Best Cantrips In D&D 5e

Key Takeaways

  • Cantrips like Ray of Frost, Green Flame Blade, and Shocking Grasp enhance spellcasters’ combat abilities in D&D.
  • Spells like Prestidigitation, Booming Blade, and Shillelagh provide versatile and powerful options for spellcasters.
  • Utility Cantrips such as Light, Message, and Minor Illusion offer strategic advantages and creative opportunities.

As a seasoned Dungeon Master with decades of experience under my belt, let me tell you that these two Cantrips – Mage Hand and Shape Water – are absolute game-changers for any aspiring adventurer or cunning sorcerer!

Characters like the Wizard in Dungeons & Dragons primarily depend on their vast array of spells for assistance both during and outside of battles. As these spellcasters progress in power, so does the strength and impact of their spells. In essence, as D&D spellcasters utilize more advanced spells, they use up a greater number of Spell Slots to perform such impressive magical acts.

Regardless of their experience level, spellcasters often lean on a select few Cantrips to accomplish tasks effectively. This is because these spells don’t require Spell Slots and can be cast at any time. However, the question arises: which Cantrips are more beneficial than others?

The Cantrips are undoubtedly one of their main tools, with some having more impact than others. Some top-recommended Cantrips for Spellcasters are a freeze ray, the power to conjure a magical sword, a grip that immobilizes an adversary, and the skill to turn insults into harmful assaults.

1 Ray Of Frost

Nifty Spell Attack With Movement Debuff

Level, Type Evocation Cantrip
Casting Time Action
Range 60ft
Target Creature in range
Components Verbal, Somatic
Duration Instantaneous
Classes Artificer, Sorcerer, Wizard

Cantrips have become a staple in any Spellcaster’s arsenal in Dungeons & Dragons gameplay, especially since they give casters the equivalent of combat efficiency that their martial counterparts are known to possess. Such a go-to Cantrip in this regard is Ray of Frost, an Evocation Cantrip accessible to Artificers, Sorcerers, and Wizards for its innate efficiency.

When this Spell is activated, it releases a chilly ray of light towards an object within reach. If the Spell hits successfully, it inflicts 1d8 points of cold damage and decreases the target’s movement speed by 10 feet. This seemingly minor change in distance can provide protection for party members located nearest to the target during their next turn.

2 Green Flame Blade

Turn Any Weapon Into A Flaming Variant

Level, Type Evocation Cantrip
Casting Time Action
Range Self
Target The wielder’s weapon
Components Somatic, Material (a melee weapon)
Duration Instantaneous
Classes Artificer, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

In the context of games like Dungeons & Dragons, an enchanter is often visualized through their ability to endow a weapon with magical powers, and that’s exactly what the Green Flame Blade does. This Evocation Cantrip summons mystical flames to take up residence within the weapon wielded by the spellcaster. As soon as the caster attacks with this enchanted weapon, the flames manifest.

When a Green Flame Blade lands a hit on a target, the enchanted weapon deals its regular damage. However, the Spellcaster can cause green flame to leap from the target to another creature within five feet, with the second target suffering damage equal to the Spellcaster’s Spellcasting Ability Modifier. At 5th Level, the melee attack will now cause +1d8 Fire Damage, and the leaping fire will damage the second target with 1d8 + Spellcasting Ability Modifier. At 11th-Level, both damage rolls become +2d8, and at 17th-Level will become +3d8.

3 Shocking Grasp

Stop A Foe From Reacting

Level, Type Evocation Cantrip
Casting Time Action
Range Touch
Target Creature in melee range
Components Verbal, Somatic
Duration Instantaneous
Classes Artificer, Sorcerer, Wizard

In the heat of battle, nothing is more detrimental for a Spellcaster than being caught up in a close-quarters attack. However, having Shocking Grasp at hand can serve as one of their most effective defenses against an enemy within striking distance. Upon casting this spell, a Spellcaster lays a shock on the target by touching them directly.

After that, the user needs to perform a Spell Strike, which gains an advantage if the target is wearing metal armor. If successful, the enemy receives 1d8 points of Lightning damage and cannot respond with Reactions until the start of their next turn. At 5th-Level, this damage increases to 2d8, at 11th-Level it goes up to 3d8, and at 17th-Level it becomes 4d8. This Spell is quite beneficial when enemies are in close combat, as the caster can retreat safely without triggering an Opportunity Attack.

4 Vicious Mockery

Words That Literally Hurt

Level, Type Enchantment Cantrip
Casting Time Action
Range 60ft
Target Creature that can see and hear the caster
Components Verbal
Duration Instantaneous
Classes Bard

One entertaining link to the Bard could be “Sharp Tongue,” an incantation that symbolizes words capable of causing real pain to enemies. When invoked, Sharp Tongue allows the Bard to hurl a barrage of insults which might inflict damage upon adversaries. If they fail a WIS saving throw, the target sustains 1d4 Psychic Damage and experiences Disadvantage on their next Attack Roll during their subsequent turn.

Musicians, if they prefer not to engage in direct physical attacks, can instead employ the Vicious Mockery ability to inflict minor harm while momentarily weakening an opponent’s fighting skills – a tactic that can be effective against formidable adversaries or powerful bosses. Game Masters might also reward players for crafting clever and biting insults to hurl at their foes.

5 Prestidigitation

A Useful Tool For Fast Illusions

Level, Type Transmutation Cantrip
Casting Time 1 Action
Range 10ft
Components Verbal, Somatic
Duration 1 Hour
Classes Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

In the thrilling world of D&D 5e gameplay, spellcasters looking to captivate even the shyest of spectators can count on the enchanting power of Prestidigitation. When invoked, this Transmutation Cantrip enables the creation of up to three innocuous sensory experiences or miniature illusions, which could potentially deceive adversaries and targets alike.

Among the classes capable of casting this minor spell, Prestidigitation stands out as one of the most adaptable small-scale spells for players to learn and utilize. These spells allow for quick, inexpensive effects that last only a brief moment. Examples include creating diversions during a heist or capturing an opponent’s attention, both situations where a missed opportunity could mean the difference between life and death.

6 Booming Blade

Enhance A Weapon With Roaring Sound

Level, Type Evocation Cantrip
Casting Time 1 Action
Range Self (5 Feet)
Target Self, Melee Weapon
Components Somatic, Material (Melee Weapon at least 1 SP)
Duration 1 Round
Classes Artificer, Rogue, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

In the world of D&D, not every Cantrip causes harm directly. That’s why Booming Blade is a popular choice for players who aim to equip their spellcasters with an edge in close-quarters combat. Essentially, using Booming Blade involves striking a target with a melee attack. If the target moves more than 5 feet before your next turn, they will be charged with energy and suffer Thunder Damage (rolling a d8). At 5th level, if you hit an enemy with this spell active, they will take an additional 1d8 Thunder Damage, and moving increases their damage by +1d8. By reaching 11th and 17th levels, the Thunder Damage on both hit and movement increases by another +1d8 each time.

One engaging aspect of Booming Blade is its ability to temporarily enhance a weapon without requiring a Spell Slot. In the hands of a Rogue, this spell becomes an effective hit-and-run tool. By using Booming Blade followed by an attack on an enemy and then retreating with Cunning Action, the Cantrip functions as a potent weapon. What’s more, provoking the enemy to pursue players results in additional damage, which can be particularly useful for dealing with bothersome groups of enemies.

7 Shillelagh

A Druid’s Nifty Melee Enhancer

Level, Type Transmutation Cantrip
Casting Time 1 Bonus Action
Range Touch
Target Wood of a Quarterstaff or CLub
Components Verbal, Somatic, Material (Mistletoe, Shamrock Leaf, Club or Quarterstaff)
Duration 1 Minute
Classes Druid

As a Druid in Dungeons & Dragons, I don’t always have to lean on my Wild Shape ability to dish out damage. With the Shillelagh spell, a simple Club or Quarterstaff can become an invaluable tool for me. This Cantrip allows me to use my Spellcasting Ability when rolling for attacks and damage, making it more effective. Plus, it turns the weapon into a magical one, with its damage dice transforming into d8s for bypassing non-magical resistance.

While possessing the Shillelagh spell doesn’t necessitate that Druids must focus on melee combat, it’s important to note that Druids lack the innate ability for Extra Attack, which somewhat restricts their overall effectiveness in close quarters. However, having Shillelagh as a backup option when Wild Shape charges run low and finding oneself in a critical combat situation could prove crucial for a player’s survival.

8 Sacred Flame

A Nifty Attack Option For Clerics

Level, Type Evocation Cantrip
Casting Time 1 Action
Range 60 Feet
Target A creature in range
Components Verbal, Somatic
Duration Instantaneous
Classes Cleric

In the realm of Dungeons & Dragons character classes, Clerics are frequently stereotyped as support characters and protectors. But it’s important to note that this isn’t a hard-and-fast rule, particularly when they opt for more combat-oriented spells like Sacred Flame. When invoked, the Cleric can call forth a radiant burst aimed at a creature within reach. If the target fails a DEX Save, it suffers Radiant Damage equal to 1d8. At 5th Level, 11th Level, and again at 17th Level, this damage increases by an additional 1d8.

Such is the damage potential of Sacred Flame that it’s the best Radiant Damage Spell in Dungeons & Dragons. Should players get the 3d8 Radiant Damage option at 11th Level, there’s no reason to keep using a weapon. Moreover, the spell works against most undead and can bypass cover, making it among the best damage sources a Cleric can have that doesn’t even cost a Spell Slot.

9 Eldritch Blast

The Go-To Damage Option For Warlocks

Level, Type Evocation Cantrip
Casting Time 1 Action
Range 120 Feet
Target Creature within range
Components Verbal, Somatic
Duration Instantaneous
Classes Warlock

In the annals of D&D, Eldritch Blast is undeniably one of the highly favored spells, second only to Fireball and Magic Missile. This spell is the preferred choice for Warlocks who seek to inflict damage on their adversaries without introducing unnecessary complexity. When cast, Eldritch Blast functions as a ranged attack that can dish out 1d10 Force Damage. As players progress through higher levels, they’re able to expel more beams, with a maximum of four beams at the 17th Level – each requiring individual aiming and separate attack rolls.

For Warlocks, Eldritch Blast stands out as an essential choice due to its adaptability and versatility. This Spell becomes the highest damaging Cantrip in the game with Agonizing Blast, and since it inflicts Force Damage, there are few creatures that can withstand it. As players gain multiple attack opportunities, Eldritch Blast often supplants standard weapons and may even compensate for missed attacks by continuously targeting a single enemy.

10 Fire Bolt

A Ranged Option Better Than Most Weapons

Level, Type Evocation Cantrip
Casting Time 1 Action
Range 120ft
Target Creature in Range
Components Verbal, Somatic
Duration Instant
Classes Artificer, Sorcerer, Wizard

A fiery bolt of arcane energy, Fire Bolt (Evocation) is easily one of the best ranged attacks a Spellcaster could get in their repertoire. When cast, this spell can hit a creature within 120ft with 1d10 Fire Damage. As an offensive Cantrip, this Spell also scales its damage, increasing at 5th Level (2d10), 11th Level (3d10), and 17th Level (4d10). It requires Verbal and Somatic components.

If you’re a spellcaster seeking offensive capabilities, Fire Bolt is an excellent Cantrip to consider. Although Toll the Dead deals more damage, Fire Bolt excels in range. However, at levels beyond 5th, Fire Bolt becomes less impressive. In fact, a character with a Dexterity of 14 using a Light Crossbow can inflict greater damage than Fire Bolt.

11 Light

Illuminate Almost Any Area

Level, Type Evocation Cantrip
Casting Time 1 Action
Range Touch
Target Object not larger than 10ft
Components Verbal, Material
Duration 1 Hour
Classes Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Sorcerer, Wizard

This Light (Evocation) Spell is incredibly easy to understand. Essentially, it infuses an item no larger than 10 square feet with a magical glow. For up to an hour, the area around the object is illuminated – within 20 feet, it’s bright, and between 20 feet and 60 feet away, it’s dim. If the object happens to be something a potentially hostile creature is wearing, they must pass a Dexterity Save to avoid being affected by the Spell. The components required are just a spoken incantation and either phosphorescent moss or firefly for physical material.

5e’s Light Cantrip often proves one of the most beneficial due to its immediate illumination feature. While it does consume a slot for a Prepared Spell, in scenarios without anticipated combat, Light handily substitutes for cumbersome torches.

12 Message

Communicate In A More Clandestine Manner

Level, Type Transmutation Cantrip
Casting Time 1 Action
Range 120ft
Target Creature in Range
Components Verbal, Somatic, Material
Duration 1 Round
Classes Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard

a spoken incantation, specific hand gestures, and a copper wire as material.

In other words, a message functions like a strategic secret code, especially during critical situations. When group members cannot communicate openly due to their surroundings, even a subtle hint can be incredibly effective. This is particularly useful in covert operations or instances where team members need to maintain a low profile.

13 Chill Touch

Disable Healing In Targets

Level, Type Necromancy Cantrip
Casting Time 1 Action
Range 120ft
Target Creature in range
Components Verbal, Somatic
Duration 1 Round
Classes Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

This Chill Touch spell (a Necromancy Cantrip) creates a sensation of cold death in another individual. To cast it, the player must speak and perform gestures, summoning a spectral skeletal hand that attacks from a distance. If successful, the target experiences 1d8 points of Necrotic damage and is unable to receive healing until their next turn begins. When it strikes an undead creature, they will have disadvantage when attempting to attack the caster. The base damage increases at levels 5, 11, and 17 to 2d8, 3d8, and 4d8 respectively.

Although Chill Touch may cause less direct damage than Fire Bolt and Chill Touch, its ability to hinder healing and disable healing effects can be extremely effective against enemies that have healers. Additionally, Chill Touch’s disadvantage against undead enemies makes it a useful tool for combat in the early stages of the game when facing these types of foes.

14 Toll The Dead

Secure An Attack Not Many Foes Can Resist

Level, Type Necromancy Cantrip
Casting Time 1 Action
Range 60ft
Target Creature in Range
Components Verbal, Somatic
Duration Instantaneous
Classes Cleric, Warlock, Wizard

Sometimes, the dead themselves make the living pay a price for existing. With Toll the Dead (Necromancy), a spellcaster produces the sounds of dolorous bells to a creature within 60ft. When cast, this Cantrip forces the target to roll a Wisdom Save. On a failure, they take 1d8 Necrotic Damage, or 1d12 if they’re missing any HP. On top of it all, Toll the Dead scales in damage at 5th Level (2d8/2d12), 11th Level (3d8/3d12), and 17th Level (4d8/4d12). It requires only Verbal and Somatic components.

Regardless of Toll the Dead’s limited reach, it’s highly probable that adversaries will close in within 60 feet to engage the players. Additionally, given its Necrotic Damage, there’s a strong chance that few enemies will be able to withstand this assault.

15 Guidance

Help Others With Their Checks

Level, Type Divination Cantrip
Casting Time 1 Action
Range Touch
Target Willing Creature
Components Verbal, Somatic
Duration Concentration, 1 Minute
Classes Artificer, Cleric, Druid

A tiny hint of divine inspiration has the potential to transform ordinary individuals into exceptional talents. By employing the power of Guidance (Divination), Spellcasters can provide the crucial encouragement needed for their associates to shine in a given endeavor. In essence, Guidance (Verbal, Somatic) imparts an additional 1d4 bonus to a cooperative creature that the player can touch. They may then decide to roll the Guidance die either before or after they attempt their chosen Ability check.

In crucial situations, particularly with traps, a 1d4 increase can tip the scales between success and failure, even survival and death. Therefore, it’s advisable for spellcasters to utilize the Guidance spell as often as they can, especially on allies like the adaptable Ranger or the cunning Rogue who frequently need to perform skill checks outside of combat.

16 Minor Illusion

Create Versatile Illusions

Level, Type Illusion Cantrip
Casting Time 1 Action
Range 30ft
Target Object in Range
Components Somatic, Material
Duration 1 Minute
Classes Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

In tight situations, a Minor Illusion (an illusory spell) can be a useful tool for spellcasters to create diversions. This cantrip requires both somatic and material components, and it allows the caster to generate an image or sound within a 30-foot radius that persists for up to a minute. The sounds generated by this illusion can vary greatly depending on the user’s imagination. Images produced should not exceed a 5-foot cube in size and can produce non-physical sensory effects. By interacting with the object or successfully conducting an Intelligence (Investigation) check against it, one can uncover the deception behind the Minor Illusion.

Skilled Illusionists can perform amazing feats using a space as small as 5 feet by 5 feet. Therefore, the Minor Illusion spell provides a means to create concealed areas or useful diversions against enemies. It’s advisable for all classes of Spellcasters to acquire this Cantrip for its handy illusory capabilities.

17 Mind Sliver

Attack With Psychic Damage

Level, Type Enchantment Cantrip
Casting Time 1 Action
Range 60ft
Target Creature in Range
Components Verbal
Duration 1 Round
Classes Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

Even a minor confusion can cause someone to lose their bearings – sometimes with fatal results. The Mind Sliver Enchantment Spell (requiring verbal incantation) empowers casters to bewilder a creature within 60 feet, compelling them to make an Intelligence Saving Throw. If the creature fails the Save, not only do they suffer 1d6 points of Psychic damage, but also receive a -1d4 penalty on their next Saving Throw before the end of the caster’s subsequent turn.

As a devoted caster, I can confidently affirm that the seemingly modest Mild Slice could rapidly transform into an indispensable Cantrip in my magical arsenal. The innate ability to withstand Psychic harm is uncommon, and often, Intelligence is overlooked by many creatures. Furthermore, the added Save penalty can amplify the destructive potential of other party members’ spells.

18 Mage Hand

A Nifty Hand For Almost Any Situation

Level, Type Conjuration Cantrip
Casting Time 1 Action
Range 30 Feet
Target Within Range
Components Verbal, Somatic
Duration 1 Minute
Classes Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

For spellcasters seeking assistance, they can conjure a Mage Hand using their arcane powers. This is a simple spell (Cantrip) that summons a spectral hand at a point within 30 feet from them. By taking an action, the caster can move or manipulate an object located up to 30 feet away. However, it’s important to note that the Mage Hand cannot be used to activate magical items, make attacks, or carry more than 10 pounds of weight.

In many cases, Mage Hand proves invaluable for players seeking to accomplish high-risk tasks. Examples range from attempting to pilfer artifacts from potent Non-Player Characters, disarming traps or locks, to executing actions covertly from afar without drawing attention.

19 Shape Water

Use Water In A Variety Of Ways

Level, Type Transmutation Cantrip
Casting Time 1 Action
Range 30ft
Target Within Range
Components Somatic
Duration Instantaneous, 1 Hour
Classes Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard

Using the Shape Water spell (Transmutation), a caster has a wide range of abilities over any water-filled area within a 30-foot radius that conforms to a 5-foot cubic space. For example, this cantrip, which requires somatic components, empowers casters to alter the flow or even move the target water up to 5 feet in any direction. Furthermore, this water can be molded into various shapes, frozen, or made animate within an hour’s time.

Among the element-moving spells, Shaping Water might be the most versatile and useful. For example, you could manipulate boiling water to move it, guide water flow for redirection, or even use it as a means of visual communication. Furthermore, Shape Water can adjust its opacity, making it possible to see through murky water or conceal objects in clear water. In addition, freezing water allows you to construct bridges when needed or block paths in difficult situations.

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