Charles Hoskinson Breaks Silence on Cardano Partnership With Elon Musk

As a long-term crypto investor and follower of the industry, I’m always keeping an eye out for potential collaborations and partnerships between key players in the space. The possibility of Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson working with Elon Musk on Musk’s X social media platform has piqued my interest.

Charles Hoskinson, the creator of Cardano, has shared insights about his pending professional connection with Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, during an interview with Tony Edward, the founder and host of Thinking Crypto. In this conversation, Hoskinson emphasized their overlapping areas of interest.

Cardano Founder and Elon Musk have Shared Interests

As a Cardano investor, I’ve been left feeling perplexed and dismayed by Elon Musk’s apparent lack of interest in collaborating with our project, despite numerous potential synergies. One promising area for collaboration could be between X, an Elon Musk company, and Cardano. specifically through the implementation of Midnight Protocol on their social media platform. This integration would significantly enhance privacy features, which is a much-needed aspect in today’s digital landscape.

Vitalik Hoskinson, the founder of Cardano, mentioned in passing that he and Elon Musk have a common acquaintance in Lex Fridman. Furthermore, Musk has expressed agreement with Ethereum co-founder Buterin’s views. In a related development, Argentine President Javier Gerardo Milei recognized Hoskinson’s presence by reposting a Cardano post on his social media platform X.

Significantly, despite shared areas of interest and Hoskinson’s repeated attempts to engage Musk, these efforts have yet to yield any response. Hoskinson’s overtures have gone unanswered each time.

“Never once has he mentioned us,” he stated.

Hoskinson mused that Elon Musk could have been shaped by the perspectives of people in his inner circle who may hold biased views about him.

He expressed his thoughts as follows: “Perhaps there are people in his social network who dislike me or have heard I’m challenging to collaborate with. Alternatively, he might simply want to pursue his own path, I’m not certain. It’s disappointing because I’m a prominent X user and have a vast following, so if the platform deteriorates or loses significance, that social capital becomes valuable.”

Cardano is Open for Business

The founder of Cardano expressed his hope for X social media platform’s success, despite not achieving it with Elon Musk. He was open to lending a hand and helping out in any capacity.

Hoskinson held Musk in high regard, especially for defying the odds by leading X with a workforce only one-tenth the size of Twitter’s prior team. It’s important to remember that Musk let go of several former Twitter employees during his cost-reduction efforts after acquiring the business.

“The guy is a business genius, and you cannot count him out,” he stated.

According to Hoskinson’s theory, Musk’s strong connection to Dogecoin might be explained by his ownership of a large portion of its supply or just his appreciation for the logo. Regarding potential collaboration between them, Hoskinson expressed a willingness to work with Musk to potentially increase crypto adoption on Cardano.

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2024-06-12 21:04