Earth Defense Force 6: Best Air Raider Weapons

Earth Defense Force 6: Best Air Raider Weapons


  • Air Raider’s versatile arsenal includes drones, bombings, and missile strikes for unique gameplay experience.
  • High-level weapons like the Silent Copter and Bulge Laser offer incredible single-target damage and area-clearing abilities.
  • Vehicles like the Caliban Armored Rescue Vehicle and Warbalga provide support and massive destruction in EDF6.

As a seasoned Earth Defense Force 6 player, let me tell you from my own perspective, these vehicles are not just machines, they’re game-changers! The Depth Crawler Custom, with its spider-like agility and underground prowess, is a hidden gem that proves to be quite useful aboveground too. It’s like having a Swiss Army knife in a gunfight!

In the popular series of games known as Earth Defense Force, the Air Raider class stands out for several unique reasons. Initially, one might mistake it for the Ranger class due to its superficial resemblance, but upon closer inspection, they are distinct entities. Particularly in Earth Defence Force 6, the Air Raider’s capabilities are rather restricted during the first 14 missions or so.

1. Thirdly, the Air Raider specializes in summoning drones, carrying out air strikes, missile attacks, laser bombardments, and other strategic actions. Given the diverse arsenal of tools, weapons, drones, summons, and vehicles at its disposal, the most effective weapons can vary significantly for this class. Here’s an overview of the top weapons for the Air Raider in Earth Defense Force 6, along with explanations as to why they are well worth acquiring.

Since the top-tier weapons in EDF6 can only be obtained by completing the game on the challenging Inferno difficulty, our discussion will cover both the advanced versions and their weaker counterparts. This way, players can make informed decisions about which weapons to prioritize while progressing through the game.

10 N1Y Silent Copter (Sniper) Drone

Amazing Single Target Damage

Earth Defense Force 6: Best Air Raider Weapons

Initially, one of the drone weapons at the Air Raider’s disposal is the N1Y Sniper Copter. This particular type, along with other ‘copter’-style drone weapons, are quite intriguing. By using a gun to launch a tracking beacon, the player can mark a target. Once the beacon adheres to an object, nearby drones will automatically fly towards it, attack, and then return.

Each drone, including the remarkable Sniper Copter, has unique capabilities such as maximum range and utility. The Sniper Copter stands out for its precision in single-target engagements or long-range eliminations across the map. On the other hand, both the basic Silent Copter and the advanced N1Y differ primarily in terms of raw damage output and flight speed. Regardless of the variant, this weapon is generally beneficial due to these differences.

9 Spritefall Super Destroy

Devastating Area Clear

Earth Defense Force 6: Best Air Raider Weapons

The Air Raider has several options for summoning powerful orbital laser strikes, with the Spritefall being one such choice. All versions of the Spritefall weapon are effective and among the top choices for clearing large areas in the game, as long as you can maneuver enemies into the Spritefall’s impact zone and have alternative weapons to use while the Spritefall is recharging.

As a gamer, I’ve found that no other tool in my arsenal can clear an area quite like the Sprite Fall does. It’s instantaneous and packs a punch – the lasers are powerful enough to take out most basic mobs with ease. Other options might not be as effective.

8 Bulge Laser Beam Mode Z

One of the Air Raider’s Best Tools

Earth Defense Force 6: Best Air Raider Weapons

Among the top assets of an Air Raider is undeniably the Bulge Laser, regardless of its specific version. This essentially functions as a powerful, continuous beam of light that the Air Raider can direct towards a chosen area. The laser’s duration is remarkably prolonged, allowing players to either reposition it by readjusting the designator or simply setting it and letting it do its job autonomously. It’s quite versatile, offering a range of functionalities.

Additionally, Mode Z of the Bulge Laser is its most powerful variant, effectively eliminating hordes of insectoids, robots, and amphibian aliens effortlessly. Frankly, the Bulge Laser is more than just an entertaining tool; it’s a versatile weapon that’s essential to have ready at all times.

7 Deathbird M4 Gas Drone

Area Denial, Area of Effect, & Damage All-in-One

Earth Defense Force 6: Best Air Raider Weapons

In the EDF series of games, gas weapons have a knack for being exceptionally powerful, either extremely beneficial or detrimental. Among them, the Deathbird M4 Gas stands out as ‘exceptionally beneficial’. To briefly explain why this weapon is worth utilizing, it offers damage and area control. In later missions of EDF6, you’re often at risk of being surrounded, ambushed, or flanked by enemies from all directions, making this weapon particularly useful in such situations.

In such situations, players require the skill to handle opponents simultaneously from different directions. While playing with a team can aid this, it may still be challenging. The Deathbird M4 Gas offers an alternative for solo play, allowing the Air Raider to accomplish tough missions more easily. This weapon discharges a vast area of pink gas that continuously harms any entities within its reach, has no upper limit on the number of enemies it can impact simultaneously, and often keeps enemies immobilized due to their stun animations.

6 Tempest ATS Missile

Just an Absurdly Large Missile

Earth Defense Force 6: Best Air Raider Weapons

The Tempest ATS is essentially the result of someone at EDF Headquarters proposing an unconventional idea: “Why not launch one colossal missile instead of several smaller ones?” and this notion being taken literally. This monstrously large missile, though it takes an extensive amount of time to reach its target, possesses a massive area of effect and can inflict devastating damage exceeding 300,000 upon anything within the impact zone.

As a seasoned gamer with countless hours spent navigating virtual battlefields, I can confidently say that this weapon is a game-changer. It’s the perfect tool for obliterating enemy nests and decimating incoming waves of adversaries, especially when given a heads-up about their location before they set foot on the ground. Its sheer destructive power allows it to take down some of the toughest enemies in the game with just one strike.

5 Heavy Bomber Phobos Z Plan 4

Rain Fire Down Upon the Insect Invaders

Earth Defense Force 6: Best Air Raider Weapons

Moving on to the final non-vehicle weapon, let’s explore the Heavy Bomber Phobos Z Plan 4. Some may wonder how it could surpass the absurdity of using a missile as massive as a large building for a single strike. Yet, upon witnessing the Heavy Bomber Phobos Z Plan 4 in operation, the answer will become self-evident.

In simple terms, with this weapon, the Air Raider presses and holds down the fire button to expand the map view and select the region for an air strike. Once they release the button, the air strike occurs, causing numerous explosions on-screen that may significantly reduce the game’s performance for about 10-20 seconds afterwards. This tactical choice is akin to a ‘scorched earth’ strategy, which is why it requires a considerable recharge time.

4 Caliban Armored Rescue Vehicle

Transportation & Support in One Loud Vehicle

Earth Defense Force 6: Best Air Raider Weapons

Let’s discuss the vehicles, equally emblematic for the Air Raider as his call-ins and drones. The Air Raider can summon various types of vehicles, yet the Caliban Armored Rescue Vehicle is often a go-to choice, particularly in multiplayer scenarios. This vehicle stands out due to its healing abilities; players who climb aboard are restored to health, with the capacity to heal 2-3 nearly defeated players. While it doesn’t have an endless supply of healing power, it typically has enough for several restorations.

Beyond that, this vehicle offers swift navigation across the map, making it convenient for all classes to jump aboard for a complimentary ride. However, it lacks significant combat abilities, which might require some adaptation, but in terms of utility, no other summoned vehicle compares.

3 Depth Crawler Custom (Vehicle)

Better Than People Make it Out to Be

Earth Defense Force 6: Best Air Raider Weapons

The Depth Crawler Custom stands out as the initial vehicle on this platform with a focus on offensive operations, particularly excelling in covert underworld assignments. Remarkably versatile, it proves useful even in surface-level missions thanks to its mobility, reasonable damage output, and economical summoning cost.

As a gamer, I’ve found myself drawn to the Depth Crawler Custom – this isn’t your average tank. It’s got four spider-like legs, making it a versatile climber that can traverse any terrain with ease. In tight spots, it can even leap to get where I need it most. Blacker Tanks may be more efficient at dealing damage, but the Depth Crawler stands out for its durability under pressure. It’s not just a tool for destruction; it’s a multi-purpose vehicle that can adapt to various situations, making it an invaluable addition to my game strategy.

2 B651 Titan M3 (Vehicle)

A Three-Soldier Fortress of Pure Destruction

Earth Defense Force 6: Best Air Raider Weapons

As someone who has spent countless hours honing my skills as an Air Raider in various multiplayer battles, I can confidently say that the Titan M3 is by far the best tank I’ve had the privilege of commandeering. For most of my gaming sessions, I find myself alternating between different iterations of the Blacker Tank, but once I got my hands on the Titan M3, it was like nothing I’d ever experienced before.

Beyond its main features, the B651 Titan M3 boasts two side seats that offer the player easy access to self-guiding missiles and a strong energy weapon. Essentially, this tank is packed with everything an EDF6 player could want in a vehicle. The only significant drawback is that it’s quite heavy and sluggish.

1 Special Vehicle Warbalga

The Ultimate Air Raider Vehicle Summon

Earth Defense Force 6: Best Air Raider Weapons

Lastly, let’s not forget to mention the colossal mech in our rundown of Air Raider weapons and vehicles. In earlier installments, this was known as the Walking Fortress Balam; however, in EDF6, it has been replaced by the Warbalga – a close-combat oriented version of a giant robot. Unlike traditional mechs, the Warbalga lacks ranged capabilities, but its enormous size and immense armor make it ideal for close-quarters combat. You can simply walk up to any target and pummel, slam, or even jump on it for destruction.

The damage this mech puts out is astronomical, as one would expect, but it takes an equally astronomical amount of Request Points to even call it in, so don’t try using it on any mission that seems like it’ll be short. However, if it does manage to get called in, the Warbalga almost guarantees that the Air Raider will clear the mission, though that still depends on the Air Raiders themselves and how well they use this weapon of mass destruction.

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2024-08-14 04:44