Best Horror Games Where The Player Is Hunted

Best Horror Games Where The Player Is Hunted

Key Takeaways

  • Horror games can offer immersive experiences by making players feel hunted and helpless.
  • Well-known horror games like Dead Space and Resident Evil feature relentless enemies that hunt players.
  • Titles like Dead by Daylight create unique experiences by allowing players to be hunted by other humans in asymmetric gameplay.

As a seasoned survivor of numerous horror video games, I can confidently say that the thrill of being hunted is a sensation like no other. Each game I’ve encountered has offered its unique brand of terror, but none have left me as breathless and heart-pounding as the ones I’ve listed here.

Many gamers find solace in games as a means to momentarily step away from daily routines and indulge in dreams of supreme control. This is why numerous games, even those with high difficulty levels, emphasize empowering players. In fact, some top-tier horror games allow the player to retaliate, fostering a sense of power.

Not all horror games follow this pattern; there exists a distinct genre where the horror comes from feeling powerless. In these games, players are frequently hunted rather than being the hunters, with terrifying creatures pursuing them incessantly. The tension is cranked to maximum levels, providing an immersive horror experience that many horror filmmakers aspire to replicate. These games switch up the conventional hunter role.

10 Dead Space Remake (2023)

The Game’s Toughest Enemy Is Called The Hunter

Initially, Dead Space might seem like an unusual choice. However, in one of EA’s top games, the player is anything but helpless. While character Isaac Clarke may initially lack the necessary tools to combat the necromorph threat, the Kinesis and Stasis modules soon transform the game into a power-filled experience. This transformation becomes even more evident once Isaac obtains some effective weaponry.

Despite the player’s best efforts, they can’t seem to shake the suspicion that Isaac is being pursued. The necromorphs are numerous and have a knack for appearing at the worst possible moments when the player least expects it. Skilled players need to stay vigilant, always watching doorways and vents. In Chapter 5, the Hunter makes its entrance – an indestructible necromorph with rapid healing abilities, leaving the player only able to slow it down. For most of the game after this, the Hunter continues to stalk both Isaac and the player through the depths of the USG Ishimura.

9 Clock Tower

Hunted By The Scissorman In This Point-And-Click Classic

Best Horror Games Where The Player Is Hunted

Though many horror enthusiasts may link the sense of helpless terror in “Amnesia” to pioneering the genre, it’s actually quite ancient. In fact, the 1995 point-and-click adventure game titled “Clock Tower” effectively made players feel as if they were being pursued. The protagonist of this game is Jennifer, a young orphan who has been adopted, and she finds herself chased relentlessly by a merciless figure called Scissorman through a foreboding mansion.

In the realm of point-and-click adventure games, I find myself immersed in a 2D environment where solving puzzles and gathering useful items is my daily routine. Yet, Scissorman always lurks nearby, his ominous snipping sound a constant reminder of danger. A moment’s carelessness could lead to exhaustion for poor Jennifer, who, with her limited stamina, can’t keep running forever without needing a breather. If Scissorman comes too close, panic sets in, and I watch helplessly as Jennifer stumbles and falls. But fear not, for when the situation is dire, I must think quickly – either find a safe hiding place or, if fortune favors me, set a trap to slow down the relentless hunter.

8 Amnesia: The Dark Descent

Popularized A Whole Horror Subgenre

Games where players are pursued have been prevalent for quite some time, but Amnesia: The Dark Descent significantly boosted the popularity of this chilling subgenre in horror gaming. This game employs a myriad of techniques to induce maximum fear, from its spine-tingling sound effects to the strategic application of lighting and physics. In the game, you find yourself fleeing from cosmic horrors in endless corridors with no other choice but to escape.

In the game “Amnesia: The Dark Descent“, players will find themselves frequently concealed in shadows due to being pursued by terrifying cosmic entities. This relentless chase can prove quite distressing for the player, and the longer they hide, the more their character’s mental stability decreases. This decline in sanity brings about additional symptoms that intensify feelings of fear and pursuit. There is no combat option available; instead, if the player is detected, the only recourse is to flee, seek cover, and perhaps close a door as a barrier against impending doom.

7 Slender: The Arrival

From Creepypasta To Viral Horror Game Icon

In 2012, an unsung indie masterpiece titled “Slender: The Eight Pages” was launched. This game unveiled one of the most terrifying video game characters yet – Slenderman. Although he initially became well-known through internet forums as a “creepypasta,” this indie game solidified his status in homes around the world. In the game, players find themselves lost in a forest at night and must gather eight pages while evading the elusive and teleporting Slenderman.

The game became quite popular, so the following year it was expanded into a complete edition. Slender: The Arrival built upon its predecessor by incorporating a storyline, additional levels, and diverse enemy types. However, the chilling nature of Slenderman remained unaltered – he continued to instill fear by appearing precisely when players felt most secure. Despite being defenseless and pursued by one of modern culture’s scariest icons, players were still left on edge.

6 Resident Evil 2 Remake

Mr. X Just Won’t Stop Hunting For Leon And Claire

Over an extended period, the Resident Evil series has leaned more towards action rather than pure frightening moments. However, this wasn’t its initial approach. The Resident Evil 2 game and its updated version masterfully blended zombie-slaying excitement with keeping the player from feeling overly powerful. This delicate balance is famously known as the relentless Tyrant, Mr. X.

In the game “Resident Evil,” the zombies lack the intelligence to create a sense of being pursued, but that’s not the case with Mr. X. He appears early on and persistently tracks both Leon and Claire throughout the Raccoon City Police Department. Traditional gunfire is ineffective against him, and attempting to slow him down only depletes your ammo. The remake enhanced the feeling of being hunted by enhancing Mr. X’s artificial intelligence. He is a continuous menace who reacts to the player’s actions. For instance, using guns to eliminate zombies will catch his attention, and he’ll promptly appear. It’s this unyielding AI system that makes the “Resident Evil 2” remake one of the finest games in the series.

5 Amnesia: The Bunker

Your Weapon Won’t Save You Here

2023 marked a departure from convention for the Amnesia series as it armed the player character for the first time. The game, titled “Amnesia: Trenches,” is set amidst World War I and takes place within a bunker along the Western Front. Here, our protagonist Henri finds himself ensnared with a terrifying creature known as The Beast – a colossal, mole-like entity that resembles more of a monster. It has a disturbing tendency to smash through the fortified walls of the bunker and relentlessly pursue Henri wherever he may roam.

Fortunately for Henri, he’s not without a weapon. In contrast to the protagonists in the Amnesia franchise, Henri is equipped and carries a revolver. Unfortunately, this firearm only slows down The Beast. Safety for him primarily comes from light sources, which he must locate and activate by finding and powering up generators. What makes the game unique within its genre is its atmosphere. The bunker, a tight labyrinth, intensifies the sensation of being pursued, making it even more unsettling.

4 Alien: Isolation

Perfected The Feeling Of Being Hunted

Over the years, the Alien franchise has produced some truly outstanding horror films. However, its performance in the video game realm wasn’t as noteworthy until 2014 when the chilling video game titled Alien: Isolation was released. This game is one of the scariest ever made and does an exceptional job of capturing the essence of the iconic horror movie monster from the Alien series, the Xenomorph.

In the game “Alien: Isolation”, there are weapons available, yet they only momentarily delay the monster and might even increase its determination to eliminate the player. The most effective strategy for survival is to continue moving, remain silent, and conceal oneself as often as possible. However, this advice is easier given than accomplished due to the game’s exceptional AI. The AI controlling the Xenomorph possesses two “brains,” one dedicated to pursuing the player and another that continuously provides it with clues about where to search. Unlike other games, “Alien: Isolation” accurately simulates the feeling of being hunted. There’s no way to outsmart survival; at some point, the Alien will definitely locate you.

3 Outlast

The Player, A Camcorder, And An Asylum Full Of Unkillable Enemies

Back in the day, I dove headfirst into the chilling sequel to Amnesia’s dark descent – Outlast. Slipping into the shoes of Miles Upshur, a hapless investigative journalist, I found myself bravely (or foolishly) barging into the eerie Mount Massive Asylum. Little did our hero know, the patients had taken control, and some malevolent force was manipulating them from behind the scenes. Unlucky for Miles, that’s a recipe for a terrifying night!

In the game “Outlast,” every element aligns with the horror genre. Unlike other characters, Miles can’t defend himself against the relentless inmates chasing him; he can only flee and take cover. What truly sets “Outlast” apart is its exceptional handling of lighting. A significant portion of the asylum remains shrouded in darkness, and Miles depends on his valuable night vision video camera to navigate. This device consumes power at an astonishing rate, akin to a Sega Game Gear, requiring the player to regularly search for batteries to keep it operational. If the camera runs out of power, the player is forced to stumble through the dark blindly, which is incredibly nerve-wracking. The terror of being pursued is already intense, but not knowing what’s pursuing you adds another layer of fear to the experience.

2 Resident Evil 3 Remake

Only A Railgun Can Take Nemesis Down For Good

As a devoted fan, I’d say that much of the praise heaped upon Resident Evil 2 can be extended to Resident Evil 3 and its remake. The key distinction, though, lies in the fact that Nemesis is an even more formidable and relentless adversary than Mr. X was.

In the game “Resident Evil 2,” Mr. X was sometimes absent for extended periods, providing players some momentary respite. However, Nemesis in “Resident Evil 2” is much more relentless and seldom rests. He doesn’t adhere to fair play either. Nemesis isn’t deterred by the thought of using weapons against players, and he possesses a tentacle attack that can snatch fleeing players from a distance, making escape even harder. Distance offered some safety from Mr. X in “Resident Evil 2.” But Nemesis is merciless, requiring a powerful railgun to halt his pursuit. It’s no surprise then that “Resident Evil 3” is considered one of the best survival horror games ever produced.

1 Dead By Daylight

Hunted By Your Fellow Man

In every game I’ve played so far, there’s a common thread – I get pummeled by AI opponents. But Dead By Daylight stands out because for once, I’m not just battling against computer-driven adversaries. Instead, my enemy is another real human being! It’s a chilling 4 versus 1 horror game, where four of us survivors have to work together to evade a single, human-controlled killer.

In general, the survivors in this game rarely have the ability to retaliate against their hunters; at best, they can momentarily incapacitate them. Their primary strategy is to flee, hide, and cooperate to locate an escape route from the level. The game has achieved tremendous popularity, with numerous killers and survivors based on well-known horror franchises being integrated into it. While games such as Alien: Isolation may boast exceptional enemy artificial intelligence, those seeking a true hunting experience will find few contenders to Dead By Daylight, an asymmetric survival horror game.

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2024-09-21 12:34