately $320, which is a climb from the $252 drop it experienced in March 2024. If you want the complete set with the box and manual, expect to pay around $2,160. For a brand new copy, be prepared to shell out over three times that amount at $6,700.

15 Snowboard Kids 2 (PAL)

The Land Down Under Offers Prices Up Top

The Rarest N64 Games (& How Much They're Worth)
Loose $395.78
Complete in Box $2,324.84
New $6,277

Released by Atlus for the Nintendo 64 in 1999, Snowboard Kids 2 represents the continuation of the initial Snowboard Kids game. Players control diverse characters as they navigate down snow-covered slopes, utilizing their distinct talents and abilities to gain an edge. Known for its vibrant graphics and swift tempo, the game provided players with a fluid and enjoyable racing experience, along with a fantastic multiplayer mode.

Obtaining the game isn’t overly difficult in the US, but it’s not cheap; prices range from $72 for loose copies, $302.26 for used ones, and a whopping $937 for new ones. On the other hand, Japanese versions are quite affordable, with new ones costing just $255 and even less at $29.99. However, if collectors are looking to add some valuable items to their collection, they should consider the PAL version. This edition was only released in Australia and is the rarest version of the game, making it the most expensive. If any Australians have a copy, they could potentially make a substantial profit by selling it.

16 Nintendo 64 Test Cartridge

Burning Money On A Piece Of Tech History

The Rarest N64 Games (& How Much They're Worth)
Loose $3,339
Complete in Box N/A
New N/A

As a dedicated Nintendo enthusiast, I can’t help but share an interesting tale about the elusive Nintendo 64 Test Cartridge. Unlike ordinary gaming cartridges, this one didn’t hold any games, yet it cost nearly $3,350! Instead, it was a diagnostic tool used by Nintendo 64 Service Centers to evaluate the condition of consoles. If a console had any issues, this Test Cartridge would swiftly detect them with its array of diagnostics. The most telling sign? A red light on the cartridge that indicated there was a fault that needed further examination.

Because it wasn’t designed for store sale, it didn’t include a box or packaging, and its user manual was provided separately. If you manage to find it available for purchase, it will only be found unboxed, priced at $3,339. This price has remained constant over the past year, but it temporarily skyrocketed to almost twice that amount recently. Regrettably, unless someone possesses a time machine to travel back to 2012 when its cost was just $518, this is as low as its price will go.

17 Japan Pro-Golf Tour 64

A Rare Game For A Failed, Japan-Exclusive Add-On

The Rarest N64 Games (& How Much They're Worth)
Loose $1,041.43
Complete in Box $3,600
New $4,500

Frequently, hard-to-find N64 games are less expensive in Japan due to their unique rarities. This is partly because of the Nintendo 64DD, an expansion that enabled the console to read special disks and even connect to the internet for online gaming. Despite its potential, the Nintendo 64DD was not successful, with many of its planned games either being canceled or moved to the GameCube, such as “Resident Evil 0” and “Animal Crossing”.

One DD game that did come out was Japan Pro-Golf Tour 64, where players could customize their characters in between teeing off on its 18 holes. It’s the rarest of the N64DD games and one of the most expensive. Even its loose copies go for 4-figure prices, and getting complete copies requires at least $3,600. That doesn’t leave a lot left over for a Japanese N64 and a working 64DD.

18 The Legend Of Zelda: Majora’s Mask Limited Edition Adventure Set

Requires A Bigger Rupee Bag

The Rarest N64 Games (& How Much They're Worth)
Loose $1,746.14
Complete in Box $4,177.89
New $17,701

The Special Edition of The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask includes some additional features compared to the standard game. However, even used copies might need their original cover to distinguish them from regular PAL cartidges in other regions. Moreover, this edition was only produced for territories such as Europe, and a total of 1,000 copies were manufactured. The set included a soundtrack CD, pins, a T-shirt, a watch, and a Certificate of Authenticity.

Each item in the collection came with its own unique identifier for extra assurance. Thus, it’s not unexpected that a CIB box is currently valued at more than $4,000. However, this is the lowest price it has been since 2022. In fact, it was valued at around $8,652 at the beginning of 2024. If collectors aim to own a fully complete set, they’ll need an additional $18,000. It could be less hassle to simply purchase a single cartridge and buy some related pins from Etsy instead.

19 ClayFighter: Sculptor’s Cut

Turning Clay Into Gold

The Rarest N64 Games (& How Much They're Worth)
Loose $960
Complete in Box $6,874.41
New $21,311

ClayFighter: Sculptor’s Cut, essentially an enhanced edition of the game ClayFighter 63 1/3, is a scarcely found N64 title due to its non-retail release. It was exclusively available for rental at Blockbuster Video in the US, making it accessible only to those who won their online contest back then. The game boasted a more streamlined menu, improved combat mechanics, and introduced four new characters such as Lady Liberty and Lockjaw Pooch.

It’s certainly the most expensive N64 on the market. Granted, there are pricier loose cartridges out there. But complete copies cost nearly $7,000 to pick up. Then, if someone managed to keep their copies in their original wrapping, they could make over $21,000 if they found a buyer. Unless there’s a warehouse hiding thousands of sealed copies out there, it’s only going to increase in value over time too.

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2024-08-23 06:55