How to Make Nix Jealous and Complete Feelers Out in Star Wars Outlaws

How to Make Nix Jealous and Complete Feelers Out in Star Wars Outlaws

In this text-based game, you are presented with several different levels of interaction and communication with the characters. The instructions will lead you from one level to another based on how you respond to them (i.e., by clicking through the links provided).

It’s a shame that Star Wars Outlaws can’t keep up with their own game, but this guide is all about the Nix-based ability to be unpredictable and challenging. This guide takes you into the Star Wars Outlaws’ dark side. Many of the Nix-based challenges are akin to being in Star Wars Outlaws’ world.

How to Make Nix Jealous in Star Wars Outlaws

How to Make Nix Jealous and Complete Feelers Out in Star Wars Outlaws

1. “Each day I’m a part of this code.”

  • Make Nix Jealous

So far in the game, there’s not been much evidence suggesting that Nix has a unique emotional system. Therefore, some players might be puzzled about how they could make Nix jealous. However, the solution is surprisingly straightforward, and intuitive players may find it by guessing. Since Nix shows clear signs of being protective towards Kay, players might ponder, “How will Nix react when I pay attention to another animal?” Following this line of thought will guide you straight to the answer.

  • To make Nix jealous, simply pet another animal.

How to Pet an Animal in Star Wars Outlaws:

In the game Star Wars Outlaws, there are various animals and creatures that Kay can interact with. You’ll spot these animals by the circle mark above their heads, indicating they can be engaged in some manner. These critters can be found within cities as well as larger, open-world zones. When you see a prompt above a creature’s head, come closer and engage to give them a pat.

How to Unlock the Feelers Out Ability in Star Wars Outlaws

Unlock the Mercenary

To use the ability ‘Feelers Out‘ from the character ‘The Mercenary‘, Kay needs to first unlock another ability called ‘Rooster Trace‘ as an Expert. This initial unlock happens on Kijimi during the mission “The Safecracker“. The storyline for this character unfolds on both Kijimi and Tatooine. After Kay finishes Rooster’s quest, she will be granted access to her ability challenges, one of which is ‘Feelers Out‘.

Complete Feelers Out:

How to Make Nix Jealous and Complete Feelers Out in Star Wars Outlaws

‘Feelers Out’ has three unlock conditions:

Ability Unlock Conditions Ability Description
Feelers Out
  • Use Nix to fetch a weapon, a grenade, and a bacta vial.
  • Complete a thief contract without being detected.
  • Make Nix jealous
  • Doubles the distance at which Nix will be able to detect and highlight enemies via the Nix Sense mechanic.
  • While playing through Star Wars Outlaws, you’ll often see a small symbol over objects that is meant to signify an object that Nix can either fetch or interact with. When you see this symbol over a weapon, grenade, or bacta vial, tap LB/L1 to have Nix fetch it.
  • Go to any of the Job Brokers to find a Thief contract.
  • Pet another animal in Nix‘s presence to make him jealous.

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2024-09-04 05:33