Frostpunk 2: How to Unlock & Improve Relations with Every Faction

Frostpunk 2: How to Unlock & Improve Relations with Every Faction

As a seasoned survivor of the Frostpunk universe, I can confidently say that the Utopia Mode is a breath of fresh air for those who crave freedom and strategic depth. With my years spent huddled in the warmth of The Anomaly, I’ve learned to appreciate the subtleties of each faction’s beliefs and goals.

In Frostpunk 2, you assume the role of New London’s new Steward, stepping into the shoes of the Captain from the previous game. The city’s deteriorating infrastructure presents immediate challenges for you to address and devise solutions. Furthermore, the conflicting interests among the city’s factions intensify the pressure on your decisions.

Having factions that disagree too deeply can cause great difficulty in keeping the peace, and factions that aren’t pleased often enough can even trigger a game over. Thus, players must plan which factions they nurture in their city carefully. Here we dive into what triggers each faction to splinter from the main group, what their goals are, how to keep them happy, and even some of the best faction combinations to cultivate.

Factions In Frostpunk 2 Explained

Frostpunk 2: How to Unlock & Improve Relations with Every Faction

In the game, factions act as a tool for players to gauge public sentiment regarding their decisions, much like the hope and discontent mechanics in Crusader Kings II. Favorable factions can offer exclusive benefits and are more inclined to support the player’s proposed laws (assuming they don’t conflict with the faction’s core beliefs). On the other hand, unfavorable factions may instigate riots, damage districts, and even attempt a vote of no confidence against the Steward – potentially leading to game failure. Therefore, it is strategically beneficial to determine which factions align most closely with the player’s objectives at the beginning of the gameplay.

Keeping a Faction Happy

As a devoted admirer, I’d recommend currying favor with your chosen faction by endorsing their legislations, delving into subjects they hold dear, and making choices in line with their fundamental beliefs. These principles are categorized into three groups, each offering six distinct attributes that you can embody to truly resonate with them.

  • Adaptation/Progress
  • Equality/Merit
  • Reason/Tradition

Not every faction will have convictions in every category, but most have values in at least one. Players can see which values a given action aligns with by tracking the belief icons tagged on the action. To see which icons correspond to which beliefs, hover over the values bars on the bottom left-hand side of the screen.

Boosting a Faction’s goodwill can be achieved through several methods:

Spawning Factions

In the main game, there are two sets of factions that make an appearance – one set emerges during the campaign, while another group appears when Utopia Mode is activated. Each faction has unique conditions for spawning, and these conditions sometimes conflict with each other. Factions usually materialize using one of several methods:

  • By default, at the start of the playthrough
  • As a result of a pop-up binary decision during gameplay

In the design of Frostpunk 2, it’s challenging not to create groups with contrasting viewpoints because such conflicts form a significant aspect of the game.

Every Faction In Frostpunk 2’s Campaign

In the campaign of Frostpunk 2, there are nine distinct factions to encounter. However, you’ll only come across a maximum of seven in any single gameplay session because some appear based on specific choices made during the game. Nonetheless, this means dealing with multiple competitive groups in one playthrough, which can be advantageous for strategic planning. To maximize your objectives in each game, it’s crucial to understand where each faction stands regarding the six core values and what unique abilities they possess. By doing so, you can identify the factions that will best serve your purposes in a particular scenario.

FactionSpawn ConditionBeliefsSpecial Abilities
FrostlandersDefault Faction from Chapter 1 onward
  • Adaptation
Deradicalize – reduce the fervor and size of either the Evolvers or Pilgrims faction (depending on which is currently active)
New LondonersDefault Faction from Chapter 1 onward
  • Progress
Deradicalize – reduce the fervor and size of either the Stalwart or Faithkeeper faction (depending on which is currently active)
FaithkeepersChoosing Faith in the Mysterious Symbol Dialogue (Prologue)
  • Equality
  • Tradition
Prayers & Baptisms – Increase Trust & reduce Tension at the cost of growing the faction’s size
StalwartsChoosing Order in the Mysterious Symbol Dialogue (Prologue)
  • Progress
  • Merit
  • Reason
Deploy Guards – Increase the available number of Guard Squadrons, lowering Crime temporarily
PilgrimsAppear at the end of Chapter 1 with Stalwarts faction active
  • Adaption
  • Equality
  • Tradition
Deploy Guides – increase Frostland Exploration Speed & building of Skyways or Trails
EvolversAppear at the end of Chapter 1 with Faithkeepers faction active
  • Progress & Adaptation
  • Reason
Train Workers – increase workplace efficiency at the cost of possible injury
WanderersDefault Faction from Prologue onwardFavors Survival at all costsTighten Belts – reduce food scarity in return for slightly increased hunger
ColonistsSettle a Colony (such as the Dreadnought)No core beliefsNo ability
PrisonersBuild a Prison and round up ProtestersFavors Captain’s Rule LawsEnlist Guards – prisoners serve as guards, increasing available guard squadrons (until their sentence is over) to decrease Crime temporarily

Every Faction In Frostpunk 2’s Utopia Mode

Frostpunk 2: How to Unlock & Improve Relations with Every Faction

Another way to experience Frostpunk 2 upon its launch is by playing Utopia Mode, which offers a more open-ended gameplay style. In this setting, players pick an objective, a level of challenge, and a combination of initial factions – two predetermined ones and one that’s randomly generated. It’s suggested to select factions whose aspirations correspond with the chosen goal.

Starting Faction Combinations

Option 1
  • Labourers
  • Merchants
  • Random
Option 2
  • Foragers
  • Machinists
  • Random
Option 3
  • Thinkers
  • Lords
  • Random

Faction Goals & Preferences

In Utopia Mode, you’ll find six initial factions that could appear at the start of your run. More may form later on. Typically, the starting factions come with the Deradicalize skill for any subsequent splinter groups they might create. On the other hand, splinter factions often offer resource advantages.

FactionSpawn ConditionBeliefsSpecial Abilities
LabourersAvailable from starting choices
  • Equality
MerchantsAvailable from starting choices
  • Merit
ForagersAvailable from starting choices
  • Adaptation
Deradicalize – Reduce the size and Fervor of the Icebloods Faction
MachinistsAvailable from starting choices
  • Progress
Deradicalize – Reduce the size and fervor of the Technocrat Faction
ThinkersAvailable from starting choices
  • Reason
LordsAvailable from starting choices
  • Tradition
IcebloodsSplinters from the Foragers (spawns faster when avoiding laws with preferred traits)
  • Adaptation
  • Merit
  • Tradition
Hunting Trip – Greatly increases Food Income temporarily
TechnocratsSplinters from the Machinists (spawns faster when avoiding laws with preferred traits)
  • Progress
  • Equality
  • Reason
Assist Researchers – Greatly Increases Research Speed temporarily

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2024-09-20 03:04