Dogecoin Death Cross Appears but Hourly Charts Tell Different Story

As a seasoned researcher with extensive experience in cryptocurrency markets, I find Dogecoin’s (DOGE) current technical situation intriguing. The presence of both a death cross and a golden cross on different timeframes raises questions about the coin’s price direction.

Dogecoin (DOGE), which ranks eighth in terms of market capitalization among cryptocurrencies, presents an intriguing situation as technical indicators offer conflicting signs regarding its future pricing trends.

Although a ominous “death cross” signal has appeared on the daily price charts, suggesting possible downward trends, the hourly charts present a contrasting picture. Here, a bullish “golden cross” has materialized on the four-hour timeframe.

Dogecoin Death Cross Appears but Hourly Charts Tell Different Story

When a shorter moving average, like the 50-day moving average, falls beneath a longer one, such as the 200-day moving average, in the context of technical analysis, this event is known as a “death cross.” This occurrence is often perceived as a bearish indicator, suggesting that downward price trends might follow.

When the brief-term moving average surpasses the lengthy moving average, it’s referred to as a “golden cross.” This event is typically seen as a positive sign, indicating potential price growth in an upward direction.

Dogecoin Death Cross Appears but Hourly Charts Tell Different Story

The daily trend of Dogecoin‘s price movement showed a bearish sign with the 50-day moving average dropping below the 200-day moving average, which is known as a death cross. However, a more optimistic scenario emerges when looking at the four-hour chart. A golden cross has appeared on this timeframe, meaning the shorter moving average has surpassed the longer one. This could potentially lead to an uptick in Dogecoin’s price in the near future.

Right now, Dogecoin’s price has bounced back following a five-day downtrend. As I pen this down, Dogecoin is showing a 3.03% increase over the past 24 hours, reaching $0.132.


As a researcher studying Dogecoin’s market trends, I find the current technical indicators telling a captivating story. The appearance of a death cross on the daily chart serves as a warning sign, urging me to exercise caution. On the other hand, the emergence of a golden cross on the four-hour chart offers bullish traders a glimmer of optimism.

The appearance of a death cross and a golden cross on separate time horizons indicates the market’s conflicting emotions: wariness and hope.

As an analyst, I recognize that some traders view moving averages (MAs) as indicators with a delay, often signaling trend reversals or exhaustion that may trap investors in unfavorable market positions. The analysis of MAs primarily relies on historical price data, which inherently lags behind current market movements. For instance, the occurrence of a “death cross” – when a shorter-term moving average crosses below a longer-term one – is often interpreted as marking the end of an uptrend and the beginning of a bear market.

The difference in Dogecoin’s price trend, indicating a ambiguous forecast, underscores the necessity of examining various time horizons while assessing financial markets.

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2024-07-21 19:27