Ethereum Insider Files Lawsuit Against FBI Co-Conspirators

Steven Nerayoff, who once advised Ethereum, has filed a lawsuit against Michael Hlady (also known as Michael Peters) and Marianna Shooshani in the Supreme Court of New York, Nassau County. The reason for this legal action is that he believes these individuals have tricked him into financial losses through their alleged fraudulent scheme.

Based on the court records, Steven Nerayoff alleges that Hlady and Shooshani established a false consulting business named North Star Ventures Corp. (NSV). They claimed this company provided expert services to Nerayoff, who is recognized for his role in Ethereum’s Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and leading Alchemist Group LLC, a firm that advises and invests in blockchain companies.

The suit reveals intricate details about an accused fraudulent act in which Nerayoff is said to have lost over $750,000 due to a fictitious consulting business. According to the lawsuit filed through X, this scheme deceived Nerayoff.

It’s with great satisfaction that I can share the news: Michael Hlady, a former government agent who worked in cahoots with FBI agents and others to wrongfully accuse me of crimes, is now facing justice himself. The FBI had given Hlady credibility, yet they were aware of his deceitful actions outside of our case. In 2018, the authorities chose to protect him from prosecution instead.

Nerayoff announced on X (previously known as Twitter) that he has begun legal proceedings against the FBI agents, StormX, and Hlady. He suggested that his efforts are far from completed, implying further revelations will emerge. “Let it be clear, we will not rest until we expose all corruption related to #EthGate, including within organizations such as the SEC. Stay tuned for more updates, and understand that I am resolute in bringing those responsible to justice.”

Ethereum Insider Exposes What Happened

Nerayoff has accused Hlady and Shooshani of deceitfully establishing and publicizing the false company, North Star Ventures Corp. (NSV), between December 2017 and the present day. According to the lawsuit, Shooshani introduced Nerayoff to her ex-boyfriend, Hlady, who represented himself as a former intelligence agent with connections to the NSA, FBI, and CIA. The defendants allegedly convinced Nerayoff that their consulting firm, NSV, was composed of a skilled team of former government agents capable of offering invaluable security and due diligence services for Nerayoff’s blockchain projects.

The legal document details that Shooshani and Hlady, under the guise of NSV, induced Nerayoff to enter into a consulting agreement which promised extensive services from individuals purportedly possessing over 125 years of combined experience in fields crucial to corporate and government operations. “The agreement also claimed that ‘The North Star Venture team has been involved in providing consultation for corporations and deals with combined values exceeding $1 Billion US all done behind the scenes in the utmost of confidentiality,’” the complaint quotes.

Between January and October 2018, Nerayoff made payments totaling several hundred thousand dollars to NSV based on invoices and expense requests submitted by Hlady and Shooshani. These payments were intended for consulting fees and supposed business expenses, including travel and various other costs, associated with the services NSV was hired to deliver. The lawsuit provides a record of numerous transactions involving large sums transferred or wired under the assumption they represented valid business expenditures—evidencing the extent of the alleged deception.

In November 2018, Nerayoff made a startling discovery during the course of this story: both NSV and Hlady, whom he had trusted, were not who they seemed. NSV did not exist, and Hlady was actually a previously convicted felon, having defrauded a Catholic school after being released from prison. The complaint includes quotes from Nerayoff’s shocked communications to Shooshani, expressing his disappointment and feelings of deception. Upon learning this truth, Nerayoff confronted Shooshani with the damning evidence: “This is the biggest regret of my life. He’s a small-time swindler. How could you introduce me to this criminal?”

Legal Proceedings And Claims

Nerayoff’s lawyers have responded to the accusations by proposing a complex legal approach aimed at getting back the money given to Hlady and Shooshani, as well as extra compensation. The court documents outline several reasons for this action, such as deceitful persuasion and common law fraud, highlighting the seriousness of the defendants’ behavior.

The complainant states that they entered into an agreement with NSV on January 14, 2018, based on defendants Hlady and Shooshani’s explicit statements. They claimed that defendant Hlady was a former federal agent with a distinguished record. The complainant relied on these false representations.

Prior to this, it was revealed that the US Department of Justice, SEC, and FBI had been pursuing criminal charges against the ex-Ethereum advisor for over three and a half years. The accusations, it was alleged, were fabricated primarily to put pressure on other key players within the crypto sector.

At press time, Ethereum (ETH) traded at $3,027.

Ethereum Insider Files Lawsuit Against FBI Co-Conspirators

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2024-04-16 08:41