Final Fantasy: Best Vehicles In The Series, Ranked

Final Fantasy: Best Vehicles In The Series, Ranked

Key Takeaways

  • Final Fantasy vehicles like airships and cars alleviate tiring treks and add style to journeys.
  • Wheelies, the newest type of vehicle in the series, can be found in Costa del Sol and offer a fun way to zip around town.
  • Airships, like the Highwind and Ragnarok, provide an iconic, dreamy, and magical means of transportation.

As a dedicated fan of the Final Fantasy series, I must say that each vehicle, mount, and structure within this expansive world holds a special place in my heart. However, if we’re talking about the vehicles that have truly shaped my journey through these magical realms, none can compare to the iconic magitek armor, those ridable pieces of history from Final Fantasy 6.

A typical Final Fantasy adventure involves traveling across great spans of open space, and while it is liberating to cross plains of grass and rolling petal-rinsed hills on foot in a beautiful fantasy world wished into being by the dreams and hopes of magic sentient crystals, all that trekking can get a little tiresome after the first fifteen minutes. That’s where all the outrageously awesome vehicles come in; whether it’s cruising through the skies on a ship that looks like it could transform into a robotic dragon or skimming the seas on a floating school for child soldiers, they get people from A to B in style.

In the universe of Final Fantasy, its residents, stunning architecture, and surreal scenery are always on trend, even the most ordinary vehicles exude style, artistry, and nourishment for the soul in ways that reality often fails to match, despite its best efforts to be inspiring. A monorail? More like a monotonous ride. A Cybertruck? More likely to induce a ‘yuck’ feeling. Hyperloop? More of a ‘hyper-letdown’. Traveling with any of these captivating vehicles from Final Fantasy, the journey would undeniably surpass the significance of reaching the destination.

8 Wheelies – Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Great For Saving Aching Feet And (Apparently) Easily Disposable

  • Prominent example(s): The red, blue, and banana-yellow models in Costa del Sol (Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth)

Although wheelies, often known as Segways, might not handle rough terrains more challenging than a softened Materia Pop on a smooth glass surface, these motorized electric scooters offer a variety of primary colors and allow for quick city navigation at speeds almost approaching a sprint, all while keeping you cool and dry. You can find wheelies in Costa del Sol, and they are commonly linked to one of the minigames in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, “Wheelie Meeting.”

To some casual observers, doing wheelies might seem a bit quirky as riders navigate the sunlit haven, maintaining an upright position and occasionally leaning forward to boost speed. But for anyone burdened with back pain who’s also environmentally conscious and hauling heavy metal loads, wheelies are a true blessing.

7 Cars – Final Fantasy 8, Final Fantasy 15

For Life-Affirming Roadtrips Down Long, Dusty Highways

  • Prominent example(s): The Buggy (FF7) The Tempest (FF8), the Quartz Regalia (FF15)

Since the release of Final Fantasy 7, an increasing number of cars have been featured in the game series. These vehicles, abundant in a near-future setting, were first seen in various forms, like the eight-wheel buggy earned after completing the Golden Saucer and Corel storyline. Rentable cars are available in Final Fantasy 8, requiring fuel to operate. While they help avoid random encounters, boast an aesthetic appeal surpassing real-world counterparts, and facilitate travel for parties, these automobiles are limited to land transportation and occasionally just the roadway.

In the world of Final Fantasy 15, the standout vehicle is arguably the Regalia. This car is particularly memorable because it’s part of a game that immerses you in the essence of automotive culture, complete with highways and service stations scattered throughout. The Quartz Regalia, specifically, was designed with long road trips in mind, boasting a convertible top for an open-air experience, a regal interior, and the versatility to switch between a rugged off-road version (Type-D) and a flying one (Type-F).

6 Submarines – Final Fantasy 3, Final Fantasy 5, Final Fantasy 7

Like Ships, But Significantly More Waterproof

  • Prominent example(s): Shinra uV Submarine (FF7), the unnamed yellow submarine (FF5), the Nautilus (FF3)

In the widely recognized “Final Fantasy” series, often associated with the fantasy genre, it might come as a surprise that there are many submarines featured within it. These underwater vehicles aren’t exclusive to the cyberpunk-themed game, “Final Fantasy 7”, but appear in other games as well. The ability to delve into the deep sea’s enigmatic depths is an exciting experience, and navigating the ocean trenches often leads to secret challenges, dungeons, and hidden treasures.

In many worlds of Final Fantasy, the primary terrain resembles Earth with vast oceans, necessitating the use of submarines for oceanic travel. The disadvantage lies in their inability to traverse land. Notably, this limitation does not apply to the Nautilus from Final Fantasy 3 and the final airship from Final Fantasy 5, which can switch between submarine and airship forms on command, although they do not function as ships on land or sea surfaces.

5 Trains – Final Fantasy 8, Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13

Typically The Most Opulent, Comfortable, And Convenient Ways To Travel

  • Prominent example(s): The International Network (FF8)

In Final Fantasy games, characters have never had personal trains or railways, except for the Midgar line which matched its grim surroundings. Interestingly, every train depicted in the series is exceptionally opulent and represents the epitome of luxury.

For example, the Balamb-to-Timber train is not only immaculately decorated inside and out to a standard that would rival the opulence of the Palace of Versailles during the Sun King’s reign, but also fully furnished with comfortable amenities, including comfy sofas, beds, and literature. In the overworld of Final Fantasy 8, rail lines can be seen across the map and travel from continent to continent thanks to undersea tunnels.

4 Motorbikes – Final Fantasy 7 Remake

The Perfect Ride For Buster-Sword-Wielding Bad Boys

  • Prominent example(s): The Hardy-Daytona model (FF7), the hoverbike (FF12), Shiva (FF13)

Nearly everyone agrees that the motorcycle chase scene from the original Final Fantasy 7, with its blend of intense action, emotional drama, and cyberpunk style, left an indelible mark on the game, cementing it as a legendary turn-based RPG in the minds of many fans. This iconic motorcycle, the Hardy-Daytona model, has reappeared in both the movie sequel Advent Children and the remake Final Fantasy Remake, demonstrating its enduring status as a classic vehicle within the Final Fantasy series.

In various installments of the Final Fantasy series, motorbikes have made an appearance, often showcased in games that blend science and magic. For instance, Snow utilizes a transformed Shiva in Final Fantasy 13 for transportation, while Balthier employs a hovering model in his adventures within Final Fantasy 12. Additionally, enemy Galbadian soldiers operate grounded motorbikes during the SeeD assault in Final Fantasy 8.

3 Magitek Armor – Final Fantasy 6, Final Fantasy 14

An Ominous Fusion Of Steampunk Might And Magical Mastery

  • Prominent example(s): The Pluto Armor (FF6), The Reaper (FF14)

In the opening scene of Final Fantasy 6., the towering, advanced technology-meets-arcane-mysticism magitek armor made a dramatic debut: three massive, bipedal figures emitting steam and magic, trudging through the cold and snow. Riding this armor not only enhances one’s physical stature but also bestows magical powers.

The magitek armor from Final Fantasy 6 hasn’t been featured as a rideable vehicle within the game, but it has made an appearance as a purchasable mount in the series’ second MMO, Final Fantasy 14. Although its functions are similar to those of other mounts, its intimidating design and connection to the game’s lore make riding it a unique and memorable experience that links players to one of the most significant moments in Final Fantasy history.

2 Gardens – Final Fantasy 8

A Flying Fortress, Training Center, And Hotdog Outlet

  • Prominent example(s): Balamb Garden, Galbadia Garden (FF8)

There’s been much debate about what to call the vehicles seen in Final Fantasy 8’s gardens. While some argue they’re airships due to their ability to fly, others believe they’re more like hovercrafts because of their limited altitude. However, neither of these classifications fully captures the essence of a garden: they are colossal mobile academies and bases for highly-trained soldiers. Moreover, they boast stunning aesthetics. In simpler terms, it’s a debate about whether to call them flying ships or hovering vehicles, but in reality, they are much more than that – they are massive moving schools and homes to skilled mercenaries with beautiful designs.

A garden’s ability to move across the landscape is kept a secret from most in the world. At a certain point in Final Fantasy 8, the player is made captain of Balamb and can take it anywhere they wish. Using a magical energy halo as a propulsion system, Balamb Garden (and at least one other garden in the world) has been known to drift across land and sea. Gardens can conquer land and sea, but they do have trouble mounting steep inclines and rising above cliffs. While it may be outpaced by a more nimble aircraft, only a garden can boast of facilities such as a training zone, parking lot, library, hotdog dispensing cafeteria, a ballroom, and more.

1 Airships – Various

Flying Heroes To And Fro From The Start

  • Prominent example(s): The Highwind (FF7), the Invincible (FF9), the Strahl (FF12), the Fahrenheit (FF10)

Airships have been a constant feature in the Final Fantasy series since its inception, making it challenging to compile a definitive ranking. However, some highly admired airships from the series include the rugged Highwind from Final Fantasy 7, the mysterious Invincible from Final Fantasy 9, and the awe-inspiring, sport-car-red, space cyber-dragon-themed aircraft, the Ragnarok, from Final Fantasy 8. Generally, these airships are unlocked towards the end of the story, enabling players to traverse any location on the map except for underwater depths and outer space.

As a devoted enthusiast, I can’t help but marvel at the sophistication, dreaminess, and unparalleled practicality of airships. Beyond navigating submerged landscapes, they epitomize transportation, uniquely marking the realm of Final Fantasy among other mythical realms with its harmonious blend of magic and technology. Acquiring one is typically a cherished milestone in a Final Fantasy adventure, transforming it into a party’s end-game headquarters – a place that serves as both a home and an ultra-cool mobile base.

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2024-08-31 02:35