How And When To Use Lightning Reversal In Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

How And When To Use Lightning Reversal In Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

Quick Links

  • What is Lightning Reversal?
  • How to Acquire Lightning Reversal
  • Lightning Reversal: Use and Application
  • Tips and Tricks

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades under my belt, I’ve faced countless challenges and foes, from pixelated dragons to realistic AI opponents. Yet, none have left me as bewildered and intrigued as the lightning-wielding beasts of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. The game’s rapid pace and diverse combat mechanics make it a masterpiece in my eyes, but those blistering lightning attacks could make even a samurai weep.

In comparison to other Soulsborne games, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice stands out for its blazing speed. What sets this game apart, however, is the variety it offers in strategies and playstyles when confronting bosses. This versatility is what truly makes Sekiro a remarkable gaming experience. Most adversaries in the game are quite realistic, wielding bows or swords, and each engagement serves as a measure of one’s combat skills.

Unfortunately, encountering Lightning attacks in Sekiro can sometimes feel insurmountable; it’s arguably the game’s most formidable attack style, capable of dealing excessive damage and leaving you stunned. However, with the skill known as Lightning Reversal, you can seize control of this menace and convert it into a significant edge against Sekiro’s pivotal bosses. This tutorial will show you how and where to effectively use Lightning Reversal.

caution notice: Certain later enemies utilize lightning-based assaults, be mindful as you proceed; some subtle hints about future battles may ensue.

What is Lightning Reversal?

How And When To Use Lightning Reversal In Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

This ability, named “Lightning Reversal”, essentially flips the effects of a powerful lightning strike aimed at you, turning the attack back against your adversary instead. Imagine it like Uncle Iroh’s skillful redirect technique. You can employ this move whenever a lightning attack is headed your way, particularly during challenging boss battles. Keep in mind that these enemies are all proficient in using lightning attacks.

  • Genichiro Ashina (The second time you fight him, at the top of Ashina Castle)
  • The Divine Dragon
  • Isshin, the Sword Saint

There are also a number of enemies around the Fountainhead palace that use lightning attacks, specifically the purple Okami Warrior women. Having Lightning Reversal up your sleeve will make these fights much easier, and is practically a requirement to defeat The Divine Dragon.

How to Acquire Lightning Reversal

How And When To Use Lightning Reversal In Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

Dojo Sculpture Idol, there is an optional mini-boss named Jinsuke Saze.

Engaging in this battle may prove challenging, yet it offers the nearest revival spot prior to confronting Genichiro, making it a battle well worth the effort!

After defeating Jinsuke, there is an item and a banner on the wall.

How And When To Use Lightning Reversal In Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

The poem suggests that to defend against lightning, it’s crucial to stay off the ground.

Lightning Reversal: Use and Application

How And When To Use Lightning Reversal In Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

As a gamer, I found that mastering the “Mid-air Deflection” skill from the Shinobi Arts tree was a game-changer for solving puzzles and taking down challenging bosses. While it may not seem useful at first, especially since it’s an early acquisition, its true potential unveils itself during boss fights that use projectile attacks. It’s a must-have skill if you want to conquer these formidable foes!

How And When To Use Lightning Reversal In Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

When a dangerous (and possibly lethal) move like those in Sekiro is about to be executed by an enemy, a red character will appear above their head signaling a deadly Lightning attack. As soon as you notice the boss preparing to summon Lightning, it’s best to leap.

In mid-air, press the parry button to make the lightning strike your blade and pass through. Instantly follow up by pressing the attack button to divert the electricity towards your foe.

To avoid taking the full damage and risking being stunned for additional attacks, ensure you act immediately upon Sekiro landing. The “Shock” status may also be acquired if you fail to do so.

Tips and Tricks

How And When To Use Lightning Reversal In Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

Enemies with the ability to use Lightning attacks become particularly challenging when you maintain a safe distance from them, as they’ll unleash those powers more frequently. On one hand, their Lightning attacks can be deadly; however, if you are adept at executing the Lightning Reversal move, it offers a significant payoff by dealing massive damage and momentarily stunning your target.

Remaining behind as a decoy against Lightning’s attacks might prove beneficial, especially when engaging in a tight combat situation. Direct confrontation could potentially be riskier than trying to counter or maneuver away from the enemy instead.

Another helpful tool in your belt is Eel Liver. If you’re worried you may not be able to consistently perform Lightning Reversal, increasing your resistance to Shock and Lightning for 30 seconds will help a great deal, and reduce the amount of healing you’ll need to stay in the fight. Several vendors, including Fujioka the Info Broker at the Dilapidated Temple, can sell them and other great items after gaining access to Fountainhead Palace.

As I wield the swift and powerful Reversal technique, I’ll slice through even the most formidable foes in Sekiro like a hot knife through butter. Here’s to success on our journey!

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2024-10-12 19:08