Best Wraith Build In Deadlock

Best Wraith Build In Deadlock

As a seasoned gamer with countless hours spent in the realm of Deadlock, I must say that this Wraith build is nothing short of genius! It leverages her unique ability to manipulate enemies, transforming her into a formidable foe reminiscent of Deadlock’s Haze.

Wraith stands out as an exceptional ganker and split-pusher within the game Deadlock, primarily due to her ability to swiftly eliminate opponents and vanish before situations escalate excessively. She’s relatively easy to control, but mastering her potential requires utilizing top-tier items effectively.

This guide primarily concentrates on enhancing Wraith’s ability in one-on-one combat against other heroes, specifically Deadlock’s, while ensuring she maintains her power and effectiveness as a high-damage Gun hero throughout the entire game.

Best Wraith Items In Deadlock

Best Wraith Build In Deadlock

Wraith effectively inflicts maximum damage by utilizing both Phantom (Gun) and Essence (Spirit) damage. Nevertheless, her arsenal leans more towards the Gun side. This build is designed to capitalize on both types of damage. To begin with, it employs Spirit artifacts, then shifts focus to a dominantly Gun-based setup during the mid to late stages of gameplay.

Lane Items

  • Basic Magazine
  • Extra Regen
  • Healing Rite (If losing lane)
  • Extra Charge
  • Mystic Burst
  • Infuser

Start with the “Basic Magazine” first to assist you in attacking and last-hitting minions. Generally, players should primarily focus on gathering Souls within “Deadlock”, unless you’re being aggressively attacked in your lane, then prioritize buying an offensive item first. In other cases, consider getting “Extra Regen” or “Healing Rite” for additional sustain during the laning phase.

These items – Extra Charge, Mystic Burst, and Infuser – can assist you in pushing your lane opponent back and potentially earning some kills. Consider purchasing them after Basic Magazine, or opt for Mystic Burst first if you’re aiming for a more aggressive approach. Once you’ve accumulated two to three stacks of Card Trick, activate Infuser, and hurl all your cards at the enemy to deal heavy damage.

Core Items

  • Slowing Bullets
  • Tesla Bullets
  • Lucky Shot
  • Burst Fire
  • Combat Barrier
  • Spirit Armor
  • Bullet Lifesteal
  • Quicksilver Reload

These are the items players should aim to get as soon as possible when playing Wraith. These allow for significantly improved damage output, better AOE damage via Tesla Bullets, and instant reloads thanks to Quicksilver Reload.

As a gamer, I’ve found that stacking the rate-of-fire bonuses from Burst Fire, Combat Barrier, and Wraith’s Full Auto ability creates a massive bullet output when enemies are caught in Wraith’s Ultimate, Telekinesis. This makes her reminiscent of Deadlock, who thrives on her rapid-firing weapons to secure kills.

Prioritize buying essential items from the bottom up, unless you think additional durability is crucial for survival. In that case, opt for Vitality items initially. Sell off your laning items sequentially as you accumulate sufficient Souls to acquire your Core items.

Option: You might hold onto Mystic Burst and Infuser as temporary replacements for superior Spirit equipment until better ones become available. Also, when having trouble with Souls, consider delaying the use of Lucky Shot in favor of the Intensifying Magazine instead.

Situational Items and Flex Slots

The items you buy for your vacant and Flex slots all depend on how well the game is going. Here are some recommended flex items for Wraith and the situations players should buy them in:

  • Toxic Bullets: Causes bullets to apply a Bleeding effect that inflicts damage over time, as well as Healing Reduction. Buy this when the enemy has strong healing capabilities.
  • Leech: Great item to buy when you need more lifesteal.
  • Mystic Slow: If Slowing Bullets isn’t enough to help you hit your shots. Effect will trigger with Tesla Bullet procs.
  • Inhibitor: Bullets will slow enemies hit and reduce their outgoing damage. Stacks with Mystic Slow and Slowing Bullets.
  • Titanic Magazine: Increases your ammo by 100% along with small improvements for Weapon Damage and Bullet Resist. Buy if Quicksilver Reload isn’t enough to sustain your ammo in a fight.
  • Intensifying Magazine: Deal more damage as you fire your weapon. Synergizes well with Wraith’s kit. Buy this over Slowing Bullets if necessary.
  • Curse: Silences, Interrupts, Disarms, and prevents enemies from using items for 3 seconds. Buy to counter the most-fed enemy on the other team.
  • Extra Stamina: Used for spamming dodge. Good if the enemy has a lot of skillshots.
  • Suppressor: Reduces the fire rate of enemies hit by your Spirit Damage. Great for countering fast attackers like Infernus and Haze.

Wraith Skill Priorities

Best Wraith Build In Deadlock
  1. Card Trick – 1 point
  2. Full Auto – 3 points
  3. Telekinesis – 1 point
  4. Max Project Mind
  5. Max Telekinesis
  6. Max Full Auto
  7. Max Card Trick

For this build, put one point into Card Trick first to get three cards during the laning phase with Extra Charge. Then, upgrade Full Auto twice so it gets a shorter cooldown and a bonus effect that makes it deal Spirit damage. Then, put one point into Telekinesis to reduce its cooldown.

Later on, make sure to prioritize Project Mind first as it will provide you with a contingency plan for when situations become challenging. Moreover, its second enhancement offers a Bullet Shield, which is particularly useful when engaging in combat against Deadlock heroes who have high Weapon Damage builds.

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2024-09-13 15:03