Binance Responds to Bloomberg’s Apology For False Accusations On Exchange & CZ

As a long-term crypto investor with a keen interest in following the latest developments in the industry, I can’t help but feel relieved and vindicated by Bloomberg Businessweek’s apology to Binance and its founder, Changpeng Zhao (CZ). Having closely monitored the crypto space for years, I have seen my fair share of misinformation and sensationalist headlines. However, the recent cover story in Bloomberg Businessweek’s Chinese edition crossed a line with its false accusations against Binance.

The Chinese edition of Bloomberg Businessweek has issued an apology to Binance and its founder, Changpeng Zhao (CZ), for a misleading cover story. This correction has ignited debates about media accountability and the complexities of delivering accurate news in the fast-paced digital currency sector.

Bloomberg’s Apology To Binance

In response to Bloomberg Businessweek’s Chinese edition retracting allegations that were found to be untrue against Binance, the leading global cryptocurrency exchange, and its founder, Changpeng Zhao (CZ), the company has issued a statement.

Binance issued a statement expressing contentment over the retracted false allegations, stating, “I’m glad to see the unfounded claims have been withdrawn. Our commitment remains steadfast in delivering superior services and groundbreaking innovations for our users, while leading by example and fostering a thriving and responsible industry.”

An apology from Bloomberg Businessweek’s Chinese edition was issued earlier today concerning the inaccurate and unfounded headline on their July 6, 2022 issue (number 250), titled “Zhao Changpeng’s Ponzi Scheme.” The publication acknowledged making a grave error by publishing a misleading and baseless headline.

Bloomberg Businessweek has retracted the controversial statement and issued a sincere apology to Zhao and Binance for any unwarranted harm or distress inflicted. Moving forward, the publication is dedicated to maintaining superior journalistic practices and avoids making comparable allegations. As a gesture of goodwill, Bloomberg Businessweek will make a charitable contribution to the “Songzi, Hubei Province Special Education Foundation” in place of compensation.

Binance’s Strategic Moves in South Korea

In the midst of recent advancements, Binance is taking substantial strategic steps in South Korea. The corporation is reportedly in discussions to transfer a considerable chunk of its GOPAX shares to MegaZone, which could decrease Binance’s ownership to approximately 10%. This action stems from the necessity to adhere to regulatory demands from the Financial Services Commission, which has called for modifications in ownership and management frameworks.

The importance of Binance’s next step cannot be overstated, as they aim to renew their contract for real-name accounts with Jeonbuk Bank in August. This endeavor underscores the intricate regulatory environment cryptocurrency exchanges encounter in various regions and showcases Binance’s ability to tackle such challenges effectively.

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2024-07-17 11:15