How To Defeat The Drake In Etrian Odyssey Remastered?

How To Defeat The Drake In Etrian Odyssey Remastered?

As a seasoned adventurer who’s faced my fair share of beasts and bosses alike, let me tell ya, this Drake ain’t no walk in the park. But fear not, for I’ve got just the strategy to tame that fiery fowl.

After overpowering Etreant at the lowest level of the Fifth Strata, it could seem like you have faced the toughest challenges that lay ahead. With the credits now showing, one might think – “This must be the end, no more hardships to face, right?

Oh dear, I’m afraid you’re wrong about that. The Labyrinth is indeed home to three fearsome dragons yet to be defeated before one can face the ultimate boss on the 30th level.

Amongst this formidable threesome, none is as ferocious as the Dragon. Gather a team of skilled adventurers, acquire suitable equipment, and devise an effective plan, and you’ll conquer it. So, who’s the dragon slayer now, Dovakiin?

Quest Requirements

How To Defeat The Drake In Etrian Odyssey Remastered?

For the Drake to spawn, you’ll first need to accept the quest The Azure Colossus from Valerie down at the Golden Deer Pub. She’ll offer once you’ve finished Proof of Heroism, and have also reached the Sixth Stratum.

Demonstrating bravery doesn’t require much effort in this case. You just need to locate the frozen arm of the adventurer, which presumably fell nearby after the battle with Cotrangl.

Navigate your way up to the fifteenth floor, then search for a spot two steps north of where Cotrangl is located. If the head honcho at Azure Rainforest has reappeared, you might as well challenge him to another bout since you’re already in the vicinity.

In your battle against Cotrangl, refrain from employing Fire magic or enhancing weapons. There’s a possibility he might drop a rare item called Sea King Ice. Take this to Shilleka, and she’ll start selling the Arc Drawer. Known as the most powerful bow in the game, it’s definitely an item worth acquiring!

After grabbing the frozen arm of the quest-giver, I made my way back to the lively Golden Deer Pub. There, Valerie handed over a generous 30,000 entals as a reward and granted me access to the formidable Azure Colossus.

Preparing For The Fight

How To Defeat The Drake In Etrian Odyssey Remastered?

Hang on a moment! If you’re not with the correct crew, the Drake could crush you easily. To conquer this dragon, ensure that both a Defender (Protector) and an Entertainer (Troubadour) are part of your team.

Also? You’ll probably want your party to be Level 60 or higher.

The Protector

To prevent a catastrophic demise from the chilling Frozen Blast, it’s wise to have a Protector by your side. This attack strikes everyone, inflicting heavy ice damage that often exceeds 2,000 points—it’s not an encounter you can simply endure.

To endure temperatures at Absolute Zero consistently, it’s essential to master the Ice Wall skill to level 5 or higher. This protective ability effectively blocks the initial Ice attack every turn, making it the key defense against a Total Party Kill (TPK).

If you’re considering attempting to confront Absolute Zero, make sure your Medic learns Immunity Level 10 first and gather plenty of Ice Mist. However, be aware that this approach could lead to a TPK (Total Party Kill), so I wouldn’t recommend it. This strategy increases the difficulty of the fight without providing any tangible benefits.

If you find yourself short on skill points, make your way to the Explorer’s Guild and consider having your current character “Take a Break” or “Rest”. It will set you back 5 levels, but it’s a more efficient route compared to raising a whole new adventurer from scratch.

When reallocating your Protector’s ability points, it’s strongly recommended that you acquire TP Up 5 at the very least. It’s highly probable that you’ll need Tech Points for optimal performance. Additionally, Provoke could be a useful skill as it directs the Drake’s attacks away from more vulnerable party members.

The Troubadour

Similar to how the Protector has a Troubadour by their side, you too have one, solely focused on mastering a unique ability: Erasure. This skill enables your Troubadour to remove annoying buffs from your adversaries.

Considering the Drake likes to regenerate while negating damage, Erasure is a must-include. The fight is probably impossible without it—I stopped counting after 30 wipes.

Fortunately, several additional songs from the Troubadour’s collection will aid in making this battle less challenging. While Bravery is a versatile skill that increases your party’s attack power, against the Drake you might as well opt for Blaze as well.

Blaze infuses the Fire element into every basic attack from a single party member, making them more potent against enemies like the Landsknecht, Ronin, or Drake, causing them to weaken over time.

Useful Items

Even with a skillful, high-level party this fight can turn south quickly. Make sure you stock up.

Blaze OilCross SeedAdds the Fire element to all basic attacks by one party member (just like the Troubadour’s Blaze).
Amrita IIStrawberryRestores 50 TP. Handy if the fight drags long!
Nectar IISap Wine, 3 Dry PeachesResurrects with about half health.
Axcela IIIOleander, 2 Shiny SeedsGives an adventurer 100 Boost Points. (Won’t work if they used their Boost on the same turn.)

Should you find yourself with extra funds, outfitting an adventurer with a Sapphire in your front line will aid them in withstanding Drakes’ assaults. But, to acquire this Sapphire from Shilleka, you must gather a significant amount of 30 Azure Ores, which can be found only by defeating monsters dwelling in the Sixth Stratum.

If you’ve conquered at least one dragon, you’ll find yourself facing their lesser counterparts on the 30th level. These clones may randomly drop Volt Cores, keys to unlocking Nectar III – a powerful resurrection tool that restores your maximum health!

Slaying The Drake

Are you set with your party and supplies? That’s great, because even with proper preparations, the Drake can still prove to be quite a challenge.

No, seriously. Remember to quicksave before the fight.

To find the Drake’s part of the Labyrinth, look for a concealed pathway in the northwest area on level sixteen. Keep in mind that this hidden path will materialize only if you’ve undertaken the Azure Colossus mission.

Make your journey through the hidden tunnel that leads from the Sandy Barrens back into the Azure Rainforest. As you progress, you’ll encounter Sickwoods on floor 16 and three Teraliches on floor 15. If you find yourself struggling against them, it might be wise to withdraw for now; you should gain more experience levels before tackling the Drake.

When you get to the northwestern part of floor fifteen, you’ll notice the foreboding black orb belonging to the boss floating directly in front of you.

The Drake
Hit Points35,000
SkillsIce Breath, Glacial Regen, Iceblock, Icelance, Absolute Zero
ResistanceAll Physical, Lightning
Status ImmunityInstant Death, Petrify
Status ResistanceEverything Else
ItemsIce Fang, Ice Scale

In the heat of battle, the Drake always initiates with a breath attack, freezing everyone with an icy blast. It’s wise to erect an Ice Wall beforehand to avoid suffering heavy frost damage.

This ability performs the same trick every fourth move. For instance, the first Ice Breath happens on turn 1, followed by another one on turn 5, then turn 9, turn 13, and so forth. It’s also important to note that an Ice Wall is used on these specific turns.

Between turns, the Drake either unleashes additional assaults on me or bolsters itself with defensive buffs. (As a fan)

The Drake typically applies its buffs sequentially (except when halted by an Ice Breath action), and leaving these buffs unchecked can be quite challenging.

  • Glacial Regen: Heals 1,000 to 2,000 hit points at the end of each turn.
  • Iceblock: Reduces all Physical and Fire damage to single digits. Lightning still works, but the Drake resists that element.

If these bonuses continue, the battle may quickly escalate into a disastrous situation where your team runs low on Turn Points (TP) and consumables. Therefore, it’s best to eliminate them with Erasure as soon as possible.

The Drake’s other assaults are quite formidable as well. The move Icelance unleashes significant physical damage onto a solitary target, whereas Absolute Zero impacts the entire team with Ice damage and has a 50% likelihood of causing Instant Death.

Luckily, Ice Walls are effective against Absolute Zero as well. Feel free to frequently use Ice Walls if you’re comfortable dealing damage, as this will help minimize the impact of unfavorable random number generation (RNG).

To reduce the Drake’s health points (HP), you can apply Blaze Oil directly to it, or alternatively, have your melee attackers use their weapons infused with Blaze. The Alchemist’s Flame recipe also works effectively for this purpose.

With two attackers, a Guardian, a Bard, and a Healer (who are always essential), you’ll wear down the Dragon and secure your win!

The Drake’s drops are the real prize here, since they unlock new gear. Valerie will also reward you with 100,000 en for completing the quest.

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2024-09-13 13:09