Best Positive Quirks In Darkest Dungeon 2

Best Positive Quirks In Darkest Dungeon 2


  • Evasive Quirk boosts dodge chances in challenging encounters, aiding survivability against consecutive boss attacks.
  • Hard Skinned improves defense by halving damage from two hits in combat, essential for tanking boss assaults.
  • Tactical Thinker enhances Crit and Dodge for DOT builds, ideal for Heroes relying on consistent damage output.

As a seasoned adventurer who’s faced the abyssal depths of Darkest Dungeon more times than I care to remember, let me tell you about these Quirks that could make your journey a tad less harrowing.

In Darkest Dungeon 2, players find they have limited ability to manage their character’s Quirks. While a costly visit to the Field Surgeon allows for making a beneficial Quirk permanent, it’s advisable to spend such valuable gold only when the positive Quirk is significantly boosting the chances of success in the game.

While it’s not accurate to say that none of them lack, there are several exceptional traits, or Quirks, found in Darkest Dungeon 2 that border on being too powerful. If a player obtains one of these advantageous Quirks for a character, they can expect an enjoyable gameplay experience.

For those players who strive to build the ultimate team setup, mastering how to enhance their Heroes is crucial for maximizing their effectiveness in battle. Key aspects of Heroes that should be thoroughly examined are positive traits, which are the optimal mix to elevate a Hero to top-tier status. These advantages can aid them in performing well during fights. Potential Positive Traits include increased toughness, enhanced ranged abilities, and a boost to critical hit probability.

1 Evasive

Perfect For Countering Bosses With Combos

Best Positive Quirks In Darkest Dungeon 2
  • Start of Combat: x2 Dodge+, where each Dodge+ grants 75% chance to dodge next attack

As you advance in a game such as Darkest Dungeon 2, the challenge level tends to increase, making it crucial for players to prioritize defense as well as offense. In this context, having a Quirk like Evasive can significantly improve a Hero’s chances of surviving tough battles.

Obtaining this trait allows players to accumulate two instances of the Dodge+ boost, essentially granting their Hero two opportunities to dodge an incoming enemy attack successfully. This skill is particularly beneficial when confronting bosses that frequently launch a series of attacks, and it can work synergistically with debuffs like Blind, enhancing the likelihood of the enemy’s attacks completely missing the mark.

2 Hard Skinned

Ever-Reliable Defense For Heroes

Best Positive Quirks In Darkest Dungeon 2
  • Start of Combat: x2 Block, where each Block grants -50% DMG from the next hit

For those looking to deepen their enjoyment of Darkest Dungeon 2, it’s beneficial to reinforce your frontline with characters who possess the “Hard Skinned” trait. This advantageous quality is specifically designed for robust defense, providing these characters with an initial two shields (Block stacks) at the start of combat. Having this buff means a Hard Skinned hero gets to halve the damage from their next two hits, offering a significant defensive boost.

In everyday skirmishes, some players might consider the Hard Skinned quirk unnecessary for frontliners who can withstand a couple of weak attacks. However, during boss fights, this quirk proves indispensable. It enables the frontliner to ward off enemy attacks, compelling them to inflict only half-damage. This gives the frontliner an opportunity to counterattack or shield allies. When a DPS unit employs Hard Skinned, it reduces their chances of being eliminated when enemies retaliate.

3 Tactical Thinker

Crit And Dodge Stacks For DOT Builds

Best Positive Quirks In Darkest Dungeon 2
  • +5% Critical Chance
  • Round Start: 15% Chance to gain 1 Dodge+, where each Dodge+ grants 75% chance to dodge the next attack

As a seasoned gamer diving into Darkest Dungeon 2, I initially thought Tactical Thinker might not be as beneficial at first sight. The Hero it’s assigned to gains only a 5% increase in Critical Chance, and each round start offers them a modest 15% chance to stack Dodge+. However, the true value of this Quirk lies not so much in the Critical Chance or the Dodge+ Chance but rather in its application.

As a seasoned gamer with years of experience under my belt, I’ve found that certain character builds can drastically change the way you play a game. For instance, I recall a time when I played as the Grave Robber, who had the unique ability to create her own Critical Hit Rate (CRIT). Initially, I thought the extra boost from Tactical Thinker would be beneficial for me, considering that the Grave Robber relies heavily on Taunts and Guards in combat rotations. However, I soon realized that this wasn’t necessarily the case. The Grave Robber thrives with her own self-sustaining mechanics, so the additional benefits from Tactical Thinker weren’t as crucial.

4 Eagle Eyed

All-Around DPS For Ranged Combatants

Best Positive Quirks In Darkest Dungeon 2
  • Ranged Skills: +10% Critical Chance

For those players who are yet to fully grasp the intricacies of “Darkest Dungeon 2”, it might be beneficial to adopt simpler strategies in combat. For example, a character positioned at the back row could focus on increasing their damage output as frequently as possible, since this increases their effectiveness before they are targeted. This classic high-damage approach is where the Positive Quirk “Eagle Eyed” proves particularly useful.

When this feature is turned on, the receiving hero increases their chances of scoring critical hits by 10% across all their ranged abilities. This enhancement significantly benefits the Highwayman, as many of his skills are centered around amplifying critical damage for additional power.

5 Stout

Become Disease-Free

Best Positive Quirks In Darkest Dungeon 2
  • +20% Disease Resistance
  • +10% Max Health

In the intriguing sequel, Darkest Dungeon 2, the unpredictability of character traits (Quirks) might draw in more players than its predecessor. However, not all random Quirks are equally beneficial. For instance, Stout, a positive trait, significantly boosts a character’s health by 10%. At first glance, it may seem similar to other traits like Tough and Iron Constitution, which offer +10% and +20% health respectively. Yet, upon closer inspection, the usefulness of each trait can vary depending on the specific role and strategy of your characters in the game.

While other items might excel in primary features, Stout stands out particularly with its additional advantage: a 20% boost in Disease Resistance. Given that disease can disrupt the main objective of the game, this extra resistance to such an inconvenience could make a user more dependable in combat situations.

6 Breacher

A Tank’s Best Friend

Best Positive Quirks In Darkest Dungeon 2
  • Start of Combat: x2 Block+, where each Block+ gives -75% DMG from next hit taken
  • Start of Combat: x2 Strength, where each Strength deals +50% DMG to the next attack
  • Start of Combat: x2 Taunt, where each Taunt forces enemies to attack the user
  • Start of Combat: Forward 3

In the gameplay of Darkest Dungeon 2, the positioning of each character significantly impacts the reach of their attacks. For instance, a tough character like the Man-At-Arms should ideally be placed at the frontlines to absorb blows, create threat, and enhance the team’s overall durability. A tank with the Breacher trait can almost certainly guarantee their own safety.

As a gamer, I’ve found that the Breacher Quirk, despite its usefulness, really shines when paired with tank characters or frontline combatants. If you’re building your Man-At-Arms correctly, and manage to get this Quirk, the likelihood of the enemy dealing significant damage to your team or character becomes nearly negligible.

7 Deadly

Get A Constant Critical Hit Chance

Best Positive Quirks In Darkest Dungeon 2
  • +15% Critical Hit Chance

In Darkest Dungeon 2, a successful critical attack can determine whether a character lives or dies. By increasing the probability of landing a critical hit, a Damage Per Second (DPS) unit can inflict enough damage to neutralize threats. However, due to its luck-based nature, relying solely on Critical Hit Chance can be tricky at first. That’s why certain classes, such as the Grave Robber, focus on enhancing their Critical Hit Chance to execute lethal combos.

In certain situations, Deadly can serve as a valuable advantage for particular Heroes, particularly those who benefit from an increase in Critical Hit Chance as a foundational boost. By accumulating this effect, they can build up a larger amount instead of starting over each time. Unlike some Inn items that enhance this trait temporarily until the next Inn, Deadly’s persistent presence can at least guarantee a Hero has enough power to start ramping up their Critical Hits more swiftly.

8 The Jinx

Become The Living Embodiment Of Bad Luck

Best Positive Quirks In Darkest Dungeon 2
  • On Hit may apply: Blind, which gives a 50% Chance for the target to miss the next attack
  • On Hit may apply: Vulnerable, which deals +50% DMG on next hit
  • On Hit may apply: Weak, which makes their next attack deal -50% DMG
  • On Hit may apply: Combo, which is consumed by other skills to trigger effects

In the world of Darkest Dungeon 2, much like any other RPG, I, as a player, have the ability to afflict my enemies with various status effects to tip the battlefield in my favor. This time around, both the enemies and myself can exchange Tokens – be they positive or negative – which accumulate over time through our actions during gameplay. Usually, these Tokens are earned by employing specific skills during my turn, adding a strategic layer to each encounter.

Using The Jinx’s unpredictable nature to occasionally trigger combos might not always be successful, but it’s still a valuable trait since it enables basic attacks to inflict status effects instead of requiring a specific skill. In the right hands, this Quirk can prove incredibly powerful, as a skillful debuffing Hero can inflict multiple statuses on a single enemy or target multiple enemies with status effects, making The Jinx an exceptionally potent tool against most opponents.

9 Rummager

Talking Leads To Items

Best Positive Quirks In Darkest Dungeon 2
  • +1 Random Item after bantering in the road

In Darkest Dungeon 2, the style of play combines a journey-like experience with frequent combat encounters, which fosters conversation and banter among the characters, helping to build their relationships. However, the character Rummager takes this interaction mechanic a step further by rewarding the heroes when a journey triggers a conversation. These conversations occur frequently throughout the game, at least twice between key points. Consequently, Rummager enables the acquisition of additional items in abundance during visits to Inns.

Through frequent play, there’s a chance for players to uncover common trinkets and exceptionally good Restorative items in the game. Since such finds happen frequently, discovering even a few valuable food items or trinkets is a significant achievement. Most of the time, however, players will find more than just that during their adventures.

10 Stress Knitter

Stress Is Wealth

Best Positive Quirks In Darkest Dungeon 2
  • -1 Stress if Stress is above 3 after bantering in the road
  • Gain either 2 Bandages, 2 Fisherman’s Net, or 4 Milk-Soaked Linen if Stress is above 4 after bantering in the road

Unlike many other games that focus on strategic combat, Darkest Dungeon 2 introduces intricate mechanics designed to create an authentic atmosphere of battling eldritch beings. For example, characters in the game accumulate Stress, symbolizing the psychological toll of their encounters with darkness. As Stress levels increase, characters may acquire debilitating conditions like reduced health and immunity to fatal blows.

With Stress Knitter, gamers can relax knowing that the stress level of their hero character, equipped with this beneficial trait, is largely managed for them. The stress level will consistently drop to 3 whenever characters engage in conversation. This means players receive additional gear with high stress levels, as the game automatically adjusts and rectifies these levels on its own.

11 Defiant

A Little Healing That Goes A Long Way

Best Positive Quirks In Darkest Dungeon 2
  • +5% Health at round start

Considering the potential difficulty of encounters in Darkest Dungeon 2 along the line, players might have difficulty juggling attacks, buffs, and even healing in combat. With downtime healing being hard to come by on the road, a Quirk like Defiant can become a game-changer for healing-challenged parties. Its straightforward +5% Health bonus whenever rounds start might seem little, but the additional healing can aid players in crucial encounters.

In some games, certain top-performing characters possess healing abilities that are mainly charge-based. However, with the addition of Defiant, an automatic healing feature helps mend minor wounds and injuries sustained during gameplay. Although the 5% healing per turn might not be enough to quickly recover from attacks by bosses, it provides players with sufficient time to strategically retaliate.

12 Natural Eye & Natural Swing

Decent Addition To Any Attacker

Best Positive Quirks In Darkest Dungeon 2
  • +10% Ranged/Melee Damage Dealt
  • +3% Critical Hit Chance

In Darkest Dungeon 2, the combat system relies on position and turns, so each hero can only attack opponents within a certain range. This results in some heroes specializing as frontline melee fighters, while others excel as backrow long-range specialists. Players seeking Positive Quirks to boost their heroes’ overall damage might want to consider ‘Keen Eye’ and ‘Skilled Swing’.

These skills offer a minor 3% critical chance within their respective skill ranges, which isn’t significant enough to heavily influence a player’s strategy. However, the real game-changer is a 10% chance to amplify melee or ranged damage. With this bonus, enemies that previously withstood attacks will now succumb more quickly. This advantage is primarily designed for characters focused on dealing damage, but it can still prove beneficial for tanks and support characters as well.

13 Sunny Disposition & Peacemaker

Secure Better Affinity

Best Positive Quirks In Darkest Dungeon 2
  • +10% positive relationship chance
  • -5% negative relationship chance

In contrast to many games featuring a dungeon setting, Darkest Dungeon 2 combines strategic turn-based combat with elements focused on character relationships. Although you might always have an optimal team assembled at any moment, their bonds can deteriorate, leading to a decline in Affinity. To prevent this, skills like Sunny Disposition and Peacemaker come into play; they influence the likelihood of fostering positive connections and reducing negative ones, respectively.

During disagreements among party members, fostering camaraderie might seem like a tough climb. As characters grow resentful, it may appear that the player has no way to prevent this. However, having a Sunny Personality or being a Peacemaker means that relationships generally trend toward positivity for the character equipped with either trait.

14 Bloodthirsty

Massive Boost To DPS

Best Positive Quirks In Darkest Dungeon 2
  • +30% Damage Dealt
  • +5% Critical Chance if the enemy is under 25% Max Health
  • 15% Chance of suffering Vulnerable on hit

In a game such as Darkest Dungeon 2, the character trait known as Bloodthirsty is a Positive Quirk that carries some drawbacks but has the potential to be extremely powerful. Essentially, this quirk requires players to face a 15% chance of becoming Vulnerable whenever they attack enemies. This can pose problems for characters with high damage output, since being Vulnerable means they will take an extra 50% damage from their next attack, making them even more susceptible to taking heavy damage, much like glass cannons.

Nevertheless, the consistent +30% Damage Dealt advantage rapidly surpasses possible setbacks due to its ability to amplify the damaging potential of characters like the Highwayman, enabling him to overpower adversaries with ease.

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2024-08-06 09:54