Concord Still Has a Handful of Steam Players Online

Concord Still Has a Handful of Steam Players Online

Key Takeaways

  • Concord was delisted and pulled offline after an extremely unpopular two-week run.
  • Despite being completely unavailable to the public, Steam player counts show that a few users are still playing Concord.
  • These Concord players are most likely Firewalk developers, inciting speculation over whether the studio sees a path forward with the live-service hero shooter.

As a seasoned gamer with decades of experience under my belt, I can’t help but feel a pang of sympathy for the developers at Firewalk Studios and the players who backed Concord. The game’s brief sojourn in the gaming world was as swift as a bolt from Jupiter, leaving behind a trail of bewildered fans and a studio that seems to be scratching its collective head in search of a way forward.

Despite being taken offline a few days back, some Steam users are managing to play Concord in an unusual manner. The live-service hero shooter had a very short stint on the market, with publisher PlayStation opting to remove it from sale because of its surprisingly low number of active players after just two weeks.

In just two weeks, the video game Concord has seen disappointing sales of around 25,000 copies and a peak of only 700 simultaneous players on Steam. Many people now consider this one of the least successful and least popular PlayStation first-party games ever made. The game was removed from the platform on September 6, and every purchaser is being given a refund – a highly unusual move not just for PlayStation, but across the gaming industry as a whole. In their announcement regarding the closure of Concord, developers Firewalk Studios mentioned they would “explore possibilities” to revive the multiplayer hero shooter, although there’s still a possibility that the entire game might be abandoned altogether.

A recent petition to bring Concord back has accumulated 2,000 signatures, but it remains to be seen whether the infamous live-service title will get a chance at redemption. While Concord remains in limbo, though, some have noticed that despite the game being delisted, refunded, and pulled offline for every single player, Steam data shows that a handful of people are still playing Concord, on PC at least. At the time of writing, Concord has six players in-game with a 24-hour peak of eight players on Steam.

Firewalk Devs are Supposedly Playing Concord on Steam

Concord Still Has a Handful of Steam Players Online

Many individuals are puzzled by the unusual player numbers on the Concord game, given that the game is currently unavailable to the general public. However, it has been noted that these players might be Firewalk developers, as they are the only ones with access to Concord at present. This could also imply that Firewalk is determined to find a solution to bring back Concord, rather than abandoning it entirely and focusing on other projects. With Concord’s Secret Level episode set to air in December, we’ll have to wait and see if the game reappears by then.

At the moment, the current speculation is that we might see a free-to-play version of Concord, incorporating microtransactions. This would be a shift from the initial $40 price tag and absence of battle passes. By doing so, Concord’s monetization approach would align more closely with that of its contemporaries, Overwatch 2 and Valorant. However, there is also the issue of the less-than-favorable view towards Concord’s originality, as some critics argue it doesn’t offer enough unique elements to distinguish itself from similar games.

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2024-09-09 20:23