Bitcoin Core Version 27.0 Rolls Out: What’s New And Improved?

Bitcoin Core has released version 27.0, bringing new features and improvements to boost the capabilities and safety of the Bitcoin system. This upgrade is available for download on the Bitcoin Core website and GitHub. Notable modifications can be found in networking procedures, security features, and wallet management.

Bitcoin Core serves as the essential software foundation for operating the Bitcoin network, functioning as both a participating node and a digital wallet. It embodies the standard version of the Bitcoin protocol’s codebase, playing a vital role in managing and confirming the authenticity of transactions recorded on the blockchain. Launched by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009, Bitcoin Core is indispensable for Bitcoin’s decentralized nature, enabling users to independently authenticate transactions and uphold network regulations without relying on a central authority.

Key Features And Changes In Bitcoin Core V27.0

Deprecated Features And Future Replacements

For about ten years, the “libbitcoinconsensus” library has been a crucial component. However, it is now being phased out and will be removed in version 28. Instead, developers are focusing on “libbitcoinkernel,” which offers an advanced API for directly interacting with the UTXO set to validate transactions and blocks.

Enhanced Security Protocols

The way unconfirmed transactions are stored in the mempool.dat file has been modified in a noteworthy development. This new format, which incorporates the XOR operation on transaction data, aims to safeguard against unwanted changes by external software such as antivirus systems. For those who prefer the previous format, a backup option is provided.

Network And P2P Enhancements

By default, the new update introduces BIP324 v2 in the transport layer for increased security of connection protocols throughout the network. This modification underscores the importance of accurate system time settings by node managers to preserve consensus, as network-adjusted time is now excluded from the consensus logic.

Mempool Policy Innovations

With the arrival of Topologically Restricted Until Confirmation (TRUC) transactions comes a significant shift. This novel approach, currently limited to test networks, is designed to enhance the incentives surrounding transaction swaps and fee-bumping dependability. By imposing restrictions on the usage of unconfirmed outputs, TRUC transactions aim to bring about these improvements.

RPC And External Signing Updates

The “addnode” RPC has been modified to match the latest default setting of “-v2transport.” In the interim, signing functionality from external sources on Windows will not be available as we work to replace the reliance on an old library. We intend to reinstate this feature once a suitable alternative is implemented.

Development And Wallet Optimization

To keep up-to-date with contemporary programming practices, a compiler that supports C++20 is now needed for the construction phase of the project. Additionally, improvements have been made to the digital wallet, such as incorporating the CoinGrinder algorithm to enhance transaction cost efficiency at higher fees and fine-tuning the Branch And Bound algorithm to accommodate distinct transaction fee plans.

To enjoy the latest features and improvements, it’s recommended that users close any existing version before installing the new update. The installation process may differ depending on the specific operating system, but overall, it remains simple. This upgrade is compatible with systems utilizing Linux Kernel version 3.17 or later, macOS versions 11.0 and above, and Windows 7 and more recent editions.

The new version of Bitcoin Core (27.0) is expected to bring major changes to how Bitcoin’s foundation functions. This update prioritizes security, improves efficiency, and strengthens transaction handling capabilities. Its ultimate goal is to make the network stronger against emerging risks and scalability issues.

At press time, BTC traded at $63,989.

Bitcoin Core Version 27.0 Rolls Out: What’s New And Improved?

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2024-04-17 09:26