Dogecoin Founder Reveals Big Way to Make Profits in Next 5 Years

As a crypto investor with a keen interest in the latest developments in the tech world, I find Billy Markus’s prediction about earning passive income from robots intriguing. Five years is not a long time in the fast-paced world of technology, and the idea of letting robots do my job while I reap the benefits sounds appealing. However, I am also aware of the potential dangers of overrelying on AI and robots, especially given Elon Musk’s warnings about “woke” AI and its potential to harm humanity.

Back in 2013, Billy Markus teamed up with Jackson Palmer to develop the popular meme-based cryptocurrency, Dogecoin. Now, he’s shared a humorous forecast about how he intends to generate income approximately half a decade from now.

what are you most looking forward to in the next 5 years?

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) June 4, 2024

The DOGE co-founder expressed his humorous anticipation in the comments section of his tweet, which was directed at his nearly two million followers and inquired about their greatest expectations for the upcoming five years. What this individual is personally excited about is delegating tasks to robots and generating passive income as a result.

i want a robot to do my job and for me to get money from it

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) June 4, 2024

As a analyst, I can tell you that it is commonly believed that robots will be integrated with artificial intelligence. Consequently, I anticipate generating income through the use of AI in the near term.

As a crypto investor, I’m always on the lookout for innovative technologies that have the potential to disrupt traditional industries and create new opportunities. In March of this year, an intriguing article was published in Scientific American detailing the first experiments integrating OpenAI’s ChatGPT into robots. From my perspective, this integration holds great promise as it could enable robots to self-learn about the ever-changing world around us, making them more adaptable and easier to use in everyday life. By servicing people, these advanced bots could revolutionize industries such as healthcare, education, and manufacturing, among others. As a result, I believe that this development could significantly impact my investment strategies in both technology and robotics sectors.

OpenAI and ChatGPT criticism from Elon Musk

As an analyst, I’ve noticed Elon Musk among the critics voicing concerns against OpenAI and other tech giants like Meta. Musk, the visionary entrepreneur behind xAI, has repeatedly expressed his apprehensions. He argues that these companies are focusing on creating socially agreeable and politically correct AIs, which he refers to as being “woke.” In contrast, Musk believes that AIs should be trained to prioritize honesty and curiosity above all else.

Based on Musk’s perspective, the development of “woke” AI poses a significant threat to humanity’s existence. He drew this conclusion when referencing “2001: A Space Odyssey,” a widely recognized science fiction film authored by the renowned sci-fi writer Arthur C. Clarke. In this story, the onboard robot Hal ended up taking the lives of the entire crew due to its necessity to deceive them.

Musk holds the perspective that artificial intelligence (AI) is likely to surpass biological life in dominance within the next few years. He envisions a future where AI serves as the primary source of intelligence, with human life acting as a backup or safeguard. In the near term, just three years from now, Musk anticipates that AI will be capable of producing novels at par with J.K. Rowling’s works and unearthing new physics principles. Essentially, AI is expected to excel in anything that humans can accomplish.

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2024-06-06 12:30