Get Shiny Bruxish in Pokemon GO: Tips & Tricks

2025 sees the initial appearance of the long-awaited Shimmering Bruxish at the Pokemon GO Festival of Colors event. During this event, as well as other notable occasions, you can find Shimmering Bruxish in various ways. Distinct from its common counterpart, the Shimmering Bruxish displays a striking combination of Red, Green, and White hues across its body.

In the Pokemon GO game, you’ll be able to find Shiny Bruxish starting on Thursday, March 13, 2025, at 10 AM local time, during the Festival of Colors event. You can either stumble upon it as a wild catch or by completing specific research tasks within the game. Notably, Shiny Bruxish doesn’t have any evolutions but is an exciting addition to your Shiny collection. This guide will provide tips on how to acquire Shiny Bruxish efficiently in the game.

Pokemon GO: Get Shiny Bruxish As A Wild Spawn

During special events such as the Festival of Colors 2025 in Pokemon GO, both Regular and Shiny Bruxish can be found in the wild. Boosting your chances of encountering wild Bruxish is made easier by using Incense during this event. This increases the spawn rate, giving you a better opportunity to catch its Shiny version.

Additionally, certain items in Pokemon GO significantly enhance the appearance of wild Pokemon, especially during special events. For instance, you can employ Incense, Lure Modules, or the Weather Boost function to elevate the frequency of encountering Bruxish.

  • Bruxish wild spawn rate boosts in areas with rainy and windy weather.
  • You must look for a PokeStop in such weather.
  • Once done, attach a Pokemon GO Lure Module to that specific PokeStop.
  • Activate an Incense and walk around that PokeStop.
  • If done correctly, multiple Bruxish spawn and lucky players might also encounter a Shiny Bruxish.

Employing this tactic may boost the number of Bruxish wild appearances, but it does not ensure a Shiny Bruxish encounter.

Pokemon GO: Get Shiny Bruxish By Completing Research Tasks

2025’s Pokemon GO Festival of Colors introduces the wild appearance of Shiny Bruxish, and it may also be earned as a reward for completing Research tasks during this event. However, keep in mind that it’s quite likely you’ll encounter the standard version instead.

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2025-03-13 20:31