Best Small Open World Games

Best Small Open World Games


  • Small open-world games can offer detail, fun, and engaging gameplay without the need for vast landmasses like larger titles.
  • Shadows of Doubt offers an impressive open world with endless missions and detailed residents, making it a game worth supporting.
  • A Short Hike may have the smallest world on the list, but its charm, whimsy, and nostalgia make it a worthy contender against bigger AAA titles.

As someone who’s been around the gaming block a few times, let me tell you, these open-world games are the cream of the crop!

Since the mid-2000s, when technological advancements in the gaming industry made it possible for games to adopt open-world formats, most AAA RPGs, adventure games, or narrative-driven titles have showcased vast worlds yearning for exploration. Yet, there are exceptions that demonstrate size isn’t everything.

There are numerous compact games that may not match the expansive landscapes of titles like “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt” or “Red Dead Redemption 2,” but they certainly don’t skimp on intricate details, memorable landmarks, and engaging activities within their miniature worlds.

Let’s make a point to appreciate the fantastic, compact wonders in our discussion, as we present ten captivating pocket-sized open worlds you absolutely should explore!

10 Shadows of Doubt

Crime Never Sleeps, But Neither Do You

Best Small Open World Games

We kick off with a game currently in early access, but titles like Baldur’s Gate 3 have shown that this doesn’t necessarily mean drawbacks for contemporary games. The game Shadows of Doubt invites you to assume the role of a detective vigilante and traverse a city generated procedurally, allowing you to craft your own story as an accomplished super sleuth.

In this detective game, you can tackle an infinite number of missions thanks to its procedural generation feature, making it distinct from many other detective games that only offer a single case.

As a seasoned gamer with years of exploring various open-world games, I must say that this upcoming title has truly caught my attention. What sets it apart is its astonishing level of detail – every resident in this sprawling city seems to have a unique routine, schedule, name, fingerprint, blood type, shoe size, and more intricate details that can aid in tracking down your suspect. This immersive approach not only adds an element of realism but also presents endless possibilities for player interaction. I’m genuinely excited about diving into this game when it releases, and I encourage fellow gamers to keep an eye on its development.

9 A Short Hike

A Pocket-sized Mountaineering Adventure

Best Small Open World Games

Afterward, there’s a simple game featuring a tiny bird aiming to scale a towering mountain. This summarizes the storyline in A Short Hike, and the play mechanics are just as uncomplicated.

Venture outside, assist the residents, gather feathers for improved flight skills, and before you know it, you’ll find yourself perched on Hawk Peak, victorious over the challenging mountain path.

As a longtime gamer who has explored countless open worlds, I must admit that this particular game stands out as one of the most delightful and nostalgic experiences I’ve had. Despite being the smallest on the list, it offers an enchanting atmosphere, populated by quirky characters that are hard to forget. The Dreamcast-era visuals transport me back to my childhood, reminding me of simpler times and endless hours spent gaming with friends. To be honest, I’ve played some of the biggest AAA games out there, but this little gem can easily hold its own against them. It’s a breath of fresh air in an industry that often lacks originality.

8 Sable

A Beautiful Desert Flower

Best Small Open World Games

Moving forward, we’ll discuss a captivating indie open-world game that, despite its visually stunning and intriguing nature, didn’t receive the recognition it deserved. This could be due to persistent frame rate hiccups and ongoing performance problems the game continues to experience today.

Despite some technical issues that arise, Sable nevertheless delivers one of the top-tier open-world gaming experiences, showcasing the exceptional design work at play here.

You’ll need to traverse the expansive desert using your glider, discovering villages, peculiarities, and notable sites that will assist you in achieving your gliding goals and potentially uncovering your true vocation.

As someone who’s spent countless hours exploring the vast landscapes of games like “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild”, I can’t help but be intrigued by this tale that subtly guides you through a coming-of-age journey. It offers an indie take on the beloved game, complete with breathtaking environments and a sense of freedom rarely found in other games. And the best part? You get to decide the outcome! So grab your virtual glider, take flight, and embark on this unique adventure that’s sure to captivate your imagination.

7 Lil Gator Game

The Power of Imagination

Best Small Open World Games

Discussing games reminiscent of an independent take on The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, there’s another one that blends contemporary Zelda-like gameplay with nostalgic fun from our playtime as children.

The game titled “Lil’ Gator Game” places you in control of a small gator who is trying to persuade his or her sibling to join in some fun. This situation unfolds into a lively adventure set on an island, involving role-playing and other engaging activities.

As a gamer, I’m immersed in an adventure that feels like it belongs in a Zelda epic. It’s packed with platforming challenges, opportunities for scaling towering heights, endless exploration, engaging quests, treasure hunts, and playful gizmos to tinker with. The world is alive and brimming with color.

Instead, it’s worth noting that this game doesn’t have any failure points, and while there is fighting, it’s essentially turned into a treasure hunt with cardboard figures. The combat serves more as a means of collecting items rather than engaging in traditional battles. It’s a delightful blend of childlike fantasy and an enjoyable pastime for a relaxing afternoon.

6 Dredge

The Sea Is A Cruel Mistress

Best Small Open World Games

Since playing the PS1 game ‘Overboard‘, I’ve had a long-standing desire to find another game where you can control a boat and sail around, exploring. It’s quite an unusual request, but surprisingly, my wish came true in the form of Dredge.

An adventure game centered around fishing, where players aim to amass fish catches to enhance their vessel and traverse an island chain. Simultaneously, a chilling Lovecraftian tale permeates the backdrop.

As someone who has spent countless hours immersed in various video games throughout my life, I can confidently say that this game stands out among the rest. The intriguing world divided into diverse island biomes instantly caught my attention and drew me in. What truly hooked me, however, was the captivating ‘one more day’ gameplay loop which made it nearly impossible to put down.

Alrighty, matey! Time to leave dry lands behind and embark on an adventure at sea! But don’t forget to keep a sharp eye out – there might be some fearsome Krakens or Lethiathians lurking around on your journey!

5 The Witness

Bear Witness To This Puzzle Masterpiece

Best Small Open World Games

In terms of intricate puzzle games, not many rival the bizarre, intellect-twisting riddles found within The Witness. Yet, this game offers a delightful open-world setting, allowing players to tackle each puzzle at their own pace, explore in any sequence they prefer, and if they encounter difficulties (as you inevitably will), they can simply move on to another puzzle and revisit it later.

The ability to interact with things at your own pace is truly wonderful, yet this world is captivating not only because of the freedom it offers, but also due to its breathtaking landscapes that help soften the edges of any frustrations you might encounter.

The frequent comparison between this game and Portal when discussing the top puzzle games ever created highlights just how much adoration there is for The Witness. If you enjoy tackling challenging puzzles in an open-world setting, it’s hard to find a superior option than The Witness.

If you’re searching for a more contemporary open-world puzzle game that offers the added fun of playing with friends within an MMO environment, be sure to explore “Islands of Insight” as well.

4 The Forgotten City

The Many Will Suffer For The Sins Of The One

Best Small Open World Games

Many of you may recall that this game originally started as a mod for Skyrim, yet it has since evolved into a standalone title, and today, it’s considered among the top timeloop, open-world puzzle games available.

In this compact, miniature Roman village, you find yourself ensnared in a temporal conundrum. The objective is to escape this cycle and get back to your own era, all while avoiding the consequences of ‘The Golden Rule.’

To fully understand and excel in this world, you should delve deeply into it, leverage all resources and connections available to uncover exceptions to the Golden Rule, and you may even find yourself bending time to suit your investigations and crucial breakthroughs.

As a long-time gamer with decades of experience under my belt, I can confidently say that this fan-made mod is one of the most impressive pieces of work I’ve ever encountered in the gaming world. Having played countless games throughout my life, I’ve seen a lot of creativity and attention to detail, but nothing quite compares to the sheer brilliance of this particular sandbox. The fact that it took so long for this mod to receive recognition only makes its success all the more sweet. It’s a testament to the dedication and passion of its creators, and I can’t wait to see what they come up with next.

3 Grand Theft Auto 3

“You’re Just Small Time”

Best Small Open World Games

In the gaming world, Grand Theft Auto is famous for its sprawling and intricate open worlds. Thus, it might seem unusual to find this series alongside these compact open worlds. Yet, in the early 2000s, expansive open-worlds were unheard of, and Rockstar was a pioneer in popularizing them by releasing GTA3.

Reflecting on it now, it appears quite diminutive when put side by side with the more expansive Grand Theft Auto titles that emerged in the future.

Back then, GTA3’s Liberty City was nothing short of groundbreaking, offering gamers an unprecedented city-based sandbox experience. Even today, it remains an exciting playground filled with engaging missions, allowing players to step into the shoes of Claude. It’s also not uncommon for players to find themselves in hot water with the LCPD as they build up a six-star wanted level while on the run.

If you’re interested in understanding the solid base that laid the groundwork for the Grand Theft Auto series as we know it today, I recommend giving this timeless game a try. Though it may seem somewhat outdated, it provides valuable insight into the series’ development.

2 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Perhaps The Greatest Zelda Game Ever

Best Small Open World Games

Without a doubt, when discussing timeless masterpieces, it is a must to bring up the pioneering 3D adventure in the Legend of Zelda series, where players were given the freedom to roam through the captivating world of Hyrule as they pleased.

The classic video game Ocarina of Time is often hailed as the greatest game ever made, and it’s not hard to understand why. This game masterfully moved from 2D to 3D graphics without compromising on its core elements like dungeon exploration, puzzle-solving, and combat. Plus, it offers players the freedom to explore Hyrule at their own pace, creating a unique adventure tailored to their choices.

Compared to video games from the 1990s, this one seemed incredibly vast. Yet, when you consider the massive open-world maps that are common in modern AAA games today, it appears quite modest and quaint.

Regardless, “Ocarina of Time” remains a captivating journey, holding its charm even after years and against newer games like “Breath of the Wild” and “Tears of the Kingdom.” These modern open-world titans might impress, but many gamers argue that OOT is still unmatched. If you haven’t experienced this exceptional installment in the “Zelda” series, it’s high time to embark on this enchanting adventure.

1 Outer Wilds

Explore The Cosmos in 22-Minutes Or Less

Best Small Open World Games

First on our list is a game that keeps its title as a ‘compact open-world,’ even though it offers you the chance to traverse an entire solar system.

As a devoted gamer, I can’t help but draw parallels between my recent immersion in “The Forgotten City” and my current obsession with “Outer Wilds.” In both games, I find myself entangled in a captivating time loop mechanism that forms the crux of the gameplay. Each day, I embark on a journey from Timber Hearth, venture through the cosmos in my spaceship, gather information, and eventually, after 22 minutes, the loop resets. It’s not until I’ve amassed enough insights that I can finally break free from this temporal cycle.

As a curious space explorer in Outer Wilds, I find myself immersed in a grand cosmic enigma, piece by tantalizing piece as I venture through each distinctly alien planet scattered across the solar system. Unlike other games where progression is fueled by repetitive gear and XP rewards, it’s the insatiable desire to unravel mysteries and make new discoveries that propels me forward in this captivating game.

Among all the virtual worlds out there, this one stands out as exceptionally detailed, original, captivating, and breathtakingly beautiful. To keep from revealing any surprises, let me conclude by urging you to experience it for yourself – explore Outer Wilds.

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2024-08-12 13:09