Crypto Apps To Mimic “ChatGPT Growth” Next Year, But There’s a Twist

As a crypto investor with several years of experience in the industry, I find Chris Burniske’s prediction intriguing and plausible. The rapid growth of ChatGPT and its applications within a short period is an impressive feat that can be replicated by crypto apps. With the increasing adoption of cryptocurrencies and the financialization of the Web3 ecosystem, it is not far-fetched to assume that crypto apps will onboard users in large numbers in the coming year.

The use of cryptocurrencies is becoming increasingly popular, leading expert Chris Burniske from Ark Invest to anticipate that many related applications could experience significant expansion similar to ChatGPT’s growth in the upcoming year.

Can Crypto Apps Mimic ChatGPT Growth Template?

As a crypto investor, I’m always on the lookout for innovative technologies that have the potential to disrupt the market. OpenAI’s ChatGPT has truly stood out among Large Language Model (LLM) applications due to its strong focus on creating a user-friendly product. Within just a few short weeks of its launch, ChatGPT broke records by amassing over 100 million users – an achievement unmatched by any other consumer application at that time.

Over the past 12 months, our platform has witnessed significant growth in user base due to a succession of new offerings such as Dall.E, Sora, and the voice integration. In spite of fierce competition from Google’s Gemini and other contenders, OpenAI’s LLM continues to lead the way as the most popular AI chatbot on the market.

Based on this trend, Chris Burniske anticipates that crypto applications will bring in new users numbering from tens to hundreds of millions in the upcoming year. He expressed, “We’ll transition from questioning ‘where is the adoption?’ to being overwhelmed with too much adoption. The spread will occur through viral distribution on the Web2 platform.”

As a researcher examining the future growth of various financial infrastructures, I’ve observed that the Web3 ecosystem stands out due to its unique connection to social media. Unlike traditional financial systems or even previous iterations of digital economies, Web3 is not just an adjacent technology but is directly intertwined with the social media landscape. This integration offers significant potential for increased user engagement and adoption, making it a promising area for further exploration and investment.

As a crypto investor, I believe social media platforms, specifically X, are trusted sources for industry news and information due to their large user bases, which include millions of users on X, Telegram, and Facebook among others. According to Brian Quintenz (Burniske), the onboarding process for new investors can be more streamlined through these popular social media channels.

As an industry analyst, I can tell you that the recent approvals of spot Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs have significantly increased the visibility and reach of our sector in the public eye. This heightened exposure could potentially act as a long-term catalyst for the growth projections made by Chris Burniske and other industry experts.

One Little Challenge

As a crypto investor, I’m aware that there’s widespread belief in the potential prediction. However, it’s essential to keep in mind that the capacity of blockchain systems to manage such significant expansion is still a critical consideration. Ethereum, being the oldest and largest functioning smart contract network, has had its share of issues when it comes to processing large transactions smoothly over the years.

Other acclaimed successors like Solana (SOL) ran into similar congestion issues lately. While it has corrected the congestion issues with a major fix deployed on the mainnet, chances it can handle millions of user transaction per time remains low.

Based on Chris Burniske’s perspective, a handful of blockchain systems have the capacity to manage user bases similar to ChatGPT. In due course, it will be revealed if these platforms can sustain their dominance.

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2024-05-30 23:54