How to Convert Your Religion in Crusader Kings 3

How to Convert Your Religion in Crusader Kings 3

As a seasoned ruler of this vast realm, steeped in tradition and guided by wisdom gleaned from countless battles and political machinations, it is time to consider the path my people must follow. A new faith, born from the fires of our unique experiences and beliefs, could unite us like never before or tear us apart in a cataclysm of religious strife.

In the past, numerous pagan leaders across Europe and Africa chose to adopt structured religions such as Christianity and Islam during the Middle Ages. Similarly, in the game “Crusader Kings 3“, you have the opportunity to emulate their actions by adopting a new faith.

In some games, changing religious beliefs is straightforward. If your leader orders their subjects or advisors to convert as part of an interaction, they can do so in the game. Similarly, if you’re a vassal in someone else’s domain, they might ask you to change faiths too. But, if you prefer to switch religions manually, it’s beneficial to familiarize yourself with how Crusader Kings 3 manages this conversion process.

Conversion Basics & Costs In Crusader Kings 3

How to Convert Your Religion in Crusader Kings 3

There are a few different ways you can get to the faith conversion screen.

  • Select the Faiths view (R on the PC keyboard). Then, select a faith on the map that your ruler doesn’t follow. This will bring up the description panel for the faith, and at the bottom is a “Convert to Faith” button.
  • Select a ruler who follows a different faith. Then, click on their faith’s symbol or name.
  • On any faith’s description panel, click on “Other Faiths.” This button is just below the faith’s Fervor rating. Next, uncheck the “Only X Faiths” box on the new menu. This new menu lists every single faith in the game, and you can sort them by number of counties, current Fervor, religion family, or alphabetically. That said, this is a long list, and it can be hard to find a specific faith if you don’t know what you’re looking for.

After choosing your preferred religion, there is a conversion fee called “Piety” that you’ll have to pay. The amount can range from less than 1,000 up to more than 100,000, based on several variables.

Initially, adopting a new religion involves a particular expense that depends on the degree of contrast between its teachings and tenets compared to your current religion. For example, if witchcraft is considered a crime in your present religion, then the new faith will not impose any additional cost if it also regards witchcraft as criminal, a minimal cost if they reject witches, or a substantial cost if they endorse witches. In other words, a religion with similar beliefs is more affordable to switch to compared to one that greatly differs.

In the game Crusader Kings 3, several adjustments are made that alter the total cost by a percentage. Each adjustment affects the figure separately, so two -50% modifiers will reduce the cost by half on two separate occasions, resulting in a cumulative reduction instead of a full cancellation.

Modifier Percentage
Ruler’s Learning -1 per point
Current faith has Pluralist doctrine -15
Ruler directly controls Wiltshire (and the Stonehenge unique building) -20
Ruler is Cynical -20
Current and target faith have Pluralist doctrine -25 (replaces -15 modifier)
Ruler’s concubine follows target faith -25
Target faith exists in at least one county -35
Target faith exists in at least one county and belongs to same religion as current faith -50 (replaces -35 modifier)
Ruler’s spouse follows target faith -50
Attacker in a holy war follows target faith -50
Ruler’s dynasty has at least 3 Adventure legacies -50
Ruler has Learning Lifestyle perk “Apostate” -75
Target faith is within or adjacent to your realm -90
Ruler’s faith is unreformed, and target faith is organized -90
Ruler’s faith is unreformed pagan, and concubine’s faith is organized -90 (replaces -25 modifier)
Ruler’s faith is unreformed pagan, and spouse’s faith is organized -90 (replaces -50 modifier)
Ruler’s faith is unreformed, and attacker in a holy war follows target faith -90 (replaces -50 modifier)
Ruler is Zealous +20
Ruler controls a Clan government and is converting to an unreformed faith +25
Ruler controls a Feudal government and is converting to an unreformed faith +50
Target faith belongs to a different religion in the same family as ruler’s faith +100
Target faith belongs to a different religious family than ruler’s faith +200
Target faith is unreformed, while ruler’s faith is organized +500
Target faith isn’t present in any county, and no ruler follows it +500

In essence, converting from Norse paganism to Catholicism requires a minimal offering of devotion, whereas Catholic leaders would require an impractical amount of devotion if they aim to revert to Greco-Roman paganism.

New Faiths & Reformations In Crusader Kings 3

How to Convert Your Religion in Crusader Kings 3

Rather than adopting an established religion, you could instead craft your own unique faith, one that aligns perfectly with your preferred beliefs and teachings. But, there are certain conditions you must fulfill to ensure its success.

  • Your ruler must be at peace.
  • Your ruler must be an adult, although you may create a new faith during an entrenched regency.
  • Your ruler must be independent, a vassal duke, or a vassal king.
  • No ruler can create a new faith more than once.
  • If your current faith is unreformed, your realm must control three of your faith’s holy sites, and the direct ruler of each site must follow your faith.

As a gamer, starting a new religion isn’t cheap on the Piety front, regardless if I keep the same teachings or not. It might not offer the same discounts as converting others, but there are strategies to lower the cost:

  • If your current faith has low Fervor, you get 50 percent off.
  • If you take the Learning Lifestyle perk, “Prophet,” you get another 50 percent off.

As a follower embarking on this new religious journey, it’s important to understand that my current faith’s sacred places, values, and transgressions are preserved as part of this transformation. During the reformation phase, I cannot alter these aspects. Regrettably, some unique doctrines, such as Ecumenism, which is a cornerstone of mainstream Christian faiths like Catholicism and Orthodoxy, will be lost in this transition. However, I am granted the flexibility to modify most of my new faith’s teachings and all its principles. Yet, it’s crucial to note that with each modification I make, I will require more Piety to uphold these changes.

It is not permitted to establish a religious belief system that mirrors an existing one within the same religious group, except in cases of unique doctrines like Ecumenism or secret teachings such as “unreformed.” This rule allows for the reformulation of pagan religions without altering any principles or teachings, and it enables the creation of a faith similar to Catholicism but with the authority to declare wars against neighboring faiths.

Vassal Conversions In Crusader Kings 3

How to Convert Your Religion in Crusader Kings 3

Regardless of whether you are adopting an existing religion or forging a new one, it’s crucial to ponder the actions of your followers. While your immediate family is likely to follow suit, each follower may or may not adopt your new faith, depending on several aspects. These elements could be:

  • The vassal’s opinion of you
  • Your current Dread
  • How much Learning you have compared to them
  • The vassal’s personality traits
  • The vassal’s cultural traditions

If it’s within your means, strive to ensure that your key allies are open to experimenting with your new belief system. If your faith isn’t Pluralist, it’s possible that your vassals of other beliefs might view your leadership unfavorably and form factions against you. While you can compel conversion from your vassals at a later time, this action may carry some risks.

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2024-08-31 14:03