Black Clover: Who is Lucius Zogratis?

Black Clover: Who is Lucius Zogratis?


  • Lucius Zogratis, the current villain in Black Clover, aims to bring true peace by destroying and remaking humanity with his siblings’ magic.
  • Lucius possesses Soul and Time magic, manipulating souls and using his twin brother Julius Novachrono’s powers for his plans of world domination.
  • Devil Hosts, like Lucius, can access Devil powers through contracts or rituals, gaining immense power to carry out their malevolent intentions.

As a seasoned fan of Black Clover, I must say that the character of Lucius Zogratis truly stands out among the rest. With his unique ability to manipulate souls and create Devil hosts, it’s clear that this fellow has seen more than his fair share of magic and mayhem.

The primary antagonist in Arc 11 of Black Clover is none other than Lucius Zogratis, the eldest member of the Zogratis clan. In the latest installment, we find Lucius portrayed as a global menace to our characters, harboring a distorted perception of what true peace entails and aspiring to be the world’s savior.

The origins of Lucius Zogratis undoubtedly will leave everyone in a state of shock as his true roots are revealed. Lucius is undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with, with Time and Soul magic at his beck and call, but who is he, and what are his overarching plans?

Who is Lucius Zogratis?

The current villain of Arc 11 has been foreshadowed since the beginning

Lucius Zogratis hails as the eldest among the Zogratis siblings and shares twinhood with Julius Novachrono. Both were born in Spade Kingdom. As time unfolded, Julius ascended to the position of Wizard King within Clover Kingdom, boasting Time Magic as his specialty. Meanwhile, Lucius wields Soul Magic. To distinguish between these brothers visually, Julius is characterized by golden hair and a sun symbol etched on the right side of his forehead that appears hollowed out. In contrast, Lucius sports black hair and bears a dark sun mark on the left side of his forehead.

The Zogratis siblings – Dante, Vanica, and Zenon – united as the ominous trio known as the Dark Triad and seized control over the Spade Kingdom. Meanwhile, Lucius patiently waited for his grand ambition to unfold. However, it seems that there’s a hidden side to Lucius; he originates from a lineage of Devil Hosts and was the most gifted among his siblings in terms of abilities.

Lucius is a single individual who houses two distinct personalities: Julius Novachrono and the other Lucius. In Chapter 333, these two personas seemed to coexist peacefully within him; however, Lucius eventually asserted control when he foresaw that Julius would hinder his scheme. Over the course of the series, it has become common knowledge that King Julius Novachrono, the powerful sorcerer, frequently embarks on journeys and assumes disguises to explore diverse magical capacities across the realm of the Clover Kingdom.

By this behavior, it wasn’t unusual for Lucius to be absent for prolonged stretches, sometimes vanishing from the kingdom for more than a year at a time. In the comic book (manga), Lucius is typically portrayed as an older adult confined to a wheelchair, living with his younger siblings. During Julius’s travels throughout the kingdom disguised, it’s likely that Lucius would pay visits to his siblings.

As I uncovered the truth behind Devils and their mystical powers, I found myself delving into the roots of these malevolent beings – the Devil Lords of the Underworld. In my investigations, I stumbled upon three supreme rulers: Beelzebub, Lucifero, and Astaroth. Interestingly, it was Astaroth, the Time Mage, who had vanished from the Underworld’s grasp. Now, there’s only one known human in existence with such Time Magic prowess – Julius. However, when Julius discovered he housed two souls, Lucius swiftly seized control of his body.

What is Lucius’s goal?

What does peace look like for a villain?

Black Clover: Who is Lucius Zogratis?

Lucius Zogratis is committed to achieving global peace, his ultimate ambition. To accomplish this, he aims to mend the issues that afflict humanity. Over a span of one year and three months, Lucius managed to secure Lucifero’s heart, a powerful ruler from the Underworld. With this, he has gained mastery over all the remaining devils dwelling in the Underworld.

Lucius is making preparations for what he calls the Holy War, intending to emerge as the Final Wizard King on that day. This war is a plan he has concocted, where he aims to rule over everyone. To achieve this, Lucius intends to amalgamate his siblings’ magic of Body, Blood, and Bone to bolster his Soul Magic. Once ready, Lucius plans to annihilate everyone and, with the aid of his siblings’ magical abilities, reshape them. This, he thinks, will bring about a lasting peace in the world, positioning him as its savior.

What are Devil hosts?

Asta is not the only person who can host a Devil

Black Clover: Who is Lucius Zogratis?

A Devil Host is an individual who possesses the powers of a demon, having direct access to them. This grants them tremendous power and the ability to wield the demon’s magical abilities. Two well-known families are known to make contracts with these demons: the Zogratis family in the Spade Kingdom and the Faust Family in the Clover Kingdom.

There are several paths to acquire the might of a Demon. The initial path is by negotiating with the Demon. In this scenario, a person agrees to give up a part of their physical self to the Demon in exchange for more of its power. A second method involves performing a Demon-Binding Ritual where the individual engages in combat with the Demon to establish a formal agreement. Lastly, a person may be compelled to become a Demon’s Vessel. Nevertheless, these are referred to as Paladins. Only Lucius Zogratis has the ability to transform humans into Paladins and manifest a purified Demon, generating a new divine power within them.

What is Lucius’s Magic Power?

The strongest mage in the Kingdom is a worldwide threat

Black Clover: Who is Lucius Zogratis?

Lucius possesses the ability to control Soul Magic, which allows him to do so because he shares a body with Julius, who has Time Magic powers as well. Essentially, Soul Magic works by influencing one’s soul. To perform this technique, Lucius must touch the head of the person he wants to use this magic on for it to take effect.

After fulfilling a certain requirement, Lucius gains the ability to shape any touched person’s soul. By employing this method, he can also introduce a cleansed demon into chosen individuals known as Paladins. Lucius recognizes that the soul encompasses a human’s existence, intellect, and magical prowess. With his power in action, Lucius has the capacity to modify an individual’s beliefs.

Despite this transformation, their character traits, recollections, and behaviors stay consistent. What sets apart those influenced by the Soul Magic is their newfound conviction that Lucius is virtuous and their eagerness to carry out his orders, going so far as to potentially harm those dearest to them.

Alongside Lucius possessing Soul Magic and his twin brothers having Time Magic, Lucius is proficient in Gravity Magic as well. This ability was gained when he consumed Lucifero’s heart during the Spade Kingdom Raid, a moment when he was at his weakest. In the lead-up to Judgement Day, Lucius also acquired the magic of his younger siblings – Body, Blood, and Bone magic – enabling him to craft human beings and duplicates of himself using this power.

Black Clover is now available to stream on Crunchyroll.

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2024-08-08 22:03