Dogecoin Founder Disappointed with ChatGPT-4o, Here’s Why

As a researcher with a background in artificial intelligence and experience in working with various AI models, I find Billy Markus’s disappointment with ChatGPT-4o intriguing. Markus, who co-created Dogecoin and is known for his active engagement on X platforms, has tried the latest version of OpenAI’s flagship AI bot model, which can handle audio, video, and text together in real time. However, based on his tweet, I believe that Markus was not impressed with the meme generation capability of ChatGPT-4o.

Billy Markus, co-founder of Dogecoin in 2013 along with Jackson Palmer, is an engaged user on the X platform, going by the name “Shibetoshi Nakamoto.” He recently took to Twitter to share his thoughts on the latest iteration of ChatGPT, the conversational AI model developed by OpenAI.

Despite his recent X post, OpenAI maintains a strong belief that this new product is groundbreaking, but it fails to leave a positive impact based on the content presented.

OpenAI rolls out ChatGPT-4o upgrade

OpenAI recently unveiled an updated version of their GPT-40 model, which is the technology behind ChatGPT. The “o” in the model name represents “omni,” signifying its all-encompassing capabilities. With this latest release, users can now interact with text, audio, and video content simultaneously in real time.

An OpenAI article describing the latest GPT-4 update refers to it as a significant advancement towards more lifelike human-computer interaction. This innovative model allows users to input various forms of data, such as images, text, videos, and audio, which it can then reorganize to generate an entirely fresh blend of these media types.

The latest version is capable of engaging in verbal communication with users, making it seem as if a human was handling the interaction. Additionally, devices equipped with GPT-4o now have the ability to verbally communicate with one another, utilizing the built-in speakers for their conversations.

Markus disappointed with ChatGPT-4o

Markus, one of Dogecoin’s co-founders, engaged in an exploratory session with the latest version of ChatGPT. He shared the outcomes of his tinkering with the model. With a playful intent, he endeavored to generate humorous memes using its assistance and then built upon that by creating even more amusing ones.

Based on the visuals and remarks Markus shared, I can infer that he’s quite dissatisfied with the results. In his tweet, he initially requested GPT-4 to generate a humorous meme and subsequently asked for it to be “even funnier.”

i asked gpt-4o to make a funny meme and then asked it to get increasingly funnier 🧵👇

it’s uh, yeah

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) May 14, 2024

Markus’ comments on the AI-generated images revealed his underwhelmed reaction: “It’s, uh, yeah.” He then instructed the program to enhance the humor, starting with “Make it funnier,” followed by more demands such as “Make it even funnier,” “Make it as funny as it can be,” “Make it 10 times funnier than possible,” and ultimately, “Make it the funniest thing anyone has ever seen, forever.”

anyway, i didn’t laugh

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) May 14, 2024

At the end of the X thread, Markus admitted: “Anyway, I didn’t laugh.”

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2024-05-15 12:10